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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
      3  *
      4  * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      5  * found in the LICENSE file.
      6  */
      8 #include "GrGLGpu.h"
     10 #include <cmath>
     11 #include "../private/GrGLSL.h"
     12 #include "GrBackendSemaphore.h"
     13 #include "GrBackendSurface.h"
     14 #include "GrFixedClip.h"
     15 #include "GrGLBuffer.h"
     16 #include "GrGLGpuCommandBuffer.h"
     17 #include "GrGLSemaphore.h"
     18 #include "GrGLStencilAttachment.h"
     19 #include "GrGLTextureRenderTarget.h"
     20 #include "GrGpuResourcePriv.h"
     21 #include "GrMesh.h"
     22 #include "GrPipeline.h"
     23 #include "GrRenderTargetPriv.h"
     24 #include "GrShaderCaps.h"
     25 #include "GrSurfaceProxyPriv.h"
     26 #include "GrTexturePriv.h"
     27 #include "GrTypes.h"
     28 #include "SkAutoMalloc.h"
     29 #include "SkHalf.h"
     30 #include "SkJSONWriter.h"
     31 #include "SkMakeUnique.h"
     32 #include "SkMipMap.h"
     33 #include "SkPixmap.h"
     34 #include "SkSLCompiler.h"
     35 #include "SkStrokeRec.h"
     36 #include "SkTemplates.h"
     37 #include "SkTraceEvent.h"
     38 #include "SkTypes.h"
     39 #include "builders/GrGLShaderStringBuilder.h"
     41 #define GL_CALL(X) GR_GL_CALL(this->glInterface(), X)
     42 #define GL_CALL_RET(RET, X) GR_GL_CALL_RET(this->glInterface(), RET, X)
     44 #define SKIP_CACHE_CHECK    true
     47     #define CLEAR_ERROR_BEFORE_ALLOC(iface)   GrGLClearErr(iface)
     48     #define GL_ALLOC_CALL(iface, call)        GR_GL_CALL_NOERRCHECK(iface, call)
     49     #define CHECK_ALLOC_ERROR(iface)          GR_GL_GET_ERROR(iface)
     50 #else
     51     #define CLEAR_ERROR_BEFORE_ALLOC(iface)
     52     #define GL_ALLOC_CALL(iface, call)        GR_GL_CALL(iface, call)
     53     #define CHECK_ALLOC_ERROR(iface)          GR_GL_NO_ERROR
     54 #endif
     56 //#define USE_NSIGHT
     58 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     60 static const GrGLenum gXfermodeEquation2Blend[] = {
     61     // Basic OpenGL blend equations.
     62     GR_GL_FUNC_ADD,
     63     GR_GL_FUNC_SUBTRACT,
     66     // GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced.
     67     GR_GL_SCREEN,
     68     GR_GL_OVERLAY,
     69     GR_GL_DARKEN,
     70     GR_GL_LIGHTEN,
     71     GR_GL_COLORDODGE,
     72     GR_GL_COLORBURN,
     73     GR_GL_HARDLIGHT,
     74     GR_GL_SOFTLIGHT,
     75     GR_GL_DIFFERENCE,
     76     GR_GL_EXCLUSION,
     77     GR_GL_MULTIPLY,
     78     GR_GL_HSL_HUE,
     80     GR_GL_HSL_COLOR,
     82 };
     83 GR_STATIC_ASSERT(0 == kAdd_GrBlendEquation);
     84 GR_STATIC_ASSERT(1 == kSubtract_GrBlendEquation);
     85 GR_STATIC_ASSERT(2 == kReverseSubtract_GrBlendEquation);
     86 GR_STATIC_ASSERT(3 == kScreen_GrBlendEquation);
     87 GR_STATIC_ASSERT(4 == kOverlay_GrBlendEquation);
     88 GR_STATIC_ASSERT(5 == kDarken_GrBlendEquation);
     89 GR_STATIC_ASSERT(6 == kLighten_GrBlendEquation);
     90 GR_STATIC_ASSERT(7 == kColorDodge_GrBlendEquation);
     91 GR_STATIC_ASSERT(8 == kColorBurn_GrBlendEquation);
     92 GR_STATIC_ASSERT(9 == kHardLight_GrBlendEquation);
     93 GR_STATIC_ASSERT(10 == kSoftLight_GrBlendEquation);
     94 GR_STATIC_ASSERT(11 == kDifference_GrBlendEquation);
     95 GR_STATIC_ASSERT(12 == kExclusion_GrBlendEquation);
     96 GR_STATIC_ASSERT(13 == kMultiply_GrBlendEquation);
     97 GR_STATIC_ASSERT(14 == kHSLHue_GrBlendEquation);
     98 GR_STATIC_ASSERT(15 == kHSLSaturation_GrBlendEquation);
     99 GR_STATIC_ASSERT(16 == kHSLColor_GrBlendEquation);
    100 GR_STATIC_ASSERT(17 == kHSLLuminosity_GrBlendEquation);
    101 GR_STATIC_ASSERT(SK_ARRAY_COUNT(gXfermodeEquation2Blend) == kGrBlendEquationCnt);
    103 static const GrGLenum gXfermodeCoeff2Blend[] = {
    104     GR_GL_ZERO,
    105     GR_GL_ONE,
    106     GR_GL_SRC_COLOR,
    108     GR_GL_DST_COLOR,
    110     GR_GL_SRC_ALPHA,
    112     GR_GL_DST_ALPHA,
    119     // extended blend coeffs
    120     GR_GL_SRC1_COLOR,
    122     GR_GL_SRC1_ALPHA,
    124 };
    126 bool GrGLGpu::BlendCoeffReferencesConstant(GrBlendCoeff coeff) {
    127     static const bool gCoeffReferencesBlendConst[] = {
    128         false,
    129         false,
    130         false,
    131         false,
    132         false,
    133         false,
    134         false,
    135         false,
    136         false,
    137         false,
    138         true,
    139         true,
    140         true,
    141         true,
    143         // extended blend coeffs
    144         false,
    145         false,
    146         false,
    147         false,
    148     };
    149     return gCoeffReferencesBlendConst[coeff];
    150     GR_STATIC_ASSERT(kGrBlendCoeffCnt == SK_ARRAY_COUNT(gCoeffReferencesBlendConst));
    152     GR_STATIC_ASSERT(0 == kZero_GrBlendCoeff);
    153     GR_STATIC_ASSERT(1 == kOne_GrBlendCoeff);
    154     GR_STATIC_ASSERT(2 == kSC_GrBlendCoeff);
    155     GR_STATIC_ASSERT(3 == kISC_GrBlendCoeff);
    156     GR_STATIC_ASSERT(4 == kDC_GrBlendCoeff);
    157     GR_STATIC_ASSERT(5 == kIDC_GrBlendCoeff);
    158     GR_STATIC_ASSERT(6 == kSA_GrBlendCoeff);
    159     GR_STATIC_ASSERT(7 == kISA_GrBlendCoeff);
    160     GR_STATIC_ASSERT(8 == kDA_GrBlendCoeff);
    161     GR_STATIC_ASSERT(9 == kIDA_GrBlendCoeff);
    162     GR_STATIC_ASSERT(10 == kConstC_GrBlendCoeff);
    163     GR_STATIC_ASSERT(11 == kIConstC_GrBlendCoeff);
    164     GR_STATIC_ASSERT(12 == kConstA_GrBlendCoeff);
    165     GR_STATIC_ASSERT(13 == kIConstA_GrBlendCoeff);
    167     GR_STATIC_ASSERT(14 == kS2C_GrBlendCoeff);
    168     GR_STATIC_ASSERT(15 == kIS2C_GrBlendCoeff);
    169     GR_STATIC_ASSERT(16 == kS2A_GrBlendCoeff);
    170     GR_STATIC_ASSERT(17 == kIS2A_GrBlendCoeff);
    172     // assertion for gXfermodeCoeff2Blend have to be in GrGpu scope
    173     GR_STATIC_ASSERT(kGrBlendCoeffCnt == SK_ARRAY_COUNT(gXfermodeCoeff2Blend));
    174 }
    176 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    178 sk_sp<GrGpu> GrGLGpu::Make(GrBackendContext backendContext, const GrContextOptions& options,
    179                            GrContext* context) {
    180     const auto* interface = reinterpret_cast<const GrGLInterface*>(backendContext);
    181     return Make(sk_ref_sp(interface), options, context);
    182 }
    184 sk_sp<GrGpu> GrGLGpu::Make(sk_sp<const GrGLInterface> interface, const GrContextOptions& options,
    185                            GrContext* context) {
    186     if (!interface) {
    187         interface = GrGLMakeNativeInterface();
    188         // For clients that have written their own GrGLCreateNativeInterface and haven't yet updated
    189         // to GrGLMakeNativeInterface.
    190         if (!interface) {
    191             interface = sk_ref_sp(GrGLCreateNativeInterface());
    192         }
    193         if (!interface) {
    194             return nullptr;
    195         }
    196     }
    197 #ifdef USE_NSIGHT
    198     const_cast<GrContextOptions&>(options).fSuppressPathRendering = true;
    199 #endif
    200     auto glContext = GrGLContext::Make(std::move(interface), options);
    201     if (!glContext) {
    202         return nullptr;
    203     }
    204     return sk_sp<GrGpu>(new GrGLGpu(std::move(glContext), context));
    205 }
    207 GrGLGpu::GrGLGpu(std::unique_ptr<GrGLContext> ctx, GrContext* context)
    208         : GrGpu(context)
    209         , fGLContext(std::move(ctx))
    210         , fProgramCache(new ProgramCache(this))
    211         , fHWProgramID(0)
    212         , fTempSrcFBOID(0)
    213         , fTempDstFBOID(0)
    214         , fStencilClearFBOID(0)
    215         , fHWMaxUsedBufferTextureUnit(-1)
    216         , fHWMinSampleShading(0.0) {
    217     SkASSERT(fGLContext);
    218     fCaps = sk_ref_sp(fGLContext->caps());
    220     fHWBoundTextureUniqueIDs.reset(this->caps()->shaderCaps()->maxCombinedSamplers());
    222     fHWBufferState[kVertex_GrBufferType].fGLTarget = GR_GL_ARRAY_BUFFER;
    223     fHWBufferState[kIndex_GrBufferType].fGLTarget = GR_GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER;
    224     fHWBufferState[kTexel_GrBufferType].fGLTarget = GR_GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER;
    225     fHWBufferState[kDrawIndirect_GrBufferType].fGLTarget = GR_GL_DRAW_INDIRECT_BUFFER;
    226     if (GrGLCaps::kChromium_TransferBufferType == this->glCaps().transferBufferType()) {
    227         fHWBufferState[kXferCpuToGpu_GrBufferType].fGLTarget =
    229         fHWBufferState[kXferGpuToCpu_GrBufferType].fGLTarget =
    231     } else {
    232         fHWBufferState[kXferCpuToGpu_GrBufferType].fGLTarget = GR_GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER;
    233         fHWBufferState[kXferGpuToCpu_GrBufferType].fGLTarget = GR_GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER;
    234     }
    235     for (int i = 0; i < kGrBufferTypeCount; ++i) {
    236         fHWBufferState[i].invalidate();
    237     }
    238     GR_STATIC_ASSERT(6 == SK_ARRAY_COUNT(fHWBufferState));
    240     if (this->caps()->shaderCaps()->texelBufferSupport()) {
    241         fHWBufferTextures.reset(this->caps()->shaderCaps()->maxCombinedSamplers());
    242     }
    244     if (this->glCaps().shaderCaps()->pathRenderingSupport()) {
    245         fPathRendering.reset(new GrGLPathRendering(this));
    246     }
    248     GrGLClearErr(this->glInterface());
    249 }
    251 GrGLGpu::~GrGLGpu() {
    252     // Ensure any GrGpuResource objects get deleted first, since they may require a working GrGLGpu
    253     // to release the resources held by the objects themselves.
    254     fPathRendering.reset();
    255     fCopyProgramArrayBuffer.reset();
    256     fMipmapProgramArrayBuffer.reset();
    257     fStencilClipClearArrayBuffer.reset();
    259     if (fHWProgramID) {
    260         // detach the current program so there is no confusion on OpenGL's part
    261         // that we want it to be deleted
    262         GL_CALL(UseProgram(0));
    263     }
    265     if (fTempSrcFBOID) {
    266         GL_CALL(DeleteFramebuffers(1, &fTempSrcFBOID));
    267     }
    268     if (fTempDstFBOID) {
    269         GL_CALL(DeleteFramebuffers(1, &fTempDstFBOID));
    270     }
    271     if (fStencilClearFBOID) {
    272         GL_CALL(DeleteFramebuffers(1, &fStencilClearFBOID));
    273     }
    275     for (size_t i = 0; i < SK_ARRAY_COUNT(fCopyPrograms); ++i) {
    276         if (0 != fCopyPrograms[i].fProgram) {
    277             GL_CALL(DeleteProgram(fCopyPrograms[i].fProgram));
    278         }
    279     }
    281     for (size_t i = 0; i < SK_ARRAY_COUNT(fMipmapPrograms); ++i) {
    282         if (0 != fMipmapPrograms[i].fProgram) {
    283             GL_CALL(DeleteProgram(fMipmapPrograms[i].fProgram));
    284         }
    285     }
    287     if (fStencilClipClearProgram) {
    288         GL_CALL(DeleteProgram(fStencilClipClearProgram));
    289     }
    291     if (fClearColorProgram.fProgram) {
    292         GL_CALL(DeleteProgram(fClearColorProgram.fProgram));
    293     }
    295     delete fProgramCache;
    296 }
    298 void GrGLGpu::disconnect(DisconnectType type) {
    299     INHERITED::disconnect(type);
    300     if (DisconnectType::kCleanup == type) {
    301         if (fHWProgramID) {
    302             GL_CALL(UseProgram(0));
    303         }
    304         if (fTempSrcFBOID) {
    305             GL_CALL(DeleteFramebuffers(1, &fTempSrcFBOID));
    306         }
    307         if (fTempDstFBOID) {
    308             GL_CALL(DeleteFramebuffers(1, &fTempDstFBOID));
    309         }
    310         if (fStencilClearFBOID) {
    311             GL_CALL(DeleteFramebuffers(1, &fStencilClearFBOID));
    312         }
    313         for (size_t i = 0; i < SK_ARRAY_COUNT(fCopyPrograms); ++i) {
    314             if (fCopyPrograms[i].fProgram) {
    315                 GL_CALL(DeleteProgram(fCopyPrograms[i].fProgram));
    316             }
    317         }
    318         for (size_t i = 0; i < SK_ARRAY_COUNT(fMipmapPrograms); ++i) {
    319             if (fMipmapPrograms[i].fProgram) {
    320                 GL_CALL(DeleteProgram(fMipmapPrograms[i].fProgram));
    321             }
    322         }
    323         if (fStencilClipClearProgram) {
    324             GL_CALL(DeleteProgram(fStencilClipClearProgram));
    325         }
    327         if (fClearColorProgram.fProgram) {
    328             GL_CALL(DeleteProgram(fClearColorProgram.fProgram));
    329         }
    330     } else {
    331         if (fProgramCache) {
    332             fProgramCache->abandon();
    333         }
    334     }
    336     delete fProgramCache;
    337     fProgramCache = nullptr;
    339     fHWProgramID = 0;
    340     fTempSrcFBOID = 0;
    341     fTempDstFBOID = 0;
    342     fStencilClearFBOID = 0;
    343     fCopyProgramArrayBuffer.reset();
    344     for (size_t i = 0; i < SK_ARRAY_COUNT(fCopyPrograms); ++i) {
    345         fCopyPrograms[i].fProgram = 0;
    346     }
    347     fMipmapProgramArrayBuffer.reset();
    348     for (size_t i = 0; i < SK_ARRAY_COUNT(fMipmapPrograms); ++i) {
    349         fMipmapPrograms[i].fProgram = 0;
    350     }
    351     fStencilClipClearProgram = 0;
    352     fStencilClipClearArrayBuffer.reset();
    353     fClearColorProgram.fProgram = 0;
    355     if (this->glCaps().shaderCaps()->pathRenderingSupport()) {
    356         this->glPathRendering()->disconnect(type);
    357     }
    358 }
    360 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    362 void GrGLGpu::onResetContext(uint32_t resetBits) {
    363     if (resetBits & kMisc_GrGLBackendState) {
    364         // we don't use the zb at all
    365         GL_CALL(Disable(GR_GL_DEPTH_TEST));
    366         GL_CALL(DepthMask(GR_GL_FALSE));
    368         // We don't use face culling.
    369         GL_CALL(Disable(GR_GL_CULL_FACE));
    370         // We do use separate stencil. Our algorithms don't care which face is front vs. back so
    371         // just set this to the default for self-consistency.
    372         GL_CALL(FrontFace(GR_GL_CCW));
    374         fHWBufferState[kTexel_GrBufferType].invalidate();
    375         fHWBufferState[kDrawIndirect_GrBufferType].invalidate();
    376         fHWBufferState[kXferCpuToGpu_GrBufferType].invalidate();
    377         fHWBufferState[kXferGpuToCpu_GrBufferType].invalidate();
    379         if (kGL_GrGLStandard == this->glStandard()) {
    380 #ifndef USE_NSIGHT
    381             // Desktop-only state that we never change
    382             if (!this->glCaps().isCoreProfile()) {
    383                 GL_CALL(Disable(GR_GL_POINT_SMOOTH));
    384                 GL_CALL(Disable(GR_GL_LINE_SMOOTH));
    385                 GL_CALL(Disable(GR_GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH));
    386                 GL_CALL(Disable(GR_GL_POLYGON_STIPPLE));
    387                 GL_CALL(Disable(GR_GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP));
    388                 GL_CALL(Disable(GR_GL_INDEX_LOGIC_OP));
    389             }
    390             // The windows NVIDIA driver has GL_ARB_imaging in the extension string when using a
    391             // core profile. This seems like a bug since the core spec removes any mention of
    392             // GL_ARB_imaging.
    393             if (this->glCaps().imagingSupport() && !this->glCaps().isCoreProfile()) {
    394                 GL_CALL(Disable(GR_GL_COLOR_TABLE));
    395             }
    396             GL_CALL(Disable(GR_GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL));
    398             if (this->caps()->wireframeMode()) {
    399                 GL_CALL(PolygonMode(GR_GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GR_GL_LINE));
    400             } else {
    401                 GL_CALL(PolygonMode(GR_GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GR_GL_FILL));
    402             }
    403 #endif
    404             // Since ES doesn't support glPointSize at all we always use the VS to
    405             // set the point size
    406             GL_CALL(Enable(GR_GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE));
    408         }
    410         if (kGLES_GrGLStandard == this->glStandard() &&
    411                 this->hasExtension("GL_ARM_shader_framebuffer_fetch")) {
    412             // The arm extension requires specifically enabling MSAA fetching per sample.
    413             // On some devices this may have a perf hit.  Also multiple render targets are disabled
    414             GL_CALL(Enable(GR_GL_FETCH_PER_SAMPLE_ARM));
    415         }
    416         fHWWriteToColor = kUnknown_TriState;
    417         // we only ever use lines in hairline mode
    418         GL_CALL(LineWidth(1));
    419         GL_CALL(Disable(GR_GL_DITHER));
    420     }
    422     if (resetBits & kMSAAEnable_GrGLBackendState) {
    423         fMSAAEnabled = kUnknown_TriState;
    425         if (this->caps()->usesMixedSamples()) {
    426             if (0 != this->caps()->maxRasterSamples()) {
    427                 fHWRasterMultisampleEnabled = kUnknown_TriState;
    428                 fHWNumRasterSamples = 0;
    429             }
    431             // The skia blend modes all use premultiplied alpha and therefore expect RGBA coverage
    432             // modulation. This state has no effect when not rendering to a mixed sampled target.
    433             GL_CALL(CoverageModulation(GR_GL_RGBA));
    434         }
    435     }
    437     fHWActiveTextureUnitIdx = -1; // invalid
    438     fLastPrimitiveType = static_cast<GrPrimitiveType>(-1);
    440     if (resetBits & kTextureBinding_GrGLBackendState) {
    441         for (int s = 0; s < fHWBoundTextureUniqueIDs.count(); ++s) {
    442             fHWBoundTextureUniqueIDs[s].makeInvalid();
    443         }
    444         for (int b = 0; b < fHWBufferTextures.count(); ++b) {
    445             SkASSERT(this->caps()->shaderCaps()->texelBufferSupport());
    446             fHWBufferTextures[b].fKnownBound = false;
    447         }
    448     }
    450     if (resetBits & kBlend_GrGLBackendState) {
    451         fHWBlendState.invalidate();
    452     }
    454     if (resetBits & kView_GrGLBackendState) {
    455         fHWScissorSettings.invalidate();
    456         fHWWindowRectsState.invalidate();
    457         fHWViewport.invalidate();
    458     }
    460     if (resetBits & kStencil_GrGLBackendState) {
    461         fHWStencilSettings.invalidate();
    462         fHWStencilTestEnabled = kUnknown_TriState;
    463     }
    465     // Vertex
    466     if (resetBits & kVertex_GrGLBackendState) {
    467         fHWVertexArrayState.invalidate();
    468         fHWBufferState[kVertex_GrBufferType].invalidate();
    469         fHWBufferState[kIndex_GrBufferType].invalidate();
    470     }
    472     if (resetBits & kRenderTarget_GrGLBackendState) {
    473         fHWBoundRenderTargetUniqueID.makeInvalid();
    474         fHWSRGBFramebuffer = kUnknown_TriState;
    475     }
    477     if (resetBits & kPathRendering_GrGLBackendState) {
    478         if (this->caps()->shaderCaps()->pathRenderingSupport()) {
    479             this->glPathRendering()->resetContext();
    480         }
    481     }
    483     // we assume these values
    484     if (resetBits & kPixelStore_GrGLBackendState) {
    485         if (this->glCaps().unpackRowLengthSupport()) {
    486             GL_CALL(PixelStorei(GR_GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, 0));
    487         }
    488         if (this->glCaps().packRowLengthSupport()) {
    489             GL_CALL(PixelStorei(GR_GL_PACK_ROW_LENGTH, 0));
    490         }
    491         if (this->glCaps().unpackFlipYSupport()) {
    492             GL_CALL(PixelStorei(GR_GL_UNPACK_FLIP_Y, GR_GL_FALSE));
    493         }
    494         if (this->glCaps().packFlipYSupport()) {
    495             GL_CALL(PixelStorei(GR_GL_PACK_REVERSE_ROW_ORDER, GR_GL_FALSE));
    496         }
    497     }
    499     if (resetBits & kProgram_GrGLBackendState) {
    500         fHWProgramID = 0;
    501     }
    502 }
    504 static bool check_backend_texture(const GrBackendTexture& backendTex, const GrGLCaps& caps,
    505                                   GrGLTexture::IDDesc* idDesc) {
    506     const GrGLTextureInfo* info = backendTex.getGLTextureInfo();
    507     if (!info || !info->fID) {
    508         return false;
    509     }
    511     idDesc->fInfo = *info;
    513     if (GR_GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL == idDesc->fInfo.fTarget) {
    514         if (!caps.shaderCaps()->externalTextureSupport()) {
    515             return false;
    516         }
    517     } else if (GR_GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE == idDesc->fInfo.fTarget) {
    518         if (!caps.rectangleTextureSupport()) {
    519             return false;
    520         }
    521     } else if (GR_GL_TEXTURE_2D != idDesc->fInfo.fTarget) {
    522         return false;
    523     }
    524     return true;
    525 }
    527 sk_sp<GrTexture> GrGLGpu::onWrapBackendTexture(const GrBackendTexture& backendTex,
    528                                                GrWrapOwnership ownership) {
    529     GrGLTexture::IDDesc idDesc;
    530     if (!check_backend_texture(backendTex, this->glCaps(), &idDesc)) {
    531         return nullptr;
    532     }
    533     if (!idDesc.fInfo.fFormat) {
    534         idDesc.fInfo.fFormat = this->glCaps().configSizedInternalFormat(backendTex.config());
    535     }
    536     if (kBorrow_GrWrapOwnership == ownership) {
    537         idDesc.fOwnership = GrBackendObjectOwnership::kBorrowed;
    538     } else {
    539         idDesc.fOwnership = GrBackendObjectOwnership::kOwned;
    540     }
    542     GrSurfaceDesc surfDesc;
    543     surfDesc.fFlags = kNone_GrSurfaceFlags;
    544     surfDesc.fOrigin = kTopLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin; // This isn't used in the following
    545     surfDesc.fWidth = backendTex.width();
    546     surfDesc.fHeight = backendTex.height();
    547     surfDesc.fConfig = backendTex.config();
    548     surfDesc.fSampleCnt = 1;
    550     GrMipMapsStatus mipMapsStatus = backendTex.hasMipMaps() ? GrMipMapsStatus::kValid
    551                                                             : GrMipMapsStatus::kNotAllocated;
    553     return GrGLTexture::MakeWrapped(this, surfDesc, mipMapsStatus, idDesc);
    554 }
    556 sk_sp<GrTexture> GrGLGpu::onWrapRenderableBackendTexture(const GrBackendTexture& backendTex,
    557                                                          int sampleCnt,
    558                                                          GrWrapOwnership ownership) {
    559     GrGLTexture::IDDesc idDesc;
    560     if (!check_backend_texture(backendTex, this->glCaps(), &idDesc)) {
    561         return nullptr;
    562     }
    563     if (!idDesc.fInfo.fFormat) {
    564         idDesc.fInfo.fFormat = this->glCaps().configSizedInternalFormat(backendTex.config());
    565     }
    567     // We don't support rendering to a EXTERNAL texture.
    568     if (GR_GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL == idDesc.fInfo.fTarget) {
    569         return nullptr;
    570     }
    572     if (kBorrow_GrWrapOwnership == ownership) {
    573         idDesc.fOwnership = GrBackendObjectOwnership::kBorrowed;
    574     } else {
    575         idDesc.fOwnership = GrBackendObjectOwnership::kOwned;
    576     }
    578     GrSurfaceDesc surfDesc;
    579     surfDesc.fFlags = kRenderTarget_GrSurfaceFlag;
    580     surfDesc.fOrigin = kBottomLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin; // This isn't actually used in the following
    581     surfDesc.fWidth = backendTex.width();
    582     surfDesc.fHeight = backendTex.height();
    583     surfDesc.fConfig = backendTex.config();
    584     surfDesc.fSampleCnt = this->caps()->getSampleCount(sampleCnt, backendTex.config());
    585     if (surfDesc.fSampleCnt < 1) {
    586         return nullptr;
    587     }
    589     GrGLRenderTarget::IDDesc rtIDDesc;
    590     if (!this->createRenderTargetObjects(surfDesc, idDesc.fInfo, &rtIDDesc)) {
    591         return nullptr;
    592     }
    594     GrMipMapsStatus mipMapsStatus = backendTex.hasMipMaps() ? GrMipMapsStatus::kDirty
    595                                                             : GrMipMapsStatus::kNotAllocated;
    597     sk_sp<GrGLTextureRenderTarget> texRT(
    598             GrGLTextureRenderTarget::MakeWrapped(this, surfDesc, idDesc, rtIDDesc, mipMapsStatus));
    599     texRT->baseLevelWasBoundToFBO();
    600     return std::move(texRT);
    601 }
    603 sk_sp<GrRenderTarget> GrGLGpu::onWrapBackendRenderTarget(const GrBackendRenderTarget& backendRT) {
    604     const GrGLFramebufferInfo* info = backendRT.getGLFramebufferInfo();
    605     if (!info) {
    606         return nullptr;
    607     }
    609     GrGLRenderTarget::IDDesc idDesc;
    610     idDesc.fRTFBOID = info->fFBOID;
    611     idDesc.fMSColorRenderbufferID = 0;
    612     idDesc.fTexFBOID = GrGLRenderTarget::kUnresolvableFBOID;
    613     idDesc.fRTFBOOwnership = GrBackendObjectOwnership::kBorrowed;
    614     idDesc.fIsMixedSampled = false;
    616     GrSurfaceDesc desc;
    617     desc.fFlags = kRenderTarget_GrSurfaceFlag;
    618     desc.fOrigin = kBottomLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin; // This isn't actually used in the following
    619     desc.fWidth = backendRT.width();
    620     desc.fHeight = backendRT.height();
    621     desc.fConfig = backendRT.config();
    622     desc.fSampleCnt = this->caps()->getSampleCount(backendRT.sampleCnt(), backendRT.config());
    624     return GrGLRenderTarget::MakeWrapped(this, desc, idDesc, backendRT.stencilBits());
    625 }
    627 sk_sp<GrRenderTarget> GrGLGpu::onWrapBackendTextureAsRenderTarget(const GrBackendTexture& tex,
    628                                                                   int sampleCnt) {
    629     const GrGLTextureInfo* info = tex.getGLTextureInfo();
    630     if (!info || !info->fID) {
    631         return nullptr;
    632     }
    634     GrGLTextureInfo texInfo;
    635     texInfo = *info;
    637     if (GR_GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE != texInfo.fTarget &&
    638         GR_GL_TEXTURE_2D != texInfo.fTarget) {
    639         // Only texture rectangle and texture 2d are supported. We do not check whether texture
    640         // rectangle is supported by Skia - if the caller provided us with a texture rectangle,
    641         // we assume the necessary support exists.
    642         return nullptr;
    643     }
    645     GrSurfaceDesc surfDesc;
    646     surfDesc.fFlags = kRenderTarget_GrSurfaceFlag;
    647     surfDesc.fOrigin = kBottomLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin; // This isn't actually used in the following
    648     surfDesc.fWidth = tex.width();
    649     surfDesc.fHeight = tex.height();
    650     surfDesc.fConfig = tex.config();
    651     surfDesc.fSampleCnt = this->caps()->getSampleCount(sampleCnt, tex.config());
    653     GrGLRenderTarget::IDDesc rtIDDesc;
    654     if (!this->createRenderTargetObjects(surfDesc, texInfo, &rtIDDesc)) {
    655         return nullptr;
    656     }
    657     return GrGLRenderTarget::MakeWrapped(this, surfDesc, rtIDDesc, 0);
    658 }
    660 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    662 bool GrGLGpu::onGetWritePixelsInfo(GrSurface* dstSurface, GrSurfaceOrigin dstOrigin,
    663                                    int width, int height,
    664                                    GrPixelConfig srcConfig,
    665                                    DrawPreference* drawPreference,
    666                                    WritePixelTempDrawInfo* tempDrawInfo) {
    667     if (SkToBool(dstSurface->asRenderTarget())) {
    668         if (this->glCaps().useDrawInsteadOfAllRenderTargetWrites()) {
    669             ElevateDrawPreference(drawPreference, kRequireDraw_DrawPreference);
    670         }
    671     }
    673     GrGLTexture* texture = static_cast<GrGLTexture*>(dstSurface->asTexture());
    675     if (texture) {
    676         if (GR_GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL == texture->target()) {
    677              // We don't currently support writing pixels to EXTERNAL textures.
    678              return false;
    679         }
    680         if (GrPixelConfigIsUnorm(texture->config()) && texture->hasBaseLevelBeenBoundToFBO() &&
    681             this->glCaps().disallowTexSubImageForUnormConfigTexturesEverBoundToFBO() &&
    682             (width < dstSurface->width() || height < dstSurface->height())) {
    683             ElevateDrawPreference(drawPreference, kRequireDraw_DrawPreference);
    684         }
    685     } else {
    686         // This subclass only allows writes to textures. If the dst is not a texture we have to draw
    687         // into it. We could use glDrawPixels on GLs that have it, but we don't today.
    688         ElevateDrawPreference(drawPreference, kRequireDraw_DrawPreference);
    689     }
    691     // If the dst is MSAA, we have to draw, or we'll just be writing to the resolve target.
    692     if (dstSurface->asRenderTarget() && dstSurface->asRenderTarget()->numColorSamples() > 1) {
    693         ElevateDrawPreference(drawPreference, kRequireDraw_DrawPreference);
    694     }
    696     if (GrPixelConfigIsSRGB(dstSurface->config()) != GrPixelConfigIsSRGB(srcConfig)) {
    697         ElevateDrawPreference(drawPreference, kRequireDraw_DrawPreference);
    698     }
    700     // Start off assuming no swizzling
    701     tempDrawInfo->fSwizzle = GrSwizzle::RGBA();
    702     tempDrawInfo->fWriteConfig = srcConfig;
    704     // These settings we will always want if a temp draw is performed. Initially set the config
    705     // to srcConfig, though that may be modified if we decide to do a R/G swap.
    706     tempDrawInfo->fTempSurfaceDesc.fFlags = kNone_GrSurfaceFlags;
    707     tempDrawInfo->fTempSurfaceDesc.fConfig = srcConfig;
    708     tempDrawInfo->fTempSurfaceDesc.fWidth = width;
    709     tempDrawInfo->fTempSurfaceDesc.fHeight = height;
    710     tempDrawInfo->fTempSurfaceDesc.fSampleCnt = 1;
    711     tempDrawInfo->fTempSurfaceDesc.fOrigin = kTopLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin; // no CPU y-flip for TL.
    713     bool configsAreRBSwaps = GrPixelConfigSwapRAndB(srcConfig) == dstSurface->config();
    715     if (configsAreRBSwaps) {
    716         if (!this->caps()->isConfigTexturable(srcConfig)) {
    717             ElevateDrawPreference(drawPreference, kRequireDraw_DrawPreference);
    718             tempDrawInfo->fTempSurfaceDesc.fConfig = dstSurface->config();
    719             tempDrawInfo->fSwizzle = GrSwizzle::BGRA();
    720             tempDrawInfo->fWriteConfig = dstSurface->config();
    721         } else if (this->glCaps().rgba8888PixelsOpsAreSlow() &&
    722                    kRGBA_8888_GrPixelConfig == srcConfig) {
    723             ElevateDrawPreference(drawPreference, kGpuPrefersDraw_DrawPreference);
    724             tempDrawInfo->fTempSurfaceDesc.fConfig = dstSurface->config();
    725             tempDrawInfo->fSwizzle = GrSwizzle::BGRA();
    726             tempDrawInfo->fWriteConfig = dstSurface->config();
    727         } else if (kGLES_GrGLStandard == this->glStandard() &&
    728                    this->glCaps().bgraIsInternalFormat()) {
    729             // The internal format and external formats must match texture uploads so we can't
    730             // swizzle while uploading when BGRA is a distinct internal format.
    731             ElevateDrawPreference(drawPreference, kRequireDraw_DrawPreference);
    732             tempDrawInfo->fTempSurfaceDesc.fConfig = dstSurface->config();
    733             tempDrawInfo->fSwizzle = GrSwizzle::BGRA();
    734             tempDrawInfo->fWriteConfig = dstSurface->config();
    735         }
    736     }
    738     if (!this->glCaps().unpackFlipYSupport() && kBottomLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin == dstOrigin) {
    739         ElevateDrawPreference(drawPreference, kGpuPrefersDraw_DrawPreference);
    740     }
    742     return true;
    743 }
    745 static bool check_write_and_transfer_input(GrGLTexture* glTex, GrSurface* surface,
    746                                             GrPixelConfig config) {
    747     if (!glTex) {
    748         return false;
    749     }
    751     // OpenGL doesn't do sRGB <-> linear conversions when reading and writing pixels.
    752     if (GrPixelConfigIsSRGB(surface->config()) != GrPixelConfigIsSRGB(config)) {
    753         return false;
    754     }
    756     // Write or transfer of pixels is not implemented for TEXTURE_EXTERNAL textures
    757     if (GR_GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL == glTex->target()) {
    758         return false;
    759     }
    761     return true;
    762 }
    764 bool GrGLGpu::onWritePixels(GrSurface* surface, GrSurfaceOrigin origin,
    765                             int left, int top, int width, int height,
    766                             GrPixelConfig config,
    767                             const GrMipLevel texels[],
    768                             int mipLevelCount) {
    769     GrGLTexture* glTex = static_cast<GrGLTexture*>(surface->asTexture());
    771     if (!check_write_and_transfer_input(glTex, surface, config)) {
    772         return false;
    773     }
    775     this->setScratchTextureUnit();
    776     GL_CALL(BindTexture(glTex->target(), glTex->textureID()));
    778     return this->uploadTexData(glTex->config(), glTex->width(), glTex->height(),
    779                                origin, glTex->target(), kWrite_UploadType,
    780                                left, top, width, height, config, texels, mipLevelCount);
    781 }
    783 // For GL_[UN]PACK_ALIGNMENT.
    784 static inline GrGLint config_alignment(GrPixelConfig config) {
    785     switch (config) {
    786         case kAlpha_8_GrPixelConfig:
    787         case kAlpha_8_as_Alpha_GrPixelConfig:
    788         case kAlpha_8_as_Red_GrPixelConfig:
    789         case kGray_8_GrPixelConfig:
    790         case kGray_8_as_Lum_GrPixelConfig:
    791         case kGray_8_as_Red_GrPixelConfig:
    792             return 1;
    793         case kRGB_565_GrPixelConfig:
    794         case kRGBA_4444_GrPixelConfig:
    795         case kAlpha_half_GrPixelConfig:
    796         case kAlpha_half_as_Red_GrPixelConfig:
    797         case kRGBA_half_GrPixelConfig:
    798             return 2;
    799         case kRGBA_8888_GrPixelConfig:
    800         case kBGRA_8888_GrPixelConfig:
    801         case kSRGBA_8888_GrPixelConfig:
    802         case kSBGRA_8888_GrPixelConfig:
    803         case kRGBA_8888_sint_GrPixelConfig:
    804         case kRGBA_float_GrPixelConfig:
    805         case kRG_float_GrPixelConfig:
    806             return 4;
    807         case kUnknown_GrPixelConfig:
    808             return 0;
    809     }
    810     SK_ABORT("Invalid pixel config");
    811     return 0;
    812 }
    814 bool GrGLGpu::onTransferPixels(GrTexture* texture,
    815                                int left, int top, int width, int height,
    816                                GrPixelConfig config, GrBuffer* transferBuffer,
    817                                size_t offset, size_t rowBytes) {
    818     GrGLTexture* glTex = static_cast<GrGLTexture*>(texture);
    819     GrPixelConfig texConfig = glTex->config();
    820     SkASSERT(this->caps()->isConfigTexturable(texConfig));
    822     if (!check_write_and_transfer_input(glTex, texture, config)) {
    823         return false;
    824     }
    826     if (width <= 0 || width > SK_MaxS32 || height <= 0 || height > SK_MaxS32) {
    827         return false;
    828     }
    830     this->setScratchTextureUnit();
    831     GL_CALL(BindTexture(glTex->target(), glTex->textureID()));
    833     SkASSERT(!transferBuffer->isMapped());
    834     SkASSERT(!transferBuffer->isCPUBacked());
    835     const GrGLBuffer* glBuffer = static_cast<const GrGLBuffer*>(transferBuffer);
    836     this->bindBuffer(kXferCpuToGpu_GrBufferType, glBuffer);
    838     SkDEBUGCODE(
    839         SkIRect subRect = SkIRect::MakeXYWH(left, top, width, height);
    840         SkIRect bounds = SkIRect::MakeWH(texture->width(), texture->height());
    841         SkASSERT(bounds.contains(subRect));
    842     )
    844     size_t bpp = GrBytesPerPixel(config);
    845     const size_t trimRowBytes = width * bpp;
    846     if (!rowBytes) {
    847         rowBytes = trimRowBytes;
    848     }
    849     const void* pixels = (void*)offset;
    850     if (width < 0 || height < 0) {
    851         return false;
    852     }
    854     bool restoreGLRowLength = false;
    855     if (trimRowBytes != rowBytes) {
    856         // we should have checked for this support already
    857         SkASSERT(this->glCaps().unpackRowLengthSupport());
    858         GL_CALL(PixelStorei(GR_GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, rowBytes / bpp));
    859         restoreGLRowLength = true;
    860     }
    862     // Internal format comes from the texture desc.
    863     GrGLenum internalFormat;
    864     // External format and type come from the upload data.
    865     GrGLenum externalFormat;
    866     GrGLenum externalType;
    867     if (!this->glCaps().getTexImageFormats(texConfig, config, &internalFormat,
    868                                            &externalFormat, &externalType)) {
    869         return false;
    870     }
    872     GL_CALL(PixelStorei(GR_GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, config_alignment(texConfig)));
    873     GL_CALL(TexSubImage2D(glTex->target(),
    874                           0,
    875                           left, top,
    876                           width,
    877                           height,
    878                           externalFormat, externalType,
    879                           pixels));
    881     if (restoreGLRowLength) {
    882         GL_CALL(PixelStorei(GR_GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, 0));
    883     }
    885     return true;
    886 }
    888 /**
    889  * Creates storage space for the texture and fills it with texels.
    890  *
    891  * @param config         Pixel config of the texture.
    892  * @param interface      The GL interface in use.
    893  * @param caps           The capabilities of the GL device.
    894  * @param internalFormat The data format used for the internal storage of the texture. May be sized.
    895  * @param internalFormatForTexStorage The data format used for the TexStorage API. Must be sized.
    896  * @param externalFormat The data format used for the external storage of the texture.
    897  * @param externalType   The type of the data used for the external storage of the texture.
    898  * @param texels         The texel data of the texture being created.
    899  * @param baseWidth      The width of the texture's base mipmap level
    900  * @param baseHeight     The height of the texture's base mipmap level
    901  */
    902 static bool allocate_and_populate_texture(GrPixelConfig config,
    903                                           const GrGLInterface& interface,
    904                                           const GrGLCaps& caps,
    905                                           GrGLenum target,
    906                                           GrGLenum internalFormat,
    907                                           GrGLenum internalFormatForTexStorage,
    908                                           GrGLenum externalFormat,
    909                                           GrGLenum externalType,
    910                                           const GrMipLevel texels[], int mipLevelCount,
    911                                           int baseWidth, int baseHeight) {
    912     CLEAR_ERROR_BEFORE_ALLOC(&interface);
    914     bool useTexStorage = caps.isConfigTexSupportEnabled(config);
    915     // We can only use TexStorage if we know we will not later change the storage requirements.
    916     // This means if we may later want to add mipmaps, we cannot use TexStorage.
    917     // Right now, we cannot know if we will later add mipmaps or not.
    918     // The only time we can use TexStorage is when we already have the
    919     // mipmaps or are using a format incompatible with MIP maps.
    920     useTexStorage &= mipLevelCount > 1 || GrPixelConfigIsSint(config);
    922     if (useTexStorage) {
    923         // We never resize or change formats of textures.
    924         GL_ALLOC_CALL(&interface,
    925                       TexStorage2D(target, SkTMax(mipLevelCount, 1), internalFormatForTexStorage,
    926                                    baseWidth, baseHeight));
    927         GrGLenum error = CHECK_ALLOC_ERROR(&interface);
    928         if (error != GR_GL_NO_ERROR) {
    929             return  false;
    930         } else {
    931             for (int currentMipLevel = 0; currentMipLevel < mipLevelCount; currentMipLevel++) {
    932                 const void* currentMipData = texels[currentMipLevel].fPixels;
    933                 if (currentMipData == nullptr) {
    934                     continue;
    935                 }
    936                 int twoToTheMipLevel = 1 << currentMipLevel;
    937                 int currentWidth = SkTMax(1, baseWidth / twoToTheMipLevel);
    938                 int currentHeight = SkTMax(1, baseHeight / twoToTheMipLevel);
    940                 GR_GL_CALL(&interface,
    941                            TexSubImage2D(target,
    942                                          currentMipLevel,
    943                                          0, // left
    944                                          0, // top
    945                                          currentWidth,
    946                                          currentHeight,
    947                                          externalFormat, externalType,
    948                                          currentMipData));
    949             }
    950             return true;
    951         }
    952     } else {
    953         if (!mipLevelCount) {
    954             GL_ALLOC_CALL(&interface,
    955                           TexImage2D(target,
    956                                      0,
    957                                      internalFormat,
    958                                      baseWidth,
    959                                      baseHeight,
    960                                      0, // border
    961                                      externalFormat, externalType,
    962                                      nullptr));
    963             GrGLenum error = CHECK_ALLOC_ERROR(&interface);
    964             if (error != GR_GL_NO_ERROR) {
    965                 return false;
    966             }
    967         } else {
    968             for (int currentMipLevel = 0; currentMipLevel < mipLevelCount; currentMipLevel++) {
    969                 int twoToTheMipLevel = 1 << currentMipLevel;
    970                 int currentWidth = SkTMax(1, baseWidth / twoToTheMipLevel);
    971                 int currentHeight = SkTMax(1, baseHeight / twoToTheMipLevel);
    972                 const void* currentMipData = texels[currentMipLevel].fPixels;
    973                 // Even if curremtMipData is nullptr, continue to call TexImage2D.
    974                 // This will allocate texture memory which we can later populate.
    975                 GL_ALLOC_CALL(&interface,
    976                               TexImage2D(target,
    977                                          currentMipLevel,
    978                                          internalFormat,
    979                                          currentWidth,
    980                                          currentHeight,
    981                                          0, // border
    982                                          externalFormat, externalType,
    983                                          currentMipData));
    984                 GrGLenum error = CHECK_ALLOC_ERROR(&interface);
    985                 if (error != GR_GL_NO_ERROR) {
    986                     return false;
    987                 }
    988             }
    989         }
    990     }
    991     return true;
    992 }
    994 /**
    995  * After a texture is created, any state which was altered during its creation
    996  * needs to be restored.
    997  *
    998  * @param interface          The GL interface to use.
    999  * @param caps               The capabilities of the GL device.
   1000  * @param restoreGLRowLength Should the row length unpacking be restored?
   1001  * @param glFlipY            Did GL flip the texture vertically?
   1002  */
   1003 static void restore_pixelstore_state(const GrGLInterface& interface, const GrGLCaps& caps,
   1004                                      bool restoreGLRowLength, bool glFlipY) {
   1005     if (restoreGLRowLength) {
   1006         SkASSERT(caps.unpackRowLengthSupport());
   1007         GR_GL_CALL(&interface, PixelStorei(GR_GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, 0));
   1008     }
   1009     if (glFlipY) {
   1010         GR_GL_CALL(&interface, PixelStorei(GR_GL_UNPACK_FLIP_Y, GR_GL_FALSE));
   1011     }
   1012 }
   1014 void GrGLGpu::unbindCpuToGpuXferBuffer() {
   1015     auto& xferBufferState = fHWBufferState[kXferCpuToGpu_GrBufferType];
   1016     if (!xferBufferState.fBoundBufferUniqueID.isInvalid()) {
   1017         GL_CALL(BindBuffer(xferBufferState.fGLTarget, 0));
   1018         xferBufferState.invalidate();
   1019     }
   1021 }
   1023 bool GrGLGpu::uploadTexData(GrPixelConfig texConfig, int texWidth, int texHeight,
   1024                             GrSurfaceOrigin texOrigin, GrGLenum target, UploadType uploadType,
   1025                             int left, int top, int width, int height, GrPixelConfig dataConfig,
   1026                             const GrMipLevel texels[], int mipLevelCount,
   1027                             GrMipMapsStatus* mipMapsStatus) {
   1028     SkASSERT(this->caps()->isConfigTexturable(texConfig));
   1029     SkDEBUGCODE(
   1030         SkIRect subRect = SkIRect::MakeXYWH(left, top, width, height);
   1031         SkIRect bounds = SkIRect::MakeWH(texWidth, texHeight);
   1032         SkASSERT(bounds.contains(subRect));
   1033     )
   1034     SkASSERT(1 == mipLevelCount ||
   1035              (0 == left && 0 == top && width == texWidth && height == texHeight));
   1037     this->unbindCpuToGpuXferBuffer();
   1039     // texels is const.
   1040     // But we may need to flip the texture vertically to prepare it.
   1041     // Rather than flip in place and alter the incoming data,
   1042     // we allocate a new buffer to flip into.
   1043     // This means we need to make a non-const shallow copy of texels.
   1044     SkAutoTMalloc<GrMipLevel> texelsShallowCopy;
   1046     if (mipLevelCount) {
   1047         texelsShallowCopy.reset(mipLevelCount);
   1048         memcpy(texelsShallowCopy.get(), texels, mipLevelCount*sizeof(GrMipLevel));
   1049     }
   1051     const GrGLInterface* interface = this->glInterface();
   1052     const GrGLCaps& caps = this->glCaps();
   1054     size_t bpp = GrBytesPerPixel(dataConfig);
   1056     if (width == 0 || height == 0) {
   1057         return false;
   1058     }
   1060     // Internal format comes from the texture desc.
   1061     GrGLenum internalFormat;
   1062     // External format and type come from the upload data.
   1063     GrGLenum externalFormat;
   1064     GrGLenum externalType;
   1065     if (!this->glCaps().getTexImageFormats(texConfig, dataConfig, &internalFormat, &externalFormat,
   1066                                            &externalType)) {
   1067         return false;
   1068     }
   1069     // TexStorage requires a sized format, and internalFormat may or may not be
   1070     GrGLenum internalFormatForTexStorage = this->glCaps().configSizedInternalFormat(texConfig);
   1072     /*
   1073      *  Check whether to allocate a temporary buffer for flipping y or
   1074      *  because our srcData has extra bytes past each row. If so, we need
   1075      *  to trim those off here, since GL ES may not let us specify
   1076      *  GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH.
   1077      */
   1078     bool restoreGLRowLength = false;
   1079     bool swFlipY = false;
   1080     bool glFlipY = false;
   1082     if (kBottomLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin == texOrigin && mipLevelCount) {
   1083         if (caps.unpackFlipYSupport()) {
   1084             glFlipY = true;
   1085         } else {
   1086             swFlipY = true;
   1087         }
   1088     }
   1090     // in case we need a temporary, trimmed copy of the src pixels
   1091     SkAutoSMalloc<128 * 128> tempStorage;
   1093     if (mipMapsStatus) {
   1094         *mipMapsStatus = GrMipMapsStatus::kValid;
   1095     }
   1097     const bool usesMips = mipLevelCount > 1;
   1099     // find the combined size of all the mip levels and the relative offset of
   1100     // each into the collective buffer
   1101     bool willNeedData = false;
   1102     size_t combinedBufferSize = 0;
   1103     SkTArray<size_t> individualMipOffsets(mipLevelCount);
   1104     for (int currentMipLevel = 0; currentMipLevel < mipLevelCount; currentMipLevel++) {
   1105         if (texelsShallowCopy[currentMipLevel].fPixels) {
   1106             int twoToTheMipLevel = 1 << currentMipLevel;
   1107             int currentWidth = SkTMax(1, width / twoToTheMipLevel);
   1108             int currentHeight = SkTMax(1, height / twoToTheMipLevel);
   1109             const size_t trimRowBytes = currentWidth * bpp;
   1110             const size_t trimmedSize = trimRowBytes * currentHeight;
   1112             const size_t rowBytes = texelsShallowCopy[currentMipLevel].fRowBytes
   1113                     ? texelsShallowCopy[currentMipLevel].fRowBytes
   1114                     : trimRowBytes;
   1117             if (((!caps.unpackRowLengthSupport() || usesMips) && trimRowBytes != rowBytes) ||
   1118                 swFlipY) {
   1119                 willNeedData = true;
   1120             }
   1122             individualMipOffsets.push_back(combinedBufferSize);
   1123             combinedBufferSize += trimmedSize;
   1124         } else {
   1125             if (mipMapsStatus) {
   1126                 *mipMapsStatus = GrMipMapsStatus::kDirty;
   1127             }
   1128             individualMipOffsets.push_back(0);
   1129         }
   1130     }
   1131     if (mipMapsStatus && mipLevelCount <= 1) {
   1132         *mipMapsStatus = GrMipMapsStatus::kNotAllocated;
   1133     }
   1134     char* buffer = nullptr;
   1135     if (willNeedData) {
   1136         buffer = (char*)tempStorage.reset(combinedBufferSize);
   1137     }
   1139     for (int currentMipLevel = 0; currentMipLevel < mipLevelCount; currentMipLevel++) {
   1140         if (!texelsShallowCopy[currentMipLevel].fPixels) {
   1141             continue;
   1142         }
   1143         int twoToTheMipLevel = 1 << currentMipLevel;
   1144         int currentWidth = SkTMax(1, width / twoToTheMipLevel);
   1145         int currentHeight = SkTMax(1, height / twoToTheMipLevel);
   1146         const size_t trimRowBytes = currentWidth * bpp;
   1148         /*
   1149          *  check whether to allocate a temporary buffer for flipping y or
   1150          *  because our srcData has extra bytes past each row. If so, we need
   1151          *  to trim those off here, since GL ES may not let us specify
   1152          *  GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH.
   1153          */
   1154         restoreGLRowLength = false;
   1156         const size_t rowBytes = texelsShallowCopy[currentMipLevel].fRowBytes
   1157                 ? texelsShallowCopy[currentMipLevel].fRowBytes
   1158                 : trimRowBytes;
   1160         // TODO: This optimization should be enabled with or without mips.
   1161         // For use with mips, we must set GR_GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH once per
   1162         // mip level, before calling glTexImage2D.
   1163         if (caps.unpackRowLengthSupport() && !swFlipY && !usesMips) {
   1164             // can't use this for flipping, only non-neg values allowed. :(
   1165             if (rowBytes != trimRowBytes) {
   1166                 GrGLint rowLength = static_cast<GrGLint>(rowBytes / bpp);
   1167                 GR_GL_CALL(interface, PixelStorei(GR_GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, rowLength));
   1168                 restoreGLRowLength = true;
   1169             }
   1170         } else if (trimRowBytes != rowBytes || swFlipY) {
   1171             // copy data into our new storage, skipping the trailing bytes
   1172             const char* src = (const char*)texelsShallowCopy[currentMipLevel].fPixels;
   1173             if (swFlipY && currentHeight >= 1) {
   1174                 src += (currentHeight - 1) * rowBytes;
   1175             }
   1176             char* dst = buffer + individualMipOffsets[currentMipLevel];
   1177             for (int y = 0; y < currentHeight; y++) {
   1178                 memcpy(dst, src, trimRowBytes);
   1179                 if (swFlipY) {
   1180                     src -= rowBytes;
   1181                 } else {
   1182                     src += rowBytes;
   1183                 }
   1184                 dst += trimRowBytes;
   1185             }
   1186             // now point data to our copied version
   1187             texelsShallowCopy[currentMipLevel].fPixels = buffer +
   1188                 individualMipOffsets[currentMipLevel];
   1189             texelsShallowCopy[currentMipLevel].fRowBytes = trimRowBytes;
   1190         }
   1191     }
   1193     if (mipLevelCount) {
   1194         if (glFlipY) {
   1195             GR_GL_CALL(interface, PixelStorei(GR_GL_UNPACK_FLIP_Y, GR_GL_TRUE));
   1196         }
   1197         GR_GL_CALL(interface, PixelStorei(GR_GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, config_alignment(texConfig)));
   1198     }
   1200     bool succeeded = true;
   1201     if (kNewTexture_UploadType == uploadType) {
   1202         if (0 == left && 0 == top && texWidth == width && texHeight == height) {
   1203             succeeded = allocate_and_populate_texture(
   1204                     texConfig, *interface, caps, target, internalFormat,
   1205                     internalFormatForTexStorage, externalFormat, externalType,
   1206                     texelsShallowCopy, mipLevelCount, width, height);
   1207         } else {
   1208             succeeded = false;
   1209         }
   1210     } else {
   1211         if (swFlipY || glFlipY) {
   1212             top = texHeight - (top + height);
   1213         }
   1214         for (int currentMipLevel = 0; currentMipLevel < mipLevelCount; currentMipLevel++) {
   1215             if (!texelsShallowCopy[currentMipLevel].fPixels) {
   1216                 continue;
   1217             }
   1218             int twoToTheMipLevel = 1 << currentMipLevel;
   1219             int currentWidth = SkTMax(1, width / twoToTheMipLevel);
   1220             int currentHeight = SkTMax(1, height / twoToTheMipLevel);
   1222             GL_CALL(TexSubImage2D(target,
   1223                                   currentMipLevel,
   1224                                   left, top,
   1225                                   currentWidth,
   1226                                   currentHeight,
   1227                                   externalFormat, externalType,
   1228                                   texelsShallowCopy[currentMipLevel].fPixels));
   1229         }
   1230     }
   1232     restore_pixelstore_state(*interface, caps, restoreGLRowLength, glFlipY);
   1234     return succeeded;
   1235 }
   1237 static bool renderbuffer_storage_msaa(const GrGLContext& ctx,
   1238                                       int sampleCount,
   1239                                       GrGLenum format,
   1240                                       int width, int height) {
   1241     CLEAR_ERROR_BEFORE_ALLOC(ctx.interface());
   1242     SkASSERT(GrGLCaps::kNone_MSFBOType != ctx.caps()->msFBOType());
   1243     switch (ctx.caps()->msFBOType()) {
   1244         case GrGLCaps::kStandard_MSFBOType:
   1245         case GrGLCaps::kMixedSamples_MSFBOType:
   1246             GL_ALLOC_CALL(ctx.interface(),
   1247                             RenderbufferStorageMultisample(GR_GL_RENDERBUFFER,
   1248                                                             sampleCount,
   1249                                                             format,
   1250                                                             width, height));
   1251             break;
   1252         case GrGLCaps::kES_Apple_MSFBOType:
   1253             GL_ALLOC_CALL(ctx.interface(),
   1254                             RenderbufferStorageMultisampleES2APPLE(GR_GL_RENDERBUFFER,
   1255                                                                     sampleCount,
   1256                                                                     format,
   1257                                                                     width, height));
   1258             break;
   1259         case GrGLCaps::kES_EXT_MsToTexture_MSFBOType:
   1260         case GrGLCaps::kES_IMG_MsToTexture_MSFBOType:
   1261             GL_ALLOC_CALL(ctx.interface(),
   1262                             RenderbufferStorageMultisampleES2EXT(GR_GL_RENDERBUFFER,
   1263                                                                 sampleCount,
   1264                                                                 format,
   1265                                                                 width, height));
   1266             break;
   1267         case GrGLCaps::kNone_MSFBOType:
   1268             SK_ABORT("Shouldn't be here if we don't support multisampled renderbuffers.");
   1269             break;
   1270     }
   1271     return (GR_GL_NO_ERROR == CHECK_ALLOC_ERROR(ctx.interface()));
   1272 }
   1274 bool GrGLGpu::createRenderTargetObjects(const GrSurfaceDesc& desc,
   1275                                         const GrGLTextureInfo& texInfo,
   1276                                         GrGLRenderTarget::IDDesc* idDesc) {
   1277     idDesc->fMSColorRenderbufferID = 0;
   1278     idDesc->fRTFBOID = 0;
   1279     idDesc->fRTFBOOwnership = GrBackendObjectOwnership::kOwned;
   1280     idDesc->fTexFBOID = 0;
   1281     SkASSERT((GrGLCaps::kMixedSamples_MSFBOType == this->glCaps().msFBOType()) ==
   1282              this->caps()->usesMixedSamples());
   1283     idDesc->fIsMixedSampled = desc.fSampleCnt > 1 && this->caps()->usesMixedSamples();
   1285     GrGLenum status;
   1287     GrGLenum colorRenderbufferFormat = 0; // suppress warning
   1289     if (desc.fSampleCnt > 1 && GrGLCaps::kNone_MSFBOType == this->glCaps().msFBOType()) {
   1290         goto FAILED;
   1291     }
   1293     GL_CALL(GenFramebuffers(1, &idDesc->fTexFBOID));
   1294     if (!idDesc->fTexFBOID) {
   1295         goto FAILED;
   1296     }
   1298     // If we are using multisampling we will create two FBOS. We render to one and then resolve to
   1299     // the texture bound to the other. The exception is the IMG multisample extension. With this
   1300     // extension the texture is multisampled when rendered to and then auto-resolves it when it is
   1301     // rendered from.
   1302     if (desc.fSampleCnt > 1 && this->glCaps().usesMSAARenderBuffers()) {
   1303         GL_CALL(GenFramebuffers(1, &idDesc->fRTFBOID));
   1304         GL_CALL(GenRenderbuffers(1, &idDesc->fMSColorRenderbufferID));
   1305         if (!idDesc->fRTFBOID ||
   1306             !idDesc->fMSColorRenderbufferID) {
   1307             goto FAILED;
   1308         }
   1309         if (!this->glCaps().getRenderbufferFormat(desc.fConfig, &colorRenderbufferFormat)) {
   1310             return false;
   1311         }
   1312     } else {
   1313         idDesc->fRTFBOID = idDesc->fTexFBOID;
   1314     }
   1316     // below here we may bind the FBO
   1317     fHWBoundRenderTargetUniqueID.makeInvalid();
   1318     if (idDesc->fRTFBOID != idDesc->fTexFBOID) {
   1319         SkASSERT(desc.fSampleCnt > 1);
   1320         GL_CALL(BindRenderbuffer(GR_GL_RENDERBUFFER, idDesc->fMSColorRenderbufferID));
   1321         if (!renderbuffer_storage_msaa(*fGLContext,
   1322                                        desc.fSampleCnt,
   1323                                        colorRenderbufferFormat,
   1324                                        desc.fWidth, desc.fHeight)) {
   1325             goto FAILED;
   1326         }
   1327         fStats.incRenderTargetBinds();
   1328         GL_CALL(BindFramebuffer(GR_GL_FRAMEBUFFER, idDesc->fRTFBOID));
   1329         GL_CALL(FramebufferRenderbuffer(GR_GL_FRAMEBUFFER,
   1330                                         GR_GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0,
   1331                                         GR_GL_RENDERBUFFER,
   1332                                         idDesc->fMSColorRenderbufferID));
   1333         if (!this->glCaps().isConfigVerifiedColorAttachment(desc.fConfig)) {
   1334             GL_CALL_RET(status, CheckFramebufferStatus(GR_GL_FRAMEBUFFER));
   1335             if (status != GR_GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE) {
   1336                 goto FAILED;
   1337             }
   1338             fGLContext->caps()->markConfigAsValidColorAttachment(desc.fConfig);
   1339         }
   1340     }
   1341     fStats.incRenderTargetBinds();
   1342     GL_CALL(BindFramebuffer(GR_GL_FRAMEBUFFER, idDesc->fTexFBOID));
   1344     if (this->glCaps().usesImplicitMSAAResolve() && desc.fSampleCnt > 1) {
   1345         GL_CALL(FramebufferTexture2DMultisample(GR_GL_FRAMEBUFFER,
   1346                                                 GR_GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0,
   1347                                                 texInfo.fTarget,
   1348                                                 texInfo.fID, 0, desc.fSampleCnt));
   1349     } else {
   1350         GL_CALL(FramebufferTexture2D(GR_GL_FRAMEBUFFER,
   1351                                      GR_GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0,
   1352                                      texInfo.fTarget,
   1353                                      texInfo.fID, 0));
   1354     }
   1355     if (!this->glCaps().isConfigVerifiedColorAttachment(desc.fConfig)) {
   1356         GL_CALL_RET(status, CheckFramebufferStatus(GR_GL_FRAMEBUFFER));
   1357         if (status != GR_GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE) {
   1358             goto FAILED;
   1359         }
   1360         fGLContext->caps()->markConfigAsValidColorAttachment(desc.fConfig);
   1361     }
   1363     return true;
   1365 FAILED:
   1366     if (idDesc->fMSColorRenderbufferID) {
   1367         GL_CALL(DeleteRenderbuffers(1, &idDesc->fMSColorRenderbufferID));
   1368     }
   1369     if (idDesc->fRTFBOID != idDesc->fTexFBOID) {
   1370         GL_CALL(DeleteFramebuffers(1, &idDesc->fRTFBOID));
   1371     }
   1372     if (idDesc->fTexFBOID) {
   1373         GL_CALL(DeleteFramebuffers(1, &idDesc->fTexFBOID));
   1374     }
   1375     return false;
   1376 }
   1378 // good to set a break-point here to know when createTexture fails
   1379 static sk_sp<GrTexture> return_null_texture() {
   1380 //    SkDEBUGFAIL("null texture");
   1381     return nullptr;
   1382 }
   1384 #if 0 && defined(SK_DEBUG)
   1385 static size_t as_size_t(int x) {
   1386     return x;
   1387 }
   1388 #endif
   1390 static void set_initial_texture_params(const GrGLInterface* interface,
   1391                                        const GrGLTextureInfo& info,
   1392                                        GrGLTexture::TexParams* initialTexParams) {
   1393     // Some drivers like to know filter/wrap before seeing glTexImage2D. Some
   1394     // drivers have a bug where an FBO won't be complete if it includes a
   1395     // texture that is not mipmap complete (considering the filter in use).
   1396     // we only set a subset here so invalidate first
   1397     initialTexParams->invalidate();
   1398     initialTexParams->fMinFilter = GR_GL_NEAREST;
   1399     initialTexParams->fMagFilter = GR_GL_NEAREST;
   1400     initialTexParams->fWrapS = GR_GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE;
   1401     initialTexParams->fWrapT = GR_GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE;
   1402     GR_GL_CALL(interface, TexParameteri(info.fTarget,
   1403                                         GR_GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER,
   1404                                         initialTexParams->fMagFilter));
   1405     GR_GL_CALL(interface, TexParameteri(info.fTarget,
   1406                                         GR_GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER,
   1407                                         initialTexParams->fMinFilter));
   1408     GR_GL_CALL(interface, TexParameteri(info.fTarget,
   1409                                         GR_GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S,
   1410                                         initialTexParams->fWrapS));
   1411     GR_GL_CALL(interface, TexParameteri(info.fTarget,
   1412                                         GR_GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T,
   1413                                         initialTexParams->fWrapT));
   1414 }
   1416 sk_sp<GrTexture> GrGLGpu::onCreateTexture(const GrSurfaceDesc& desc,
   1417                                           SkBudgeted budgeted,
   1418                                           const GrMipLevel texels[],
   1419                                           int mipLevelCount) {
   1420     // We fail if the MSAA was requested and is not available.
   1421     if (GrGLCaps::kNone_MSFBOType == this->glCaps().msFBOType() && desc.fSampleCnt > 1) {
   1422         //SkDebugf("MSAA RT requested but not supported on this platform.");
   1423         return return_null_texture();
   1424     }
   1426     bool performClear = (desc.fFlags & kPerformInitialClear_GrSurfaceFlag);
   1428     GrMipLevel zeroLevel;
   1429     std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> zeros;
   1430     // TODO: remove the GrPixelConfigIsSint test. This is here because we have yet to add support
   1431     // for glClearBuffer* which must be used instead of glClearColor/glClear for integer FBO
   1432     // attachments.
   1433     if (performClear && !this->glCaps().clearTextureSupport() &&
   1434         (!this->glCaps().canConfigBeFBOColorAttachment(desc.fConfig) ||
   1435          GrPixelConfigIsSint(desc.fConfig))) {
   1436         size_t rowSize = GrBytesPerPixel(desc.fConfig) * desc.fWidth;
   1437         size_t size = rowSize * desc.fHeight;
   1438         zeros.reset(new uint8_t[size]);
   1439         memset(zeros.get(), 0, size);
   1440         zeroLevel.fPixels = zeros.get();
   1441         zeroLevel.fRowBytes = 0;
   1442         texels = &zeroLevel;
   1443         mipLevelCount = 1;
   1444         performClear = false;
   1445     }
   1447     bool isRenderTarget = SkToBool(desc.fFlags & kRenderTarget_GrSurfaceFlag);
   1449     GrGLTexture::IDDesc idDesc;
   1450     idDesc.fOwnership = GrBackendObjectOwnership::kOwned;
   1451     GrMipMapsStatus mipMapsStatus;
   1452     GrGLTexture::TexParams initialTexParams;
   1453     if (!this->createTextureImpl(desc, &idDesc.fInfo, isRenderTarget, &initialTexParams,
   1454                                  texels, mipLevelCount, &mipMapsStatus)) {
   1455         return return_null_texture();
   1456     }
   1458     sk_sp<GrGLTexture> tex;
   1459     if (isRenderTarget) {
   1460         // unbind the texture from the texture unit before binding it to the frame buffer
   1461         GL_CALL(BindTexture(idDesc.fInfo.fTarget, 0));
   1462         GrGLRenderTarget::IDDesc rtIDDesc;
   1464         if (!this->createRenderTargetObjects(desc, idDesc.fInfo, &rtIDDesc)) {
   1465             GL_CALL(DeleteTextures(1, &idDesc.fInfo.fID));
   1466             return return_null_texture();
   1467         }
   1468         tex = sk_make_sp<GrGLTextureRenderTarget>(this, budgeted, desc, idDesc, rtIDDesc,
   1469                                                   mipMapsStatus);
   1470         tex->baseLevelWasBoundToFBO();
   1471     } else {
   1472         tex = sk_make_sp<GrGLTexture>(this, budgeted, desc, idDesc, mipMapsStatus);
   1473     }
   1474     tex->setCachedTexParams(initialTexParams, this->getResetTimestamp());
   1476     SkDebugf("--- new texture [%d] size=(%d %d) config=%d\n",
   1477              idDesc.fInfo.fID, desc.fWidth, desc.fHeight, desc.fConfig);
   1478 #endif
   1479     if (tex && performClear) {
   1480         if (this->glCaps().clearTextureSupport()) {
   1481             GrGLenum format = GrPixelConfigIsSint(tex->config()) ? GR_GL_RGBA_INTEGER : GR_GL_RGBA;
   1482             static constexpr uint32_t kZero = 0;
   1483             GL_CALL(ClearTexImage(tex->textureID(), 0, format, GR_GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, &kZero));
   1484         } else {
   1485             SkASSERT(!GrPixelConfigIsSint(desc.fConfig));
   1486             GrGLIRect viewport;
   1487             this->bindSurfaceFBOForPixelOps(tex.get(), GR_GL_FRAMEBUFFER, &viewport,
   1488                                             kDst_TempFBOTarget);
   1489             this->disableScissor();
   1490             this->disableWindowRectangles();
   1491             GL_CALL(ColorMask(GR_GL_TRUE, GR_GL_TRUE, GR_GL_TRUE, GR_GL_TRUE));
   1492             fHWWriteToColor = kYes_TriState;
   1493             GL_CALL(ClearColor(0, 0, 0, 0));
   1494             GL_CALL(Clear(GR_GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT));
   1495             this->unbindTextureFBOForPixelOps(GR_GL_FRAMEBUFFER, tex.get());
   1496             fHWBoundRenderTargetUniqueID.makeInvalid();
   1497         }
   1498     }
   1499     return tex;
   1500 }
   1502 namespace {
   1504 const GrGLuint kUnknownBitCount = GrGLStencilAttachment::kUnknownBitCount;
   1506 void inline get_stencil_rb_sizes(const GrGLInterface* gl,
   1507                                  GrGLStencilAttachment::Format* format) {
   1509     // we shouldn't ever know one size and not the other
   1510     SkASSERT((kUnknownBitCount == format->fStencilBits) ==
   1511              (kUnknownBitCount == format->fTotalBits));
   1512     if (kUnknownBitCount == format->fStencilBits) {
   1513         GR_GL_GetRenderbufferParameteriv(gl, GR_GL_RENDERBUFFER,
   1514                                          GR_GL_RENDERBUFFER_STENCIL_SIZE,
   1515                                          (GrGLint*)&format->fStencilBits);
   1516         if (format->fPacked) {
   1517             GR_GL_GetRenderbufferParameteriv(gl, GR_GL_RENDERBUFFER,
   1518                                              GR_GL_RENDERBUFFER_DEPTH_SIZE,
   1519                                              (GrGLint*)&format->fTotalBits);
   1520             format->fTotalBits += format->fStencilBits;
   1521         } else {
   1522             format->fTotalBits = format->fStencilBits;
   1523         }
   1524     }
   1525 }
   1526 }
   1528 int GrGLGpu::getCompatibleStencilIndex(GrPixelConfig config) {
   1529     static const int kSize = 16;
   1530     SkASSERT(this->caps()->isConfigRenderable(config, false));
   1531     if (!this->glCaps().hasStencilFormatBeenDeterminedForConfig(config)) {
   1532         // Default to unsupported, set this if we find a stencil format that works.
   1533         int firstWorkingStencilFormatIndex = -1;
   1535         // Create color texture
   1536         GrGLuint colorID = 0;
   1537         GL_CALL(GenTextures(1, &colorID));
   1538         this->setScratchTextureUnit();
   1539         GL_CALL(BindTexture(GR_GL_TEXTURE_2D, colorID));
   1540         GL_CALL(TexParameteri(GR_GL_TEXTURE_2D,
   1541                               GR_GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER,
   1542                               GR_GL_NEAREST));
   1543         GL_CALL(TexParameteri(GR_GL_TEXTURE_2D,
   1544                               GR_GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER,
   1545                               GR_GL_NEAREST));
   1546         GL_CALL(TexParameteri(GR_GL_TEXTURE_2D,
   1547                               GR_GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S,
   1548                               GR_GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE));
   1549         GL_CALL(TexParameteri(GR_GL_TEXTURE_2D,
   1550                               GR_GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T,
   1551                               GR_GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE));
   1553         GrGLenum internalFormat;
   1554         GrGLenum externalFormat;
   1555         GrGLenum externalType;
   1556         if (!this->glCaps().getTexImageFormats(config, config, &internalFormat, &externalFormat,
   1557                                                &externalType)) {
   1558             return false;
   1559         }
   1560         this->unbindCpuToGpuXferBuffer();
   1561         CLEAR_ERROR_BEFORE_ALLOC(this->glInterface());
   1562         GL_ALLOC_CALL(this->glInterface(), TexImage2D(GR_GL_TEXTURE_2D,
   1563                                                       0,
   1564                                                       internalFormat,
   1565                                                       kSize,
   1566                                                       kSize,
   1567                                                       0,
   1568                                                       externalFormat,
   1569                                                       externalType,
   1570                                                       nullptr));
   1571         if (GR_GL_NO_ERROR != CHECK_ALLOC_ERROR(this->glInterface())) {
   1572             GL_CALL(DeleteTextures(1, &colorID));
   1573             return -1;
   1574         }
   1576         // unbind the texture from the texture unit before binding it to the frame buffer
   1577         GL_CALL(BindTexture(GR_GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0));
   1579         // Create Framebuffer
   1580         GrGLuint fb = 0;
   1581         GL_CALL(GenFramebuffers(1, &fb));
   1582         GL_CALL(BindFramebuffer(GR_GL_FRAMEBUFFER, fb));
   1583         fHWBoundRenderTargetUniqueID.makeInvalid();
   1584         GL_CALL(FramebufferTexture2D(GR_GL_FRAMEBUFFER,
   1585                                      GR_GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0,
   1586                                      GR_GL_TEXTURE_2D,
   1587                                      colorID,
   1588                                      0));
   1589         GrGLuint sbRBID = 0;
   1590         GL_CALL(GenRenderbuffers(1, &sbRBID));
   1592         // look over formats till I find a compatible one
   1593         int stencilFmtCnt = this->glCaps().stencilFormats().count();
   1594         if (sbRBID) {
   1595             GL_CALL(BindRenderbuffer(GR_GL_RENDERBUFFER, sbRBID));
   1596             for (int i = 0; i < stencilFmtCnt && sbRBID; ++i) {
   1597                 const GrGLCaps::StencilFormat& sFmt = this->glCaps().stencilFormats()[i];
   1598                 CLEAR_ERROR_BEFORE_ALLOC(this->glInterface());
   1599                 GL_ALLOC_CALL(this->glInterface(), RenderbufferStorage(GR_GL_RENDERBUFFER,
   1600                                                                        sFmt.fInternalFormat,
   1601                                                                        kSize, kSize));
   1602                 if (GR_GL_NO_ERROR == CHECK_ALLOC_ERROR(this->glInterface())) {
   1603                     GL_CALL(FramebufferRenderbuffer(GR_GL_FRAMEBUFFER,
   1604                                                     GR_GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT,
   1605                                                     GR_GL_RENDERBUFFER, sbRBID));
   1606                     if (sFmt.fPacked) {
   1607                         GL_CALL(FramebufferRenderbuffer(GR_GL_FRAMEBUFFER,
   1608                                                         GR_GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT,
   1609                                                         GR_GL_RENDERBUFFER, sbRBID));
   1610                     } else {
   1611                         GL_CALL(FramebufferRenderbuffer(GR_GL_FRAMEBUFFER,
   1612                                                         GR_GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT,
   1613                                                         GR_GL_RENDERBUFFER, 0));
   1614                     }
   1615                     GrGLenum status;
   1616                     GL_CALL_RET(status, CheckFramebufferStatus(GR_GL_FRAMEBUFFER));
   1617                     if (status == GR_GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE) {
   1618                         firstWorkingStencilFormatIndex = i;
   1619                         break;
   1620                     }
   1621                     GL_CALL(FramebufferRenderbuffer(GR_GL_FRAMEBUFFER,
   1622                                                     GR_GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT,
   1623                                                     GR_GL_RENDERBUFFER, 0));
   1624                     if (sFmt.fPacked) {
   1625                         GL_CALL(FramebufferRenderbuffer(GR_GL_FRAMEBUFFER,
   1626                                                         GR_GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT,
   1627                                                         GR_GL_RENDERBUFFER, 0));
   1628                     }
   1629                 }
   1630             }
   1631             GL_CALL(DeleteRenderbuffers(1, &sbRBID));
   1632         }
   1633         GL_CALL(DeleteTextures(1, &colorID));
   1634         GL_CALL(BindFramebuffer(GR_GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0));
   1635         GL_CALL(DeleteFramebuffers(1, &fb));
   1636         fGLContext->caps()->setStencilFormatIndexForConfig(config, firstWorkingStencilFormatIndex);
   1637     }
   1638     return this->glCaps().getStencilFormatIndexForConfig(config);
   1639 }
   1641 bool GrGLGpu::createTextureImpl(const GrSurfaceDesc& desc, GrGLTextureInfo* info,
   1642                                 bool renderTarget, GrGLTexture::TexParams* initialTexParams,
   1643                                 const GrMipLevel texels[], int mipLevelCount,
   1644                                 GrMipMapsStatus* mipMapsStatus) {
   1645     info->fID = 0;
   1646     info->fTarget = GR_GL_TEXTURE_2D;
   1647     GL_CALL(GenTextures(1, &(info->fID)));
   1649     if (!info->fID) {
   1650         return false;
   1651     }
   1653     this->setScratchTextureUnit();
   1654     GL_CALL(BindTexture(info->fTarget, info->fID));
   1656     if (renderTarget && this->glCaps().textureUsageSupport()) {
   1657         // provides a hint about how this texture will be used
   1658         GL_CALL(TexParameteri(info->fTarget,
   1659                               GR_GL_TEXTURE_USAGE,
   1660                               GR_GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT));
   1661     }
   1663     if (info) {
   1664         set_initial_texture_params(this->glInterface(), *info, initialTexParams);
   1665     }
   1666     if (!this->uploadTexData(desc.fConfig, desc.fWidth, desc.fHeight, desc.fOrigin, info->fTarget,
   1667                              kNewTexture_UploadType, 0, 0, desc.fWidth, desc.fHeight, desc.fConfig,
   1668                              texels, mipLevelCount, mipMapsStatus)) {
   1669         GL_CALL(DeleteTextures(1, &(info->fID)));
   1670         return false;
   1671     }
   1672     info->fFormat = this->glCaps().configSizedInternalFormat(desc.fConfig);
   1673     return true;
   1674 }
   1676 GrStencilAttachment* GrGLGpu::createStencilAttachmentForRenderTarget(const GrRenderTarget* rt,
   1677                                                                      int width, int height) {
   1678     SkASSERT(width >= rt->width());
   1679     SkASSERT(height >= rt->height());
   1681     int samples = rt->numStencilSamples();
   1682     GrGLStencilAttachment::IDDesc sbDesc;
   1684     int sIdx = this->getCompatibleStencilIndex(rt->config());
   1685     if (sIdx < 0) {
   1686         return nullptr;
   1687     }
   1689     if (!sbDesc.fRenderbufferID) {
   1690         GL_CALL(GenRenderbuffers(1, &sbDesc.fRenderbufferID));
   1691     }
   1692     if (!sbDesc.fRenderbufferID) {
   1693         return nullptr;
   1694     }
   1695     GL_CALL(BindRenderbuffer(GR_GL_RENDERBUFFER, sbDesc.fRenderbufferID));
   1696     const GrGLCaps::StencilFormat& sFmt = this->glCaps().stencilFormats()[sIdx];
   1697     CLEAR_ERROR_BEFORE_ALLOC(this->glInterface());
   1698     // we do this "if" so that we don't call the multisample
   1699     // version on a GL that doesn't have an MSAA extension.
   1700     if (samples > 1) {
   1701         SkAssertResult(renderbuffer_storage_msaa(*fGLContext,
   1702                                                  samples,
   1703                                                  sFmt.fInternalFormat,
   1704                                                  width, height));
   1705     } else {
   1706         GL_ALLOC_CALL(this->glInterface(), RenderbufferStorage(GR_GL_RENDERBUFFER,
   1707                                                                sFmt.fInternalFormat,
   1708                                                                width, height));
   1709         SkASSERT(GR_GL_NO_ERROR == CHECK_ALLOC_ERROR(this->glInterface()));
   1710     }
   1711     fStats.incStencilAttachmentCreates();
   1712     // After sized formats we attempt an unsized format and take
   1713     // whatever sizes GL gives us. In that case we query for the size.
   1714     GrGLStencilAttachment::Format format = sFmt;
   1715     get_stencil_rb_sizes(this->glInterface(), &format);
   1716     GrGLStencilAttachment* stencil = new GrGLStencilAttachment(this,
   1717                                                                sbDesc,
   1718                                                                width,
   1719                                                                height,
   1720                                                                samples,
   1721                                                                format);
   1722     return stencil;
   1723 }
   1725 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   1727 // GL_STREAM_DRAW triggers an optimization in Chromium's GPU process where a client's vertex buffer
   1728 // objects are implemented as client-side-arrays on tile-deferred architectures.
   1731 GrBuffer* GrGLGpu::onCreateBuffer(size_t size, GrBufferType intendedType,
   1732                                   GrAccessPattern accessPattern, const void* data) {
   1733     return GrGLBuffer::Create(this, size, intendedType, accessPattern, data);
   1734 }
   1736 void GrGLGpu::flushScissor(const GrScissorState& scissorState,
   1737                            const GrGLIRect& rtViewport,
   1738                            GrSurfaceOrigin rtOrigin) {
   1739     if (scissorState.enabled()) {
   1740         GrGLIRect scissor;
   1741         scissor.setRelativeTo(rtViewport, scissorState.rect(), rtOrigin);
   1742         // if the scissor fully contains the viewport then we fall through and
   1743         // disable the scissor test.
   1744         if (!scissor.contains(rtViewport)) {
   1745             if (fHWScissorSettings.fRect != scissor) {
   1746                 scissor.pushToGLScissor(this->glInterface());
   1747                 fHWScissorSettings.fRect = scissor;
   1748             }
   1749             if (kYes_TriState != fHWScissorSettings.fEnabled) {
   1750                 GL_CALL(Enable(GR_GL_SCISSOR_TEST));
   1751                 fHWScissorSettings.fEnabled = kYes_TriState;
   1752             }
   1753             return;
   1754         }
   1755     }
   1757     // See fall through note above
   1758     this->disableScissor();
   1759 }
   1761 void GrGLGpu::flushWindowRectangles(const GrWindowRectsState& windowState,
   1762                                     const GrGLRenderTarget* rt, GrSurfaceOrigin origin) {
   1763 #ifndef USE_NSIGHT
   1764     typedef GrWindowRectsState::Mode Mode;
   1765     SkASSERT(!windowState.enabled() || rt->renderFBOID()); // Window rects can't be used on-screen.
   1766     SkASSERT(windowState.numWindows() <= this->caps()->maxWindowRectangles());
   1768     if (!this->caps()->maxWindowRectangles() ||
   1769         fHWWindowRectsState.knownEqualTo(origin, rt->getViewport(), windowState)) {
   1770         return;
   1771     }
   1773     // This is purely a workaround for a spurious warning generated by gcc. Otherwise the above
   1774     // assert would be sufficient. https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=5912
   1775     int numWindows = SkTMin(windowState.numWindows(), int(GrWindowRectangles::kMaxWindows));
   1776     SkASSERT(windowState.numWindows() == numWindows);
   1778     GrGLIRect glwindows[GrWindowRectangles::kMaxWindows];
   1779     const SkIRect* skwindows = windowState.windows().data();
   1780     for (int i = 0; i < numWindows; ++i) {
   1781         glwindows[i].setRelativeTo(rt->getViewport(), skwindows[i], origin);
   1782     }
   1784     GrGLenum glmode = (Mode::kExclusive == windowState.mode()) ? GR_GL_EXCLUSIVE : GR_GL_INCLUSIVE;
   1785     GL_CALL(WindowRectangles(glmode, numWindows, glwindows->asInts()));
   1787     fHWWindowRectsState.set(origin, rt->getViewport(), windowState);
   1788 #endif
   1789 }
   1791 void GrGLGpu::disableWindowRectangles() {
   1792 #ifndef USE_NSIGHT
   1793     if (!this->caps()->maxWindowRectangles() || fHWWindowRectsState.knownDisabled()) {
   1794         return;
   1795     }
   1796     GL_CALL(WindowRectangles(GR_GL_EXCLUSIVE, 0, nullptr));
   1797     fHWWindowRectsState.setDisabled();
   1798 #endif
   1799 }
   1801 void GrGLGpu::flushMinSampleShading(float minSampleShading) {
   1802     if (fHWMinSampleShading != minSampleShading) {
   1803         if (minSampleShading > 0.0) {
   1804             GL_CALL(Enable(GR_GL_SAMPLE_SHADING));
   1805             GL_CALL(MinSampleShading(minSampleShading));
   1806         }
   1807         else {
   1808             GL_CALL(Disable(GR_GL_SAMPLE_SHADING));
   1809         }
   1810         fHWMinSampleShading = minSampleShading;
   1811     }
   1812 }
   1814 bool GrGLGpu::flushGLState(const GrPipeline& pipeline, const GrPrimitiveProcessor& primProc,
   1815                            bool willDrawPoints) {
   1816     sk_sp<GrGLProgram> program(fProgramCache->refProgram(this, pipeline, primProc, willDrawPoints));
   1817     if (!program) {
   1818         GrCapsDebugf(this->caps(), "Failed to create program!\n");
   1819         return false;
   1820     }
   1822     program->generateMipmaps(primProc, pipeline);
   1824     GrXferProcessor::BlendInfo blendInfo;
   1825     pipeline.getXferProcessor().getBlendInfo(&blendInfo);
   1827     this->flushColorWrite(blendInfo.fWriteColor);
   1828     this->flushMinSampleShading(primProc.getSampleShading());
   1830     GrGLuint programID = program->programID();
   1831     if (fHWProgramID != programID) {
   1832         GL_CALL(UseProgram(programID));
   1833         fHWProgramID = programID;
   1834     }
   1836     if (blendInfo.fWriteColor) {
   1837         // Swizzle the blend to match what the shader will output.
   1838         const GrSwizzle& swizzle = this->caps()->shaderCaps()->configOutputSwizzle(
   1839             pipeline.proxy()->config());
   1840         this->flushBlend(blendInfo, swizzle);
   1841     }
   1843     program->setData(primProc, pipeline);
   1845     GrGLRenderTarget* glRT = static_cast<GrGLRenderTarget*>(pipeline.renderTarget());
   1846     GrStencilSettings stencil;
   1847     if (pipeline.isStencilEnabled()) {
   1848         // TODO: attach stencil and create settings during render target flush.
   1849         SkASSERT(glRT->renderTargetPriv().getStencilAttachment());
   1850         stencil.reset(*pipeline.getUserStencil(), pipeline.hasStencilClip(),
   1851                       glRT->renderTargetPriv().numStencilBits());
   1852     }
   1853     this->flushStencil(stencil);
   1854     this->flushScissor(pipeline.getScissorState(), glRT->getViewport(), pipeline.proxy()->origin());
   1855     this->flushWindowRectangles(pipeline.getWindowRectsState(), glRT, pipeline.proxy()->origin());
   1856     this->flushHWAAState(glRT, pipeline.isHWAntialiasState(), !stencil.isDisabled());
   1858     // This must come after textures are flushed because a texture may need
   1859     // to be msaa-resolved (which will modify bound FBO state).
   1860     this->flushRenderTarget(glRT, nullptr, pipeline.getDisableOutputConversionToSRGB());
   1862     return true;
   1863 }
   1865 void GrGLGpu::setupGeometry(const GrPrimitiveProcessor& primProc,
   1866                             const GrBuffer* indexBuffer,
   1867                             const GrBuffer* vertexBuffer,
   1868                             int baseVertex,
   1869                             const GrBuffer* instanceBuffer,
   1870                             int baseInstance) {
   1871     using EnablePrimitiveRestart = GrGLAttribArrayState::EnablePrimitiveRestart;
   1873     GrGLAttribArrayState* attribState;
   1874     if (indexBuffer) {
   1875         SkASSERT(indexBuffer && !indexBuffer->isMapped());
   1876         attribState = fHWVertexArrayState.bindInternalVertexArray(this, indexBuffer);
   1877     } else {
   1878         attribState = fHWVertexArrayState.bindInternalVertexArray(this);
   1879     }
   1881     struct {
   1882         const GrBuffer*   fBuffer;
   1883         int               fStride;
   1884         size_t            fBufferOffset;
   1885     } bindings[2];
   1887     if (int vertexStride = primProc.getVertexStride()) {
   1888         SkASSERT(vertexBuffer && !vertexBuffer->isMapped());
   1889         bindings[0].fBuffer = vertexBuffer;
   1890         bindings[0].fStride = vertexStride;
   1891         bindings[0].fBufferOffset = vertexBuffer->baseOffset() + baseVertex * vertexStride;
   1892     }
   1893     if (int instanceStride = primProc.getInstanceStride()) {
   1894         SkASSERT(instanceBuffer && !instanceBuffer->isMapped());
   1895         bindings[1].fBuffer = instanceBuffer;
   1896         bindings[1].fStride = instanceStride;
   1897         bindings[1].fBufferOffset = instanceBuffer->baseOffset() + baseInstance * instanceStride;
   1898     }
   1900     int numAttribs = primProc.numAttribs();
   1901     auto enableRestart = EnablePrimitiveRestart(primProc.willUsePrimitiveRestart() && indexBuffer);
   1902     attribState->enableVertexArrays(this, numAttribs, enableRestart);
   1904     for (int i = 0; i < numAttribs; ++i) {
   1905         using InputRate = GrPrimitiveProcessor::Attribute::InputRate;
   1906         const GrGeometryProcessor::Attribute& attrib = primProc.getAttrib(i);
   1907         const int divisor = InputRate::kPerInstance == attrib.fInputRate ? 1 : 0;
   1908         const auto& binding = bindings[divisor];
   1909         attribState->set(this, i, binding.fBuffer, attrib.fType, binding.fStride,
   1910                          binding.fBufferOffset + attrib.fOffsetInRecord, divisor);
   1911     }
   1912 }
   1914 GrGLenum GrGLGpu::bindBuffer(GrBufferType type, const GrBuffer* buffer) {
   1915     this->handleDirtyContext();
   1917     // Index buffer state is tied to the vertex array.
   1918     if (kIndex_GrBufferType == type) {
   1919         this->bindVertexArray(0);
   1920     }
   1922     SkASSERT(type >= 0 && type <= kLast_GrBufferType);
   1923     auto& bufferState = fHWBufferState[type];
   1925     if (buffer->uniqueID() != bufferState.fBoundBufferUniqueID) {
   1926         if (buffer->isCPUBacked()) {
   1927             if (!bufferState.fBufferZeroKnownBound) {
   1928                 GL_CALL(BindBuffer(bufferState.fGLTarget, 0));
   1929             }
   1930         } else {
   1931             const GrGLBuffer* glBuffer = static_cast<const GrGLBuffer*>(buffer);
   1932             GL_CALL(BindBuffer(bufferState.fGLTarget, glBuffer->bufferID()));
   1933         }
   1934         bufferState.fBufferZeroKnownBound = buffer->isCPUBacked();
   1935         bufferState.fBoundBufferUniqueID = buffer->uniqueID();
   1936     }
   1938     return bufferState.fGLTarget;
   1939 }
   1941 void GrGLGpu::notifyBufferReleased(const GrGLBuffer* buffer) {
   1942     if (buffer->hasAttachedToTexture()) {
   1943         // Detach this buffer from any textures to ensure the underlying memory is freed.
   1944         GrGpuResource::UniqueID uniqueID = buffer->uniqueID();
   1945         for (int i = fHWMaxUsedBufferTextureUnit; i >= 0; --i) {
   1946             auto& buffTex = fHWBufferTextures[i];
   1947             if (uniqueID != buffTex.fAttachedBufferUniqueID) {
   1948                 continue;
   1949             }
   1950             if (i == fHWMaxUsedBufferTextureUnit) {
   1951                 --fHWMaxUsedBufferTextureUnit;
   1952             }
   1954             this->setTextureUnit(i);
   1955             if (!buffTex.fKnownBound) {
   1956                 SkASSERT(buffTex.fTextureID);
   1957                 GL_CALL(BindTexture(GR_GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER, buffTex.fTextureID));
   1958                 buffTex.fKnownBound = true;
   1959             }
   1960             GL_CALL(TexBuffer(GR_GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER,
   1961                               this->glCaps().configSizedInternalFormat(buffTex.fTexelConfig), 0));
   1962         }
   1963     }
   1964 }
   1966 void GrGLGpu::disableScissor() {
   1967     if (kNo_TriState != fHWScissorSettings.fEnabled) {
   1968         GL_CALL(Disable(GR_GL_SCISSOR_TEST));
   1969         fHWScissorSettings.fEnabled = kNo_TriState;
   1970         return;
   1971     }
   1972 }
   1974 void GrGLGpu::clear(const GrFixedClip& clip, GrColor color,
   1975                     GrRenderTarget* target, GrSurfaceOrigin origin) {
   1976     // parent class should never let us get here with no RT
   1977     SkASSERT(target);
   1979     this->handleDirtyContext();
   1981     GrGLfloat r, g, b, a;
   1982     static const GrGLfloat scale255 = 1.f / 255.f;
   1983     a = GrColorUnpackA(color) * scale255;
   1984     GrGLfloat scaleRGB = scale255;
   1985     r = GrColorUnpackR(color) * scaleRGB;
   1986     g = GrColorUnpackG(color) * scaleRGB;
   1987     b = GrColorUnpackB(color) * scaleRGB;
   1989     if (this->glCaps().useDrawToClearColor()) {
   1990         this->clearColorAsDraw(clip, r, g, b, a, target, origin);
   1991         return;
   1992     }
   1994     GrGLRenderTarget* glRT = static_cast<GrGLRenderTarget*>(target);
   1996     this->flushRenderTarget(glRT, clip.scissorEnabled() ? &clip.scissorRect() : nullptr);
   1997     this->flushScissor(clip.scissorState(), glRT->getViewport(), origin);
   1998     this->flushWindowRectangles(clip.windowRectsState(), glRT, origin);
   2001     fHWWriteToColor = kYes_TriState;
   2003     if (this->glCaps().clearToBoundaryValuesIsBroken() &&
   2004         (1 == r || 0 == r) && (1 == g || 0 == g) && (1 == b || 0 == b) && (1 == a || 0 == a)) {
   2005         static const GrGLfloat safeAlpha1 = nextafter(1.f, 2.f);
   2006         static const GrGLfloat safeAlpha0 = nextafter(0.f, -1.f);
   2007         a = (1 == a) ? safeAlpha1 : safeAlpha0;
   2008     }
   2009     GL_CALL(ClearColor(r, g, b, a));
   2010     GL_CALL(Clear(GR_GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT));
   2011 }
   2013 void GrGLGpu::clearStencil(GrRenderTarget* target, int clearValue) {
   2014     if (!target) {
   2015         return;
   2016     }
   2018     GrStencilAttachment* sb = target->renderTargetPriv().getStencilAttachment();
   2019     // this should only be called internally when we know we have a
   2020     // stencil buffer.
   2021     SkASSERT(sb);
   2023     GrGLRenderTarget* glRT = static_cast<GrGLRenderTarget*>(target);
   2024     this->flushRenderTarget(glRT, &SkIRect::EmptyIRect());
   2026     this->disableScissor();
   2027     this->disableWindowRectangles();
   2029     GL_CALL(StencilMask(0xffffffff));
   2030     GL_CALL(ClearStencil(clearValue));
   2032     fHWStencilSettings.invalidate();
   2033     if (!clearValue) {
   2034         sb->cleared();
   2035     }
   2036 }
   2038 void GrGLGpu::clearStencilClip(const GrFixedClip& clip,
   2039                                bool insideStencilMask,
   2040                                GrRenderTarget* target, GrSurfaceOrigin origin) {
   2041     SkASSERT(target);
   2042     this->handleDirtyContext();
   2044     if (this->glCaps().useDrawToClearStencilClip()) {
   2045         this->clearStencilClipAsDraw(clip, insideStencilMask, target, origin);
   2046         return;
   2047     }
   2049     GrStencilAttachment* sb = target->renderTargetPriv().getStencilAttachment();
   2050     // this should only be called internally when we know we have a
   2051     // stencil buffer.
   2052     SkASSERT(sb);
   2053     GrGLint stencilBitCount =  sb->bits();
   2054 #if 0
   2055     SkASSERT(stencilBitCount > 0);
   2056     GrGLint clipStencilMask  = (1 << (stencilBitCount - 1));
   2057 #else
   2058     // we could just clear the clip bit but when we go through
   2059     // ANGLE a partial stencil mask will cause clears to be
   2060     // turned into draws. Our contract on GrOpList says that
   2061     // changing the clip between stencil passes may or may not
   2062     // zero the client's clip bits. So we just clear the whole thing.
   2063     static const GrGLint clipStencilMask  = ~0;
   2064 #endif
   2065     GrGLint value;
   2066     if (insideStencilMask) {
   2067         value = (1 << (stencilBitCount - 1));
   2068     } else {
   2069         value = 0;
   2070     }
   2071     GrGLRenderTarget* glRT = static_cast<GrGLRenderTarget*>(target);
   2072     this->flushRenderTarget(glRT, &SkIRect::EmptyIRect());
   2074     this->flushScissor(clip.scissorState(), glRT->getViewport(), origin);
   2075     this->flushWindowRectangles(clip.windowRectsState(), glRT, origin);
   2077     GL_CALL(StencilMask((uint32_t) clipStencilMask));
   2078     GL_CALL(ClearStencil(value));
   2080     fHWStencilSettings.invalidate();
   2081 }
   2083 static bool read_pixels_pays_for_y_flip(GrSurfaceOrigin origin, const GrGLCaps& caps,
   2084                                         int width, int height,  GrPixelConfig config,
   2085                                         size_t rowBytes) {
   2086     // If the surface is already TopLeft, we don't need to flip.
   2087     if (kTopLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin == origin) {
   2088         return false;
   2089     }
   2091     // If the read is really small or smaller than the min texture size, don't force a draw.
   2092     static const int kMinSize = 32;
   2093     if (width < kMinSize || height < kMinSize) {
   2094         return false;
   2095     }
   2097     // if GL can do the flip then we'll never pay for it.
   2098     if (caps.packFlipYSupport()) {
   2099         return false;
   2100     }
   2102     // If we have to do memcpy to handle non-trim rowBytes then we
   2103     // get the flip for free. Otherwise it costs.
   2104     // Note that we're assuming that 0 rowBytes has already been handled and that the width has been
   2105     // clipped.
   2106     return caps.packRowLengthSupport() || GrBytesPerPixel(config) * width == rowBytes;
   2107 }
   2109 bool GrGLGpu::readPixelsSupported(GrRenderTarget* target, GrPixelConfig readConfig) {
   2110 #ifdef SK_BUILD_FOR_MAC
   2111     // Chromium may ask us to read back from locked IOSurfaces. Calling the command buffer's
   2112     // glGetIntegerv() with GL_IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_FORMAT/_TYPE causes the command buffer
   2113     // to make a call to check the framebuffer status which can hang the driver. So in Mac Chromium
   2114     // we always use a temporary surface to test for read pixels support.
   2115     // https://www.crbug.com/662802
   2116     if (this->glContext().driver() == kChromium_GrGLDriver) {
   2117         return this->readPixelsSupported(target->config(), readConfig);
   2118     }
   2119 #endif
   2120     auto bindRenderTarget = [this, target]() -> bool {
   2121         this->flushRenderTarget(static_cast<GrGLRenderTarget*>(target), &SkIRect::EmptyIRect());
   2122         return true;
   2123     };
   2124     auto unbindRenderTarget = []{};
   2125     auto getIntegerv = [this](GrGLenum query, GrGLint* value) {
   2126         GR_GL_GetIntegerv(this->glInterface(), query, value);
   2127     };
   2128     GrPixelConfig rtConfig = target->config();
   2129     return this->glCaps().readPixelsSupported(rtConfig, readConfig, getIntegerv, bindRenderTarget,
   2130                                               unbindRenderTarget);
   2131 }
   2133 bool GrGLGpu::readPixelsSupported(GrPixelConfig rtConfig, GrPixelConfig readConfig) {
   2134     sk_sp<GrTexture> temp;
   2135     auto bindRenderTarget = [this, rtConfig, &temp]() -> bool {
   2136         GrSurfaceDesc desc;
   2137         desc.fConfig = rtConfig;
   2138         desc.fWidth = desc.fHeight = 16;
   2139         if (this->glCaps().isConfigRenderable(rtConfig, false)) {
   2140             desc.fFlags = kRenderTarget_GrSurfaceFlag;
   2141             desc.fOrigin = kBottomLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin;
   2142             temp = this->createTexture(desc, SkBudgeted::kNo);
   2143             if (!temp) {
   2144                 return false;
   2145             }
   2146             GrGLRenderTarget* glrt = static_cast<GrGLRenderTarget*>(temp->asRenderTarget());
   2147             this->flushRenderTarget(glrt, &SkIRect::EmptyIRect());
   2148             return true;
   2149         } else if (this->glCaps().canConfigBeFBOColorAttachment(rtConfig)) {
   2150             desc.fOrigin = kTopLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin;
   2151             temp = this->createTexture(desc, SkBudgeted::kNo);
   2152             if (!temp) {
   2153                 return false;
   2154             }
   2155             GrGLIRect vp;
   2156             this->bindSurfaceFBOForPixelOps(temp.get(), GR_GL_FRAMEBUFFER, &vp, kDst_TempFBOTarget);
   2157             fHWBoundRenderTargetUniqueID.makeInvalid();
   2158             return true;
   2159         }
   2160         return false;
   2161     };
   2162     auto unbindRenderTarget = [this, &temp]() {
   2163         this->unbindTextureFBOForPixelOps(GR_GL_FRAMEBUFFER, temp.get());
   2164     };
   2165     auto getIntegerv = [this](GrGLenum query, GrGLint* value) {
   2166         GR_GL_GetIntegerv(this->glInterface(), query, value);
   2167     };
   2168     return this->glCaps().readPixelsSupported(rtConfig, readConfig, getIntegerv, bindRenderTarget,
   2169                                               unbindRenderTarget);
   2170 }
   2172 bool GrGLGpu::readPixelsSupported(GrSurface* surfaceForConfig, GrPixelConfig readConfig) {
   2173     if (GrRenderTarget* rt = surfaceForConfig->asRenderTarget()) {
   2174         return this->readPixelsSupported(rt, readConfig);
   2175     } else {
   2176         GrPixelConfig config = surfaceForConfig->config();
   2177         return this->readPixelsSupported(config, readConfig);
   2178     }
   2179 }
   2181 static bool requires_srgb_conversion(GrPixelConfig a, GrPixelConfig b) {
   2182     if (GrPixelConfigIsSRGB(a)) {
   2183         return !GrPixelConfigIsSRGB(b) && !GrPixelConfigIsAlphaOnly(b);
   2184     } else if (GrPixelConfigIsSRGB(b)) {
   2185         return !GrPixelConfigIsSRGB(a) && !GrPixelConfigIsAlphaOnly(a);
   2186     }
   2187     return false;
   2188 }
   2190 bool GrGLGpu::onGetReadPixelsInfo(GrSurface* srcSurface, GrSurfaceOrigin srcOrigin,
   2191                                   int width, int height, size_t rowBytes,
   2192                                   GrPixelConfig readConfig, DrawPreference* drawPreference,
   2193                                   ReadPixelTempDrawInfo* tempDrawInfo) {
   2194     GrPixelConfig srcConfig = srcSurface->config();
   2196     // These settings we will always want if a temp draw is performed.
   2197     tempDrawInfo->fTempSurfaceDesc.fFlags = kRenderTarget_GrSurfaceFlag;
   2198     tempDrawInfo->fTempSurfaceDesc.fWidth = width;
   2199     tempDrawInfo->fTempSurfaceDesc.fHeight = height;
   2200     tempDrawInfo->fTempSurfaceDesc.fSampleCnt = 1;
   2201     tempDrawInfo->fTempSurfaceDesc.fOrigin = kTopLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin; // no CPU y-flip for TL.
   2202     tempDrawInfo->fTempSurfaceFit = this->glCaps().partialFBOReadIsSlow() ? SkBackingFit::kExact
   2203                                                                           : SkBackingFit::kApprox;
   2204     // For now assume no swizzling, we may change that below.
   2205     tempDrawInfo->fSwizzle = GrSwizzle::RGBA();
   2207     // Depends on why we need/want a temp draw. Start off assuming no change, the surface we read
   2208     // from will be srcConfig and we will read readConfig pixels from it.
   2209     // Note that if we require a draw and return a non-renderable format for the temp surface the
   2210     // base class will fail for us.
   2211     tempDrawInfo->fTempSurfaceDesc.fConfig = srcConfig;
   2212     tempDrawInfo->fReadConfig = readConfig;
   2214     if (requires_srgb_conversion(srcConfig, readConfig)) {
   2215         if (!this->readPixelsSupported(readConfig, readConfig)) {
   2216             return false;
   2217         }
   2218         // Draw to do srgb to linear conversion or vice versa.
   2219         ElevateDrawPreference(drawPreference, kRequireDraw_DrawPreference);
   2220         tempDrawInfo->fTempSurfaceDesc.fConfig = readConfig;
   2221         tempDrawInfo->fReadConfig = readConfig;
   2222         return true;
   2223     }
   2225     if (this->glCaps().rgba8888PixelsOpsAreSlow() && kRGBA_8888_GrPixelConfig == readConfig &&
   2226         this->readPixelsSupported(kBGRA_8888_GrPixelConfig, kBGRA_8888_GrPixelConfig)) {
   2227         tempDrawInfo->fTempSurfaceDesc.fConfig = kBGRA_8888_GrPixelConfig;
   2228         tempDrawInfo->fSwizzle = GrSwizzle::BGRA();
   2229         tempDrawInfo->fReadConfig = kBGRA_8888_GrPixelConfig;
   2230         ElevateDrawPreference(drawPreference, kGpuPrefersDraw_DrawPreference);
   2231     } else if (this->glCaps().rgbaToBgraReadbackConversionsAreSlow() &&
   2232                GrBytesPerPixel(readConfig) == 4 &&
   2233                GrPixelConfigSwapRAndB(readConfig) == srcConfig &&
   2234                this->readPixelsSupported(srcSurface, srcConfig)) {
   2235         // Mesa 3D takes a slow path on when reading back BGRA from an RGBA surface and vice-versa.
   2236         // Better to do a draw with a R/B swap and then read as the original config.
   2237         tempDrawInfo->fTempSurfaceDesc.fConfig = srcConfig;
   2238         tempDrawInfo->fSwizzle = GrSwizzle::BGRA();
   2239         tempDrawInfo->fReadConfig = srcConfig;
   2240         ElevateDrawPreference(drawPreference, kGpuPrefersDraw_DrawPreference);
   2241     } else if (!this->readPixelsSupported(srcSurface, readConfig)) {
   2242         if (readConfig == kBGRA_8888_GrPixelConfig &&
   2243             this->glCaps().canConfigBeFBOColorAttachment(kRGBA_8888_GrPixelConfig) &&
   2244             this->readPixelsSupported(kRGBA_8888_GrPixelConfig, kRGBA_8888_GrPixelConfig)) {
   2245             // We're trying to read BGRA but it's not supported. If RGBA is renderable and
   2246             // we can read it back, then do a swizzling draw to a RGBA and read it back (which
   2247             // will effectively be BGRA).
   2248             tempDrawInfo->fTempSurfaceDesc.fConfig = kRGBA_8888_GrPixelConfig;
   2249             tempDrawInfo->fSwizzle = GrSwizzle::BGRA();
   2250             tempDrawInfo->fReadConfig = kRGBA_8888_GrPixelConfig;
   2251             ElevateDrawPreference(drawPreference, kRequireDraw_DrawPreference);
   2252         } else if (readConfig == kSBGRA_8888_GrPixelConfig &&
   2253             this->glCaps().canConfigBeFBOColorAttachment(kSRGBA_8888_GrPixelConfig) &&
   2254             this->readPixelsSupported(kSRGBA_8888_GrPixelConfig, kSRGBA_8888_GrPixelConfig)) {
   2255             // We're trying to read sBGRA but it's not supported. If sRGBA is renderable and
   2256             // we can read it back, then do a swizzling draw to a sRGBA and read it back (which
   2257             // will effectively be sBGRA).
   2258             tempDrawInfo->fTempSurfaceDesc.fConfig = kSRGBA_8888_GrPixelConfig;
   2259             tempDrawInfo->fSwizzle = GrSwizzle::BGRA();
   2260             tempDrawInfo->fReadConfig = kSRGBA_8888_GrPixelConfig;
   2261             ElevateDrawPreference(drawPreference, kRequireDraw_DrawPreference);
   2262         } else if (readConfig == kAlpha_8_GrPixelConfig) {
   2263             // onReadPixels implements a fallback for cases where we are want to read kAlpha_8,
   2264             // it's unsupported, but 32bit RGBA reads are supported.
   2265             // Don't attempt to do any srgb conversions since we only care about alpha.
   2266             GrPixelConfig cpuTempConfig = kRGBA_8888_GrPixelConfig;
   2267             if (GrPixelConfigIsSRGB(srcSurface->config())) {
   2268                 cpuTempConfig = kSRGBA_8888_GrPixelConfig;
   2269             }
   2270             if (!this->readPixelsSupported(srcSurface, cpuTempConfig)) {
   2271                 // If we can't read RGBA from the src try to draw to a kRGBA_8888 (or kSRGBA_8888)
   2272                 // first and then onReadPixels will read that to a 32bit temporary buffer.
   2273                 if (this->glCaps().canConfigBeFBOColorAttachment(cpuTempConfig)) {
   2274                     ElevateDrawPreference(drawPreference, kRequireDraw_DrawPreference);
   2275                     tempDrawInfo->fTempSurfaceDesc.fConfig = cpuTempConfig;
   2276                     tempDrawInfo->fReadConfig = kAlpha_8_GrPixelConfig;
   2277                 } else {
   2278                     return false;
   2279                 }
   2280             } else {
   2281                 SkASSERT(tempDrawInfo->fTempSurfaceDesc.fConfig == srcConfig);
   2282                 SkASSERT(tempDrawInfo->fReadConfig == kAlpha_8_GrPixelConfig);
   2283             }
   2284         } else if (readConfig == kRGBA_half_GrPixelConfig &&
   2285                    this->readPixelsSupported(srcSurface, kRGBA_float_GrPixelConfig)) {
   2286             // If reading in half float format is not supported, then read in float format.
   2287             return true;
   2288         } else if (this->glCaps().canConfigBeFBOColorAttachment(readConfig) &&
   2289                    this->readPixelsSupported(readConfig, readConfig)) {
   2290             // Do a draw to convert from the src config to the read config.
   2291             ElevateDrawPreference(drawPreference, kRequireDraw_DrawPreference);
   2292             tempDrawInfo->fTempSurfaceDesc.fConfig = readConfig;
   2293             tempDrawInfo->fReadConfig = readConfig;
   2294         } else {
   2295             return false;
   2296         }
   2297     }
   2299     if ((srcSurface->asRenderTarget() || this->glCaps().canConfigBeFBOColorAttachment(srcConfig)) &&
   2300         read_pixels_pays_for_y_flip(srcOrigin, this->glCaps(), width, height, readConfig,
   2301                                     rowBytes)) {
   2302         ElevateDrawPreference(drawPreference, kGpuPrefersDraw_DrawPreference);
   2303     }
   2305     return true;
   2306 }
   2308 bool GrGLGpu::onReadPixels(GrSurface* surface, GrSurfaceOrigin origin,
   2309                            int left, int top,
   2310                            int width, int height,
   2311                            GrPixelConfig config,
   2312                            void* buffer,
   2313                            size_t rowBytes) {
   2314     SkASSERT(surface);
   2316     GrGLRenderTarget* renderTarget = static_cast<GrGLRenderTarget*>(surface->asRenderTarget());
   2317     if (!renderTarget && !this->glCaps().canConfigBeFBOColorAttachment(surface->config())) {
   2318         return false;
   2319     }
   2321     // OpenGL doesn't do sRGB <-> linear conversions when reading and writing pixels.
   2322     if (requires_srgb_conversion(surface->config(), config)) {
   2323         return false;
   2324     }
   2326     // We have a special case fallback for reading eight bit alpha. We will read back all four 8
   2327     // bit channels as RGBA and then extract A.
   2328     if (!this->readPixelsSupported(surface, config)) {
   2329         // Don't attempt to do any srgb conversions since we only care about alpha.
   2330         GrPixelConfig tempConfig = kRGBA_8888_GrPixelConfig;
   2331         if (GrPixelConfigIsSRGB(surface->config())) {
   2332             tempConfig = kSRGBA_8888_GrPixelConfig;
   2333         }
   2334         if (kAlpha_8_GrPixelConfig == config &&
   2335             this->readPixelsSupported(surface, tempConfig)) {
   2336             std::unique_ptr<uint32_t[]> temp(new uint32_t[width * height * 4]);
   2337             if (this->onReadPixels(surface, origin, left, top, width, height,
   2338                                    tempConfig, temp.get(), width*4)) {
   2339                 uint8_t* dst = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(buffer);
   2340                 for (int j = 0; j < height; ++j) {
   2341                     for (int i = 0; i < width; ++i) {
   2342                         dst[j*rowBytes + i] = (0xFF000000U & temp[j*width+i]) >> 24;
   2343                     }
   2344                 }
   2345                 return true;
   2346             }
   2347         }
   2349         // If reading in half float format is not supported, then read in a temporary float buffer
   2350         // and convert to half float.
   2351         if (kRGBA_half_GrPixelConfig == config &&
   2352             this->readPixelsSupported(surface, kRGBA_float_GrPixelConfig)) {
   2353             std::unique_ptr<float[]> temp(new float[width * height * 4]);
   2354             if (this->onReadPixels(surface, origin, left, top, width, height,
   2355                                    kRGBA_float_GrPixelConfig, temp.get(),
   2356                                    width*sizeof(float)*4)) {
   2357                 uint8_t* dst = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(buffer);
   2358                 float* src = temp.get();
   2359                 for (int j = 0; j < height; ++j) {
   2360                     SkHalf* dstRow = reinterpret_cast<SkHalf*>(dst);
   2361                     for (int i = 0; i < width; ++i) {
   2362                         for (int color = 0; color < 4; color++) {
   2363                             *dstRow++ = SkFloatToHalf(*src++);
   2364                         }
   2365                     }
   2366                     dst += rowBytes;
   2367                 }
   2368                 return true;
   2369             }
   2370         }
   2371         return false;
   2372     }
   2374     GrGLenum externalFormat;
   2375     GrGLenum externalType;
   2376     if (!this->glCaps().getReadPixelsFormat(surface->config(), config, &externalFormat,
   2377                                             &externalType)) {
   2378         return false;
   2379     }
   2380     bool flipY = kBottomLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin == origin;
   2382     GrGLIRect glvp;
   2383     if (renderTarget) {
   2384         // resolve the render target if necessary
   2385         switch (renderTarget->getResolveType()) {
   2386             case GrGLRenderTarget::kCantResolve_ResolveType:
   2387                 return false;
   2388             case GrGLRenderTarget::kAutoResolves_ResolveType:
   2389                 this->flushRenderTarget(renderTarget, &SkIRect::EmptyIRect());
   2390                 break;
   2391             case GrGLRenderTarget::kCanResolve_ResolveType:
   2392                 this->onResolveRenderTarget(renderTarget, origin);
   2393                 // we don't track the state of the READ FBO ID.
   2394                 fStats.incRenderTargetBinds();
   2395                 GL_CALL(BindFramebuffer(GR_GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER, renderTarget->textureFBOID()));
   2396                 break;
   2397             default:
   2398                 SK_ABORT("Unknown resolve type");
   2399         }
   2400         glvp = renderTarget->getViewport();
   2401     } else {
   2402         // Use a temporary FBO.
   2403         this->bindSurfaceFBOForPixelOps(surface, GR_GL_FRAMEBUFFER, &glvp, kSrc_TempFBOTarget);
   2404         fHWBoundRenderTargetUniqueID.makeInvalid();
   2405     }
   2407     // the read rect is viewport-relative
   2408     GrGLIRect readRect;
   2409     readRect.setRelativeTo(glvp, left, top, width, height, origin);
   2411     size_t bytesPerPixel = GrBytesPerPixel(config);
   2412     size_t tightRowBytes = bytesPerPixel * width;
   2414     size_t readDstRowBytes = tightRowBytes;
   2415     void* readDst = buffer;
   2417     // determine if GL can read using the passed rowBytes or if we need
   2418     // a scratch buffer.
   2419     SkAutoSMalloc<32 * sizeof(GrColor)> scratch;
   2420     if (rowBytes != tightRowBytes) {
   2421         if (this->glCaps().packRowLengthSupport() && !(rowBytes % bytesPerPixel)) {
   2422             GL_CALL(PixelStorei(GR_GL_PACK_ROW_LENGTH,
   2423                                 static_cast<GrGLint>(rowBytes / bytesPerPixel)));
   2424             readDstRowBytes = rowBytes;
   2425         } else {
   2426             scratch.reset(tightRowBytes * height);
   2427             readDst = scratch.get();
   2428         }
   2429     }
   2430     if (flipY && this->glCaps().packFlipYSupport()) {
   2431         GL_CALL(PixelStorei(GR_GL_PACK_REVERSE_ROW_ORDER, 1));
   2432     }
   2433     GL_CALL(PixelStorei(GR_GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT, config_alignment(config)));
   2435     GL_CALL(ReadPixels(readRect.fLeft, readRect.fBottom,
   2436                        readRect.fWidth, readRect.fHeight,
   2437                        externalFormat, externalType, readDst));
   2438     if (readDstRowBytes != tightRowBytes) {
   2439         SkASSERT(this->glCaps().packRowLengthSupport());
   2440         GL_CALL(PixelStorei(GR_GL_PACK_ROW_LENGTH, 0));
   2441     }
   2442     if (flipY && this->glCaps().packFlipYSupport()) {
   2443         GL_CALL(PixelStorei(GR_GL_PACK_REVERSE_ROW_ORDER, 0));
   2444         flipY = false;
   2445     }
   2447     // now reverse the order of the rows, since GL's are bottom-to-top, but our
   2448     // API presents top-to-bottom. We must preserve the padding contents. Note
   2449     // that the above readPixels did not overwrite the padding.
   2450     if (readDst == buffer) {
   2451         SkASSERT(rowBytes == readDstRowBytes);
   2452         if (flipY) {
   2453             scratch.reset(tightRowBytes);
   2454             void* tmpRow = scratch.get();
   2455             // flip y in-place by rows
   2456             const int halfY = height >> 1;
   2457             char* top = reinterpret_cast<char*>(buffer);
   2458             char* bottom = top + (height - 1) * rowBytes;
   2459             for (int y = 0; y < halfY; y++) {
   2460                 memcpy(tmpRow, top, tightRowBytes);
   2461                 memcpy(top, bottom, tightRowBytes);
   2462                 memcpy(bottom, tmpRow, tightRowBytes);
   2463                 top += rowBytes;
   2464                 bottom -= rowBytes;
   2465             }
   2466         }
   2467     } else {
   2468         SkASSERT(readDst != buffer);
   2469         SkASSERT(rowBytes != tightRowBytes);
   2470         // copy from readDst to buffer while flipping y
   2471         // const int halfY = height >> 1;
   2472         const char* src = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(readDst);
   2473         char* dst = reinterpret_cast<char*>(buffer);
   2474         if (flipY) {
   2475             dst += (height-1) * rowBytes;
   2476         }
   2477         for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
   2478             memcpy(dst, src, tightRowBytes);
   2479             src += readDstRowBytes;
   2480             if (!flipY) {
   2481                 dst += rowBytes;
   2482             } else {
   2483                 dst -= rowBytes;
   2484             }
   2485         }
   2486     }
   2487     if (!renderTarget) {
   2488         this->unbindTextureFBOForPixelOps(GR_GL_FRAMEBUFFER, surface);
   2489     }
   2490     return true;
   2491 }
   2493 GrGpuRTCommandBuffer* GrGLGpu::createCommandBuffer(
   2494         GrRenderTarget* rt, GrSurfaceOrigin origin,
   2495         const GrGpuRTCommandBuffer::LoadAndStoreInfo& colorInfo,
   2496         const GrGpuRTCommandBuffer::StencilLoadAndStoreInfo& stencilInfo) {
   2497     return new GrGLGpuRTCommandBuffer(this, rt, origin, colorInfo, stencilInfo);
   2498 }
   2500 GrGpuTextureCommandBuffer* GrGLGpu::createCommandBuffer(GrTexture* texture,
   2501                                                         GrSurfaceOrigin origin) {
   2502     return new GrGLGpuTextureCommandBuffer(this, texture, origin);
   2503 }
   2505 void GrGLGpu::flushRenderTarget(GrGLRenderTarget* target, const SkIRect* bounds, bool disableSRGB) {
   2506     SkASSERT(target);
   2508     GrGpuResource::UniqueID rtID = target->uniqueID();
   2509     if (fHWBoundRenderTargetUniqueID != rtID) {
   2510         fStats.incRenderTargetBinds();
   2511         GL_CALL(BindFramebuffer(GR_GL_FRAMEBUFFER, target->renderFBOID()));
   2512 #ifdef SK_DEBUG
   2513         // don't do this check in Chromium -- this is causing
   2514         // lots of repeated command buffer flushes when the compositor is
   2515         // rendering with Ganesh, which is really slow; even too slow for
   2516         // Debug mode.
   2517         if (kChromium_GrGLDriver != this->glContext().driver()) {
   2518             GrGLenum status;
   2519             GL_CALL_RET(status, CheckFramebufferStatus(GR_GL_FRAMEBUFFER));
   2520             if (status != GR_GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE) {
   2521                 SkDebugf("GrGLGpu::flushRenderTarget glCheckFramebufferStatus %x\n", status);
   2522             }
   2523         }
   2524 #endif
   2525         fHWBoundRenderTargetUniqueID = rtID;
   2526         this->flushViewport(target->getViewport());
   2527     }
   2529     if (this->glCaps().srgbWriteControl()) {
   2530         this->flushFramebufferSRGB(GrPixelConfigIsSRGB(target->config()) && !disableSRGB);
   2531     }
   2533     this->didWriteToSurface(target, bounds);
   2534 }
   2536 void GrGLGpu::flushFramebufferSRGB(bool enable) {
   2537     if (enable && kYes_TriState != fHWSRGBFramebuffer) {
   2538         GL_CALL(Enable(GR_GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB));
   2539         fHWSRGBFramebuffer = kYes_TriState;
   2540     } else if (!enable && kNo_TriState != fHWSRGBFramebuffer) {
   2541         GL_CALL(Disable(GR_GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB));
   2542         fHWSRGBFramebuffer = kNo_TriState;
   2543     }
   2544 }
   2546 void GrGLGpu::flushViewport(const GrGLIRect& viewport) {
   2547     if (fHWViewport != viewport) {
   2548         viewport.pushToGLViewport(this->glInterface());
   2549         fHWViewport = viewport;
   2550     }
   2551 }
   2553 #define SWAP_PER_DRAW 0
   2555 #if SWAP_PER_DRAW
   2556     #if defined(SK_BUILD_FOR_MAC)
   2557         #include <AGL/agl.h>
   2558     #elif defined(SK_BUILD_FOR_WIN)
   2559         #include <gl/GL.h>
   2560         void SwapBuf() {
   2561             DWORD procID = GetCurrentProcessId();
   2562             HWND hwnd = GetTopWindow(GetDesktopWindow());
   2563             while(hwnd) {
   2564                 DWORD wndProcID = 0;
   2565                 GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, &wndProcID);
   2566                 if(wndProcID == procID) {
   2567                     SwapBuffers(GetDC(hwnd));
   2568                 }
   2569                 hwnd = GetNextWindow(hwnd, GW_HWNDNEXT);
   2570             }
   2571          }
   2572     #endif
   2573 #endif
   2575 void GrGLGpu::draw(const GrPipeline& pipeline,
   2576                    const GrPrimitiveProcessor& primProc,
   2577                    const GrMesh meshes[],
   2578                    const GrPipeline::DynamicState dynamicStates[],
   2579                    int meshCount) {
   2580     this->handleDirtyContext();
   2582     bool hasPoints = false;
   2583     for (int i = 0; i < meshCount; ++i) {
   2584         if (meshes[i].primitiveType() == GrPrimitiveType::kPoints) {
   2585             hasPoints = true;
   2586             break;
   2587         }
   2588     }
   2589     if (!this->flushGLState(pipeline, primProc, hasPoints)) {
   2590         return;
   2591     }
   2593     for (int i = 0; i < meshCount; ++i) {
   2594         if (GrXferBarrierType barrierType = pipeline.xferBarrierType(*this->caps())) {
   2595             this->xferBarrier(pipeline.renderTarget(), barrierType);
   2596         }
   2598         if (dynamicStates) {
   2599             if (pipeline.getScissorState().enabled()) {
   2600                 GrGLRenderTarget* glRT = static_cast<GrGLRenderTarget*>(pipeline.renderTarget());
   2601                 this->flushScissor(dynamicStates[i].fScissorRect,
   2602                                    glRT->getViewport(), pipeline.proxy()->origin());
   2603             }
   2604         }
   2605         if (this->glCaps().requiresCullFaceEnableDisableWhenDrawingLinesAfterNonLines() &&
   2606             GrIsPrimTypeLines(meshes[i].primitiveType()) &&
   2607             !GrIsPrimTypeLines(fLastPrimitiveType)) {
   2608             GL_CALL(Enable(GR_GL_CULL_FACE));
   2609             GL_CALL(Disable(GR_GL_CULL_FACE));
   2610         }
   2611         meshes[i].sendToGpu(primProc, this);
   2612         fLastPrimitiveType = meshes[i].primitiveType();
   2613     }
   2615 #if SWAP_PER_DRAW
   2616     glFlush();
   2617     #if defined(SK_BUILD_FOR_MAC)
   2618         aglSwapBuffers(aglGetCurrentContext());
   2619         int set_a_break_pt_here = 9;
   2620         aglSwapBuffers(aglGetCurrentContext());
   2621     #elif defined(SK_BUILD_FOR_WIN)
   2622         SwapBuf();
   2623         int set_a_break_pt_here = 9;
   2624         SwapBuf();
   2625     #endif
   2626 #endif
   2627 }
   2629 static GrGLenum gr_primitive_type_to_gl_mode(GrPrimitiveType primitiveType) {
   2630     switch (primitiveType) {
   2631         case GrPrimitiveType::kTriangles:
   2632             return GR_GL_TRIANGLES;
   2633         case GrPrimitiveType::kTriangleStrip:
   2634             return GR_GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP;
   2635         case GrPrimitiveType::kTriangleFan:
   2636             return GR_GL_TRIANGLE_FAN;
   2637         case GrPrimitiveType::kPoints:
   2638             return GR_GL_POINTS;
   2639         case GrPrimitiveType::kLines:
   2640             return GR_GL_LINES;
   2641         case GrPrimitiveType::kLineStrip:
   2642             return GR_GL_LINE_STRIP;
   2643         case GrPrimitiveType::kLinesAdjacency:
   2644             return GR_GL_LINES_ADJACENCY;
   2645     }
   2646     SK_ABORT("invalid GrPrimitiveType");
   2647     return GR_GL_TRIANGLES;
   2648 }
   2650 void GrGLGpu::sendMeshToGpu(const GrPrimitiveProcessor& primProc, GrPrimitiveType primitiveType,
   2651                             const GrBuffer* vertexBuffer, int vertexCount, int baseVertex) {
   2652     const GrGLenum glPrimType = gr_primitive_type_to_gl_mode(primitiveType);
   2653     if (this->glCaps().drawArraysBaseVertexIsBroken()) {
   2654         this->setupGeometry(primProc, nullptr, vertexBuffer, baseVertex, nullptr, 0);
   2655         GL_CALL(DrawArrays(glPrimType, 0, vertexCount));
   2656     } else {
   2657         this->setupGeometry(primProc, nullptr, vertexBuffer, 0, nullptr, 0);
   2658         GL_CALL(DrawArrays(glPrimType, baseVertex, vertexCount));
   2659     }
   2660     fStats.incNumDraws();
   2661 }
   2663 void GrGLGpu::sendIndexedMeshToGpu(const GrPrimitiveProcessor& primProc,
   2664                                    GrPrimitiveType primitiveType, const GrBuffer* indexBuffer,
   2665                                    int indexCount, int baseIndex, uint16_t minIndexValue,
   2666                                    uint16_t maxIndexValue, const GrBuffer* vertexBuffer,
   2667                                    int baseVertex) {
   2668     const GrGLenum glPrimType = gr_primitive_type_to_gl_mode(primitiveType);
   2669     GrGLvoid* const indices = reinterpret_cast<void*>(indexBuffer->baseOffset() +
   2670                                                       sizeof(uint16_t) * baseIndex);
   2672     this->setupGeometry(primProc, indexBuffer, vertexBuffer, baseVertex, nullptr, 0);
   2674     if (this->glCaps().drawRangeElementsSupport()) {
   2675         GL_CALL(DrawRangeElements(glPrimType, minIndexValue, maxIndexValue, indexCount,
   2676                                   GR_GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, indices));
   2677     } else {
   2678         GL_CALL(DrawElements(glPrimType, indexCount, GR_GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, indices));
   2679     }
   2680     fStats.incNumDraws();
   2681 }
   2683 void GrGLGpu::sendInstancedMeshToGpu(const GrPrimitiveProcessor& primProc, GrPrimitiveType
   2684                                      primitiveType, const GrBuffer* vertexBuffer,
   2685                                      int vertexCount, int baseVertex,
   2686                                      const GrBuffer* instanceBuffer, int instanceCount,
   2687                                      int baseInstance) {
   2688     GrGLenum glPrimType = gr_primitive_type_to_gl_mode(primitiveType);
   2689     int maxInstances = this->glCaps().maxInstancesPerDrawArraysWithoutCrashing(instanceCount);
   2690     for (int i = 0; i < instanceCount; i += maxInstances) {
   2691         this->setupGeometry(primProc, nullptr, vertexBuffer, 0, instanceBuffer, baseInstance + i);
   2692         GL_CALL(DrawArraysInstanced(glPrimType, baseVertex, vertexCount,
   2693                                     SkTMin(instanceCount - i, maxInstances)));
   2694         fStats.incNumDraws();
   2695     }
   2696 }
   2698 void GrGLGpu::sendIndexedInstancedMeshToGpu(const GrPrimitiveProcessor& primProc,
   2699                                             GrPrimitiveType primitiveType,
   2700                                             const GrBuffer* indexBuffer, int indexCount,
   2701                                             int baseIndex, const GrBuffer* vertexBuffer,
   2702                                             int baseVertex, const GrBuffer* instanceBuffer,
   2703                                             int instanceCount, int baseInstance) {
   2704     const GrGLenum glPrimType = gr_primitive_type_to_gl_mode(primitiveType);
   2705     GrGLvoid* indices = reinterpret_cast<void*>(indexBuffer->baseOffset() +
   2706                                                 sizeof(uint16_t) * baseIndex);
   2707     this->setupGeometry(primProc, indexBuffer, vertexBuffer, baseVertex,
   2708                         instanceBuffer, baseInstance);
   2709     GL_CALL(DrawElementsInstanced(glPrimType, indexCount, GR_GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, indices,
   2710                                   instanceCount));
   2711     fStats.incNumDraws();
   2712 }
   2714 void GrGLGpu::onResolveRenderTarget(GrRenderTarget* target, GrSurfaceOrigin origin) {
   2715     GrGLRenderTarget* rt = static_cast<GrGLRenderTarget*>(target);
   2716     if (rt->needsResolve()) {
   2717         // Some extensions automatically resolves the texture when it is read.
   2718         if (this->glCaps().usesMSAARenderBuffers()) {
   2719             SkASSERT(rt->textureFBOID() != rt->renderFBOID());
   2720             SkASSERT(rt->textureFBOID() != 0 && rt->renderFBOID() != 0);
   2721             fStats.incRenderTargetBinds();
   2722             fStats.incRenderTargetBinds();
   2723             GL_CALL(BindFramebuffer(GR_GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER, rt->renderFBOID()));
   2724             GL_CALL(BindFramebuffer(GR_GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, rt->textureFBOID()));
   2725             // make sure we go through flushRenderTarget() since we've modified
   2726             // the bound DRAW FBO ID.
   2727             fHWBoundRenderTargetUniqueID.makeInvalid();
   2728             const GrGLIRect& vp = rt->getViewport();
   2729             const SkIRect dirtyRect = rt->getResolveRect();
   2731             if (GrGLCaps::kES_Apple_MSFBOType == this->glCaps().msFBOType()) {
   2732                 // Apple's extension uses the scissor as the blit bounds.
   2733                 GrScissorState scissorState;
   2734                 scissorState.set(dirtyRect);
   2735                 this->flushScissor(scissorState, vp, origin);
   2736                 this->disableWindowRectangles();
   2737                 GL_CALL(ResolveMultisampleFramebuffer());
   2738             } else {
   2739                 int l, b, r, t;
   2740                 if (GrGLCaps::kResolveMustBeFull_BlitFrambufferFlag &
   2741                     this->glCaps().blitFramebufferSupportFlags()) {
   2742                     l = 0;
   2743                     b = 0;
   2744                     r = target->width();
   2745                     t = target->height();
   2746                 } else {
   2747                     GrGLIRect rect;
   2748                     rect.setRelativeTo(vp, dirtyRect, origin);
   2749                     l = rect.fLeft;
   2750                     b = rect.fBottom;
   2751                     r = rect.fLeft + rect.fWidth;
   2752                     t = rect.fBottom + rect.fHeight;
   2753                 }
   2755                 // BlitFrameBuffer respects the scissor, so disable it.
   2756                 this->disableScissor();
   2757                 this->disableWindowRectangles();
   2758                 GL_CALL(BlitFramebuffer(l, b, r, t, l, b, r, t,
   2759                                         GR_GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, GR_GL_NEAREST));
   2760             }
   2761         }
   2762         rt->flagAsResolved();
   2763     }
   2764 }
   2766 namespace {
   2769 GrGLenum gr_to_gl_stencil_op(GrStencilOp op) {
   2770     static const GrGLenum gTable[kGrStencilOpCount] = {
   2771         GR_GL_KEEP,        // kKeep
   2772         GR_GL_ZERO,        // kZero
   2773         GR_GL_REPLACE,     // kReplace
   2774         GR_GL_INVERT,      // kInvert
   2775         GR_GL_INCR_WRAP,   // kIncWrap
   2776         GR_GL_DECR_WRAP,   // kDecWrap
   2777         GR_GL_INCR,        // kIncClamp
   2778         GR_GL_DECR,        // kDecClamp
   2779     };
   2780     GR_STATIC_ASSERT(0 == (int)GrStencilOp::kKeep);
   2781     GR_STATIC_ASSERT(1 == (int)GrStencilOp::kZero);
   2782     GR_STATIC_ASSERT(2 == (int)GrStencilOp::kReplace);
   2783     GR_STATIC_ASSERT(3 == (int)GrStencilOp::kInvert);
   2784     GR_STATIC_ASSERT(4 == (int)GrStencilOp::kIncWrap);
   2785     GR_STATIC_ASSERT(5 == (int)GrStencilOp::kDecWrap);
   2786     GR_STATIC_ASSERT(6 == (int)GrStencilOp::kIncClamp);
   2787     GR_STATIC_ASSERT(7 == (int)GrStencilOp::kDecClamp);
   2788     SkASSERT(op < (GrStencilOp)kGrStencilOpCount);
   2789     return gTable[(int)op];
   2790 }
   2792 void set_gl_stencil(const GrGLInterface* gl,
   2793                     const GrStencilSettings::Face& face,
   2794                     GrGLenum glFace) {
   2795     GrGLenum glFunc = GrToGLStencilFunc(face.fTest);
   2796     GrGLenum glFailOp = gr_to_gl_stencil_op(face.fFailOp);
   2797     GrGLenum glPassOp = gr_to_gl_stencil_op(face.fPassOp);
   2799     GrGLint ref = face.fRef;
   2800     GrGLint mask = face.fTestMask;
   2801     GrGLint writeMask = face.fWriteMask;
   2803     if (GR_GL_FRONT_AND_BACK == glFace) {
   2804         // we call the combined func just in case separate stencil is not
   2805         // supported.
   2806         GR_GL_CALL(gl, StencilFunc(glFunc, ref, mask));
   2807         GR_GL_CALL(gl, StencilMask(writeMask));
   2808         GR_GL_CALL(gl, StencilOp(glFailOp, GR_GL_KEEP, glPassOp));
   2809     } else {
   2810         GR_GL_CALL(gl, StencilFuncSeparate(glFace, glFunc, ref, mask));
   2811         GR_GL_CALL(gl, StencilMaskSeparate(glFace, writeMask));
   2812         GR_GL_CALL(gl, StencilOpSeparate(glFace, glFailOp, GR_GL_KEEP, glPassOp));
   2813     }
   2814 }
   2815 }
   2817 void GrGLGpu::flushStencil(const GrStencilSettings& stencilSettings) {
   2818     if (stencilSettings.isDisabled()) {
   2819         this->disableStencil();
   2820     } else if (fHWStencilSettings != stencilSettings) {
   2821         if (kYes_TriState != fHWStencilTestEnabled) {
   2822             GL_CALL(Enable(GR_GL_STENCIL_TEST));
   2824             fHWStencilTestEnabled = kYes_TriState;
   2825         }
   2826         if (stencilSettings.isTwoSided()) {
   2827             set_gl_stencil(this->glInterface(),
   2828                            stencilSettings.front(),
   2829                            GR_GL_FRONT);
   2830             set_gl_stencil(this->glInterface(),
   2831                            stencilSettings.back(),
   2832                            GR_GL_BACK);
   2833         } else {
   2834             set_gl_stencil(this->glInterface(),
   2835                            stencilSettings.front(),
   2836                            GR_GL_FRONT_AND_BACK);
   2837         }
   2838         fHWStencilSettings = stencilSettings;
   2839     }
   2840 }
   2842 void GrGLGpu::disableStencil() {
   2843     if (kNo_TriState != fHWStencilTestEnabled) {
   2844         GL_CALL(Disable(GR_GL_STENCIL_TEST));
   2846         fHWStencilTestEnabled = kNo_TriState;
   2847         fHWStencilSettings.invalidate();
   2848     }
   2849 }
   2851 void GrGLGpu::flushHWAAState(GrRenderTarget* rt, bool useHWAA, bool stencilEnabled) {
   2852     // rt is only optional if useHWAA is false.
   2853     SkASSERT(rt || !useHWAA);
   2854     SkASSERT(!useHWAA || rt->isStencilBufferMultisampled());
   2856     if (this->caps()->multisampleDisableSupport()) {
   2857         if (useHWAA) {
   2858             if (kYes_TriState != fMSAAEnabled) {
   2859                 GL_CALL(Enable(GR_GL_MULTISAMPLE));
   2860                 fMSAAEnabled = kYes_TriState;
   2861             }
   2862         } else {
   2863             if (kNo_TriState != fMSAAEnabled) {
   2864                 GL_CALL(Disable(GR_GL_MULTISAMPLE));
   2865                 fMSAAEnabled = kNo_TriState;
   2866             }
   2867         }
   2868     }
   2870     if (0 != this->caps()->maxRasterSamples()) {
   2871         if (useHWAA && GrFSAAType::kMixedSamples == rt->fsaaType() && !stencilEnabled) {
   2872             // Since stencil is disabled and we want more samples than are in the color buffer, we
   2873             // need to tell the rasterizer explicitly how many to run.
   2874             if (kYes_TriState != fHWRasterMultisampleEnabled) {
   2875                 GL_CALL(Enable(GR_GL_RASTER_MULTISAMPLE));
   2876                 fHWRasterMultisampleEnabled = kYes_TriState;
   2877             }
   2878             if (rt->numStencilSamples() != fHWNumRasterSamples) {
   2879                 SkASSERT(rt->numStencilSamples() <= this->caps()->maxRasterSamples());
   2880                 GL_CALL(RasterSamples(rt->numStencilSamples(), GR_GL_TRUE));
   2881                 fHWNumRasterSamples = rt->numStencilSamples();
   2882             }
   2883         } else {
   2884             if (kNo_TriState != fHWRasterMultisampleEnabled) {
   2885                 GL_CALL(Disable(GR_GL_RASTER_MULTISAMPLE));
   2886                 fHWRasterMultisampleEnabled = kNo_TriState;
   2887             }
   2888         }
   2889     } else {
   2890         SkASSERT(!useHWAA || GrFSAAType::kMixedSamples != rt->fsaaType() || stencilEnabled);
   2891     }
   2892 }
   2894 void GrGLGpu::flushBlend(const GrXferProcessor::BlendInfo& blendInfo, const GrSwizzle& swizzle) {
   2895     // Any optimization to disable blending should have already been applied and
   2896     // tweaked the equation to "add" or "subtract", and the coeffs to (1, 0).
   2898     GrBlendEquation equation = blendInfo.fEquation;
   2899     GrBlendCoeff srcCoeff = blendInfo.fSrcBlend;
   2900     GrBlendCoeff dstCoeff = blendInfo.fDstBlend;
   2901     bool blendOff = (kAdd_GrBlendEquation == equation || kSubtract_GrBlendEquation == equation) &&
   2902                     kOne_GrBlendCoeff == srcCoeff && kZero_GrBlendCoeff == dstCoeff;
   2903     if (blendOff) {
   2904         if (kNo_TriState != fHWBlendState.fEnabled) {
   2905             GL_CALL(Disable(GR_GL_BLEND));
   2907             // Workaround for the ARM KHR_blend_equation_advanced blacklist issue
   2908             // https://code.google.com/p/skia/issues/detail?id=3943
   2909             if (kARM_GrGLVendor == this->ctxInfo().vendor() &&
   2910                 GrBlendEquationIsAdvanced(fHWBlendState.fEquation)) {
   2911                 SkASSERT(this->caps()->advancedBlendEquationSupport());
   2912                 // Set to any basic blending equation.
   2913                 GrBlendEquation blend_equation = kAdd_GrBlendEquation;
   2914                 GL_CALL(BlendEquation(gXfermodeEquation2Blend[blend_equation]));
   2915                 fHWBlendState.fEquation = blend_equation;
   2916             }
   2918             fHWBlendState.fEnabled = kNo_TriState;
   2919         }
   2920         return;
   2921     }
   2923     if (kYes_TriState != fHWBlendState.fEnabled) {
   2924         GL_CALL(Enable(GR_GL_BLEND));
   2926         fHWBlendState.fEnabled = kYes_TriState;
   2927     }
   2929     if (fHWBlendState.fEquation != equation) {
   2930         GL_CALL(BlendEquation(gXfermodeEquation2Blend[equation]));
   2931         fHWBlendState.fEquation = equation;
   2932     }
   2934     if (GrBlendEquationIsAdvanced(equation)) {
   2935         SkASSERT(this->caps()->advancedBlendEquationSupport());
   2936         // Advanced equations have no other blend state.
   2937         return;
   2938     }
   2940     if (fHWBlendState.fSrcCoeff != srcCoeff || fHWBlendState.fDstCoeff != dstCoeff) {
   2941         GL_CALL(BlendFunc(gXfermodeCoeff2Blend[srcCoeff],
   2942                           gXfermodeCoeff2Blend[dstCoeff]));
   2943         fHWBlendState.fSrcCoeff = srcCoeff;
   2944         fHWBlendState.fDstCoeff = dstCoeff;
   2945     }
   2947     if ((BlendCoeffReferencesConstant(srcCoeff) || BlendCoeffReferencesConstant(dstCoeff))) {
   2948         GrColor blendConst = blendInfo.fBlendConstant;
   2949         blendConst = swizzle.applyTo(blendConst);
   2950         if (!fHWBlendState.fConstColorValid || fHWBlendState.fConstColor != blendConst) {
   2951             GrGLfloat c[4];
   2952             GrColorToRGBAFloat(blendConst, c);
   2953             GL_CALL(BlendColor(c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3]));
   2954             fHWBlendState.fConstColor = blendConst;
   2955             fHWBlendState.fConstColorValid = true;
   2956         }
   2957     }
   2958 }
   2960 static inline GrGLenum wrap_mode_to_gl_wrap(GrSamplerState::WrapMode wrapMode) {
   2961     switch (wrapMode) {
   2962         case GrSamplerState::WrapMode::kClamp:
   2963             return GR_GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE;
   2964         case GrSamplerState::WrapMode::kRepeat:
   2965             return GR_GL_REPEAT;
   2966         case GrSamplerState::WrapMode::kMirrorRepeat:
   2967             return GR_GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT;
   2968     };
   2969     SK_ABORT("Unknown wrap mode");
   2970     return 0;
   2971 }
   2973 static GrGLenum get_component_enum_from_char(char component) {
   2974     switch (component) {
   2975         case 'r':
   2976            return GR_GL_RED;
   2977         case 'g':
   2978            return GR_GL_GREEN;
   2979         case 'b':
   2980            return GR_GL_BLUE;
   2981         case 'a':
   2982            return GR_GL_ALPHA;
   2983         default:
   2984             SK_ABORT("Unsupported component");
   2985             return 0;
   2986     }
   2987 }
   2989 /** If texture swizzling is available using tex parameters then it is preferred over mangling
   2990   the generated shader code. This potentially allows greater reuse of cached shaders. */
   2991 static void get_tex_param_swizzle(GrPixelConfig config,
   2992                                   const GrGLCaps& caps,
   2993                                   GrGLenum* glSwizzle) {
   2994     const GrSwizzle& swizzle = caps.configSwizzle(config);
   2995     for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
   2996         glSwizzle[i] = get_component_enum_from_char(swizzle.c_str()[i]);
   2997     }
   2998 }
   3000 static GrGLenum filter_to_gl_mag_filter(GrSamplerState::Filter filter) {
   3001     switch (filter) {
   3002         case GrSamplerState::Filter::kNearest:
   3003             return GR_GL_NEAREST;
   3004         case GrSamplerState::Filter::kBilerp:
   3005             return GR_GL_LINEAR;
   3006         case GrSamplerState::Filter::kMipMap:
   3007             return GR_GL_LINEAR;
   3008     }
   3009     SK_ABORT("Unknown filter");
   3010     return 0;
   3011 }
   3013 static GrGLenum filter_to_gl_min_filter(GrSamplerState::Filter filter) {
   3014     switch (filter) {
   3015         case GrSamplerState::Filter::kNearest:
   3016             return GR_GL_NEAREST;
   3017         case GrSamplerState::Filter::kBilerp:
   3018             return GR_GL_LINEAR;
   3019         case GrSamplerState::Filter::kMipMap:
   3020             return GR_GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR;
   3021     }
   3022     SK_ABORT("Unknown filter");
   3023     return 0;
   3024 }
   3026 void GrGLGpu::bindTexture(int unitIdx, const GrSamplerState& samplerState, bool allowSRGBInputs,
   3027                           GrGLTexture* texture, GrSurfaceOrigin textureOrigin) {
   3028     SkASSERT(texture);
   3030 #ifdef SK_DEBUG
   3031     if (!this->caps()->npotTextureTileSupport()) {
   3032         if (samplerState.isRepeated()) {
   3033             const int w = texture->width();
   3034             const int h = texture->height();
   3035             SkASSERT(SkIsPow2(w) && SkIsPow2(h));
   3036         }
   3037     }
   3038 #endif
   3040     // If we created a rt/tex and rendered to it without using a texture and now we're texturing
   3041     // from the rt it will still be the last bound texture, but it needs resolving. So keep this
   3042     // out of the "last != next" check.
   3043     GrGLRenderTarget* texRT = static_cast<GrGLRenderTarget*>(texture->asRenderTarget());
   3044     if (texRT) {
   3045         this->onResolveRenderTarget(texRT, textureOrigin);
   3046     }
   3048     GrGpuResource::UniqueID textureID = texture->uniqueID();
   3049     GrGLenum target = texture->target();
   3050     if (fHWBoundTextureUniqueIDs[unitIdx] != textureID) {
   3051         this->setTextureUnit(unitIdx);
   3052         GL_CALL(BindTexture(target, texture->textureID()));
   3053         fHWBoundTextureUniqueIDs[unitIdx] = textureID;
   3054     }
   3056     ResetTimestamp timestamp;
   3057     const GrGLTexture::TexParams& oldTexParams = texture->getCachedTexParams(&timestamp);
   3058     bool setAll = timestamp < this->getResetTimestamp();
   3059     GrGLTexture::TexParams newTexParams;
   3061     GrSamplerState::Filter filterMode = samplerState.filter();
   3063     if (GrSamplerState::Filter::kMipMap == filterMode) {
   3064         if (!this->caps()->mipMapSupport()) {
   3065             filterMode = GrSamplerState::Filter::kBilerp;
   3066         }
   3067     }
   3069     newTexParams.fMinFilter = filter_to_gl_min_filter(filterMode);
   3070     newTexParams.fMagFilter = filter_to_gl_mag_filter(filterMode);
   3072     if (this->glCaps().srgbDecodeDisableSupport() && GrPixelConfigIsSRGB(texture->config())) {
   3073         newTexParams.fSRGBDecode = allowSRGBInputs ? GR_GL_DECODE_EXT : GR_GL_SKIP_DECODE_EXT;
   3074         if (setAll || newTexParams.fSRGBDecode != oldTexParams.fSRGBDecode) {
   3075             this->setTextureUnit(unitIdx);
   3076             GL_CALL(TexParameteri(target, GR_GL_TEXTURE_SRGB_DECODE_EXT, newTexParams.fSRGBDecode));
   3077         }
   3078     }
   3080 #ifdef SK_DEBUG
   3081     // We were supposed to ensure MipMaps were up-to-date and built correctly before getting here.
   3082     if (GrSamplerState::Filter::kMipMap == filterMode) {
   3083         SkASSERT(!texture->texturePriv().mipMapsAreDirty());
   3084         if (GrPixelConfigIsSRGB(texture->config())) {
   3085             SkDestinationSurfaceColorMode colorMode = allowSRGBInputs
   3086                 ? SkDestinationSurfaceColorMode::kGammaAndColorSpaceAware
   3087                 : SkDestinationSurfaceColorMode::kLegacy;
   3088             SkASSERT(texture->texturePriv().mipColorMode() == colorMode);
   3089         }
   3090     }
   3091 #endif
   3093     newTexParams.fMaxMipMapLevel = texture->texturePriv().maxMipMapLevel();
   3095     newTexParams.fWrapS = wrap_mode_to_gl_wrap(samplerState.wrapModeX());
   3096     newTexParams.fWrapT = wrap_mode_to_gl_wrap(samplerState.wrapModeY());
   3097     get_tex_param_swizzle(texture->config(), this->glCaps(), newTexParams.fSwizzleRGBA);
   3098     if (setAll || newTexParams.fMagFilter != oldTexParams.fMagFilter) {
   3099         this->setTextureUnit(unitIdx);
   3100         GL_CALL(TexParameteri(target, GR_GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, newTexParams.fMagFilter));
   3101     }
   3102     if (setAll || newTexParams.fMinFilter != oldTexParams.fMinFilter) {
   3103         this->setTextureUnit(unitIdx);
   3104         GL_CALL(TexParameteri(target, GR_GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, newTexParams.fMinFilter));
   3105     }
   3106     if (setAll || newTexParams.fMaxMipMapLevel != oldTexParams.fMaxMipMapLevel) {
   3107         // These are not supported in ES2 contexts
   3108         if (this->glCaps().mipMapLevelAndLodControlSupport()) {
   3109             if (newTexParams.fMaxMipMapLevel != 0) {
   3110                 this->setTextureUnit(unitIdx);
   3111                 GL_CALL(TexParameteri(target, GR_GL_TEXTURE_MIN_LOD, 0));
   3112                 GL_CALL(TexParameteri(target, GR_GL_TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL, 0));
   3113                 GL_CALL(TexParameteri(target, GR_GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LOD,
   3114                                       newTexParams.fMaxMipMapLevel));
   3115                 GL_CALL(TexParameteri(target, GR_GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL,
   3116                                       newTexParams.fMaxMipMapLevel));
   3117             }
   3118         }
   3119     }
   3120     if (setAll || newTexParams.fWrapS != oldTexParams.fWrapS) {
   3121         this->setTextureUnit(unitIdx);
   3122         GL_CALL(TexParameteri(target, GR_GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, newTexParams.fWrapS));
   3123     }
   3124     if (setAll || newTexParams.fWrapT != oldTexParams.fWrapT) {
   3125         this->setTextureUnit(unitIdx);
   3126         GL_CALL(TexParameteri(target, GR_GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, newTexParams.fWrapT));
   3127     }
   3128     if (this->glCaps().textureSwizzleSupport() &&
   3129         (setAll || memcmp(newTexParams.fSwizzleRGBA,
   3130                           oldTexParams.fSwizzleRGBA,
   3131                           sizeof(newTexParams.fSwizzleRGBA)))) {
   3132         this->setTextureSwizzle(unitIdx, target, newTexParams.fSwizzleRGBA);
   3133     }
   3134     texture->setCachedTexParams(newTexParams, this->getResetTimestamp());
   3135 }
   3137 void GrGLGpu::bindTexelBuffer(int unitIdx, GrPixelConfig texelConfig, GrGLBuffer* buffer) {
   3138     SkASSERT(this->glCaps().canUseConfigWithTexelBuffer(texelConfig));
   3139     SkASSERT(unitIdx >= 0 && unitIdx < fHWBufferTextures.count());
   3141     BufferTexture& buffTex = fHWBufferTextures[unitIdx];
   3143     if (!buffTex.fKnownBound) {
   3144         if (!buffTex.fTextureID) {
   3145             GL_CALL(GenTextures(1, &buffTex.fTextureID));
   3146             if (!buffTex.fTextureID) {
   3147                 return;
   3148             }
   3149         }
   3151         this->setTextureUnit(unitIdx);
   3152         GL_CALL(BindTexture(GR_GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER, buffTex.fTextureID));
   3154         buffTex.fKnownBound = true;
   3155     }
   3157     if (buffer->uniqueID() != buffTex.fAttachedBufferUniqueID ||
   3158         buffTex.fTexelConfig != texelConfig) {
   3160         this->setTextureUnit(unitIdx);
   3161         GL_CALL(TexBuffer(GR_GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER,
   3162                           this->glCaps().configSizedInternalFormat(texelConfig),
   3163                           buffer->bufferID()));
   3165         buffTex.fTexelConfig = texelConfig;
   3166         buffTex.fAttachedBufferUniqueID = buffer->uniqueID();
   3168         if (this->glCaps().textureSwizzleSupport() &&
   3169             this->glCaps().configSwizzle(texelConfig) != buffTex.fSwizzle) {
   3170             GrGLenum glSwizzle[4];
   3171             get_tex_param_swizzle(texelConfig, this->glCaps(), glSwizzle);
   3172             this->setTextureSwizzle(unitIdx, GR_GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER, glSwizzle);
   3173             buffTex.fSwizzle = this->glCaps().configSwizzle(texelConfig);
   3174         }
   3176         buffer->setHasAttachedToTexture();
   3177         fHWMaxUsedBufferTextureUnit = SkTMax(unitIdx, fHWMaxUsedBufferTextureUnit);
   3178     }
   3179 }
   3181 void GrGLGpu::generateMipmaps(const GrSamplerState& params, bool allowSRGBInputs,
   3182                               GrGLTexture* texture, GrSurfaceOrigin textureOrigin) {
   3183     SkASSERT(texture);
   3185     // First, figure out if we need mips for this texture at all:
   3186     GrSamplerState::Filter filterMode = params.filter();
   3188     if (GrSamplerState::Filter::kMipMap == filterMode) {
   3189         if (!this->caps()->mipMapSupport()) {
   3190             filterMode = GrSamplerState::Filter::kBilerp;
   3191         }
   3192     }
   3194     if (GrSamplerState::Filter::kMipMap != filterMode) {
   3195         return;
   3196     }
   3198     // If this is an sRGB texture and the mips were previously built the "other" way
   3199     // (gamma-correct vs. not), then we need to rebuild them. We don't need to check for
   3200     // srgbSupport - we'll *never* get an sRGB pixel config if we don't support it.
   3201     SkDestinationSurfaceColorMode colorMode = allowSRGBInputs
   3202         ? SkDestinationSurfaceColorMode::kGammaAndColorSpaceAware
   3203         : SkDestinationSurfaceColorMode::kLegacy;
   3204     if (GrPixelConfigIsSRGB(texture->config()) &&
   3205         colorMode != texture->texturePriv().mipColorMode()) {
   3206         texture->texturePriv().markMipMapsDirty();
   3207     }
   3209     // If the mips aren't dirty, we're done:
   3210     if (!texture->texturePriv().mipMapsAreDirty()) {
   3211         return;
   3212     }
   3214     // If we created a rt/tex and rendered to it without using a texture and now we're texturing
   3215     // from the rt it will still be the last bound texture, but it needs resolving.
   3216     GrGLRenderTarget* texRT = static_cast<GrGLRenderTarget*>(texture->asRenderTarget());
   3217     if (texRT) {
   3218         this->onResolveRenderTarget(texRT, textureOrigin);
   3219     }
   3221     GrGLenum target = texture->target();
   3222     this->setScratchTextureUnit();
   3223     GL_CALL(BindTexture(target, texture->textureID()));
   3225     // Configure sRGB decode, if necessary. This state is the only thing needed for the driver
   3226     // call (glGenerateMipmap) to work correctly. Our manual method dirties other state, too.
   3227     if (this->glCaps().srgbDecodeDisableSupport() && GrPixelConfigIsSRGB(texture->config())) {
   3228         GrGLenum srgbDecode = allowSRGBInputs ? GR_GL_DECODE_EXT : GR_GL_SKIP_DECODE_EXT;
   3229         // Command buffer's sRGB decode extension doesn't influence mipmap generation correctly.
   3230         // If we set this to skip_decode, it appears to suppress sRGB -> Linear for each downsample,
   3231         // but not the Linear -> sRGB when writing the next level. The result is that mip-chains
   3232         // get progressively brighter as you go down. Forcing this to 'decode' gives predictable
   3233         // (and only slightly incorrect) results. See crbug.com/655247 (~comment 28)
   3234         if (!this->glCaps().srgbDecodeDisableAffectsMipmaps()) {
   3235             srgbDecode = GR_GL_DECODE_EXT;
   3236         }
   3237         GL_CALL(TexParameteri(target, GR_GL_TEXTURE_SRGB_DECODE_EXT, srgbDecode));
   3238     }
   3240     // Either do manual mipmap generation or (if that fails), just rely on the driver:
   3241     if (!this->generateMipmap(texture, textureOrigin, allowSRGBInputs)) {
   3242         GL_CALL(GenerateMipmap(target));
   3243     }
   3245     texture->texturePriv().markMipMapsClean();
   3246     texture->texturePriv().setMaxMipMapLevel(SkMipMap::ComputeLevelCount(
   3247         texture->width(), texture->height()));
   3248     texture->texturePriv().setMipColorMode(colorMode);
   3250     // We have potentially set lots of state on the texture. Easiest to dirty it all:
   3251     texture->textureParamsModified();
   3252 }
   3254 void GrGLGpu::setTextureSwizzle(int unitIdx, GrGLenum target, const GrGLenum swizzle[]) {
   3255     this->setTextureUnit(unitIdx);
   3256     if (this->glStandard() == kGLES_GrGLStandard) {
   3257         // ES3 added swizzle support but not GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_RGBA.
   3258         GL_CALL(TexParameteri(target, GR_GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_R, swizzle[0]));
   3259         GL_CALL(TexParameteri(target, GR_GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_G, swizzle[1]));
   3260         GL_CALL(TexParameteri(target, GR_GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_B, swizzle[2]));
   3261         GL_CALL(TexParameteri(target, GR_GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_A, swizzle[3]));
   3262     } else {
   3263         GR_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(swizzle[0]) == sizeof(GrGLint));
   3264         GL_CALL(TexParameteriv(target, GR_GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_RGBA,
   3265                                reinterpret_cast<const GrGLint*>(swizzle)));
   3266     }
   3267 }
   3269 void GrGLGpu::flushColorWrite(bool writeColor) {
   3270     if (!writeColor) {
   3271         if (kNo_TriState != fHWWriteToColor) {
   3272             GL_CALL(ColorMask(GR_GL_FALSE, GR_GL_FALSE,
   3273                               GR_GL_FALSE, GR_GL_FALSE));
   3274             fHWWriteToColor = kNo_TriState;
   3275         }
   3276     } else {
   3277         if (kYes_TriState != fHWWriteToColor) {
   3278             GL_CALL(ColorMask(GR_GL_TRUE, GR_GL_TRUE, GR_GL_TRUE, GR_GL_TRUE));
   3279             fHWWriteToColor = kYes_TriState;
   3280         }
   3281     }
   3282 }
   3284 void GrGLGpu::setTextureUnit(int unit) {
   3285     SkASSERT(unit >= 0 && unit < fHWBoundTextureUniqueIDs.count());
   3286     if (unit != fHWActiveTextureUnitIdx) {
   3287         GL_CALL(ActiveTexture(GR_GL_TEXTURE0 + unit));
   3288         fHWActiveTextureUnitIdx = unit;
   3289     }
   3290 }
   3292 void GrGLGpu::setScratchTextureUnit() {
   3293     // Bind the last texture unit since it is the least likely to be used by GrGLProgram.
   3294     int lastUnitIdx = fHWBoundTextureUniqueIDs.count() - 1;
   3295     if (lastUnitIdx != fHWActiveTextureUnitIdx) {
   3296         GL_CALL(ActiveTexture(GR_GL_TEXTURE0 + lastUnitIdx));
   3297         fHWActiveTextureUnitIdx = lastUnitIdx;
   3298     }
   3299     // clear out the this field so that if a program does use this unit it will rebind the correct
   3300     // texture.
   3301     fHWBoundTextureUniqueIDs[lastUnitIdx].makeInvalid();
   3302 }
   3304 // Determines whether glBlitFramebuffer could be used between src and dst by onCopySurface.
   3305 static inline bool can_blit_framebuffer_for_copy_surface(
   3306                                                 const GrSurface* dst, GrSurfaceOrigin dstOrigin,
   3307                                                 const GrSurface* src, GrSurfaceOrigin srcOrigin,
   3308                                                 const SkIRect& srcRect,
   3309                                                 const SkIPoint& dstPoint,
   3310                                                 const GrGLGpu* gpu) {
   3311     auto blitFramebufferFlags = gpu->glCaps().blitFramebufferSupportFlags();
   3312     if (!gpu->glCaps().canConfigBeFBOColorAttachment(dst->config()) ||
   3313         !gpu->glCaps().canConfigBeFBOColorAttachment(src->config())) {
   3314         return false;
   3315     }
   3316     // Blits are not allowed between int color buffers and float/fixed color buffers. GrGpu should
   3317     // have filtered such cases out.
   3318     SkASSERT(GrPixelConfigIsSint(dst->config()) == GrPixelConfigIsSint(src->config()));
   3319     const GrGLTexture* dstTex = static_cast<const GrGLTexture*>(dst->asTexture());
   3320     const GrGLTexture* srcTex = static_cast<const GrGLTexture*>(src->asTexture());
   3321     const GrRenderTarget* dstRT = dst->asRenderTarget();
   3322     const GrRenderTarget* srcRT = src->asRenderTarget();
   3323     if (dstTex && dstTex->target() != GR_GL_TEXTURE_2D) {
   3324         return false;
   3325     }
   3326     if (srcTex && srcTex->target() != GR_GL_TEXTURE_2D) {
   3327         return false;
   3328     }
   3329     if (GrGLCaps::kNoSupport_BlitFramebufferFlag & blitFramebufferFlags) {
   3330         return false;
   3331     }
   3332     if (GrGLCaps::kNoScalingOrMirroring_BlitFramebufferFlag & blitFramebufferFlags) {
   3333         // We would mirror to compensate for origin changes. Note that copySurface is
   3334         // specified such that the src and dst rects are the same.
   3335         if (dstOrigin != srcOrigin) {
   3336             return false;
   3337         }
   3338     }
   3339     if (GrGLCaps::kResolveMustBeFull_BlitFrambufferFlag & blitFramebufferFlags) {
   3340         if (srcRT && srcRT->numColorSamples() > 1) {
   3341             if (dstRT && 1 == dstRT->numColorSamples()) {
   3342                 return false;
   3343             }
   3344             if (SkRect::Make(srcRect) != srcRT->getBoundsRect()) {
   3345                 return false;
   3346             }
   3347         }
   3348     }
   3349     if (GrGLCaps::kNoMSAADst_BlitFramebufferFlag & blitFramebufferFlags) {
   3350         if (dstRT && dstRT->numColorSamples() > 1) {
   3351             return false;
   3352         }
   3353     }
   3354     if (GrGLCaps::kNoFormatConversion_BlitFramebufferFlag & blitFramebufferFlags) {
   3355         if (dst->config() != src->config()) {
   3356             return false;
   3357         }
   3358     } else if (GrGLCaps::kNoFormatConversionForMSAASrc_BlitFramebufferFlag & blitFramebufferFlags) {
   3359         const GrRenderTarget* srcRT = src->asRenderTarget();
   3360         if (srcRT && srcRT->numColorSamples() > 1 && dst->config() != src->config()) {
   3361             return false;
   3362         }
   3363     }
   3364     if (GrGLCaps::kRectsMustMatchForMSAASrc_BlitFramebufferFlag & blitFramebufferFlags) {
   3365         if (srcRT && srcRT->numColorSamples() > 1) {
   3366             if (dstPoint.fX != srcRect.fLeft || dstPoint.fY != srcRect.fTop) {
   3367                 return false;
   3368             }
   3369             if (dstOrigin != srcOrigin) {
   3370                 return false;
   3371             }
   3372         }
   3373     }
   3374     return true;
   3375 }
   3377 static bool rt_has_msaa_render_buffer(const GrGLRenderTarget* rt, const GrGLCaps& glCaps) {
   3378     // A RT has a separate MSAA renderbuffer if:
   3379     // 1) It's multisampled
   3380     // 2) We're using an extension with separate MSAA renderbuffers
   3381     // 3) It's not FBO 0, which is special and always auto-resolves
   3382     return rt->numColorSamples() > 1 && glCaps.usesMSAARenderBuffers() && rt->renderFBOID() != 0;
   3383 }
   3385 static inline bool can_copy_texsubimage(const GrSurface* dst, GrSurfaceOrigin dstOrigin,
   3386                                         const GrSurface* src, GrSurfaceOrigin srcOrigin,
   3387                                         const GrGLGpu* gpu) {
   3388     // Table 3.9 of the ES2 spec indicates the supported formats with CopyTexSubImage
   3389     // and BGRA isn't in the spec. There doesn't appear to be any extension that adds it. Perhaps
   3390     // many drivers would allow it to work, but ANGLE does not.
   3391     if (kGLES_GrGLStandard == gpu->glStandard() && gpu->glCaps().bgraIsInternalFormat() &&
   3392         (kBGRA_8888_GrPixelConfig == dst->config() || kBGRA_8888_GrPixelConfig == src->config())) {
   3393         return false;
   3394     }
   3395     const GrGLRenderTarget* dstRT = static_cast<const GrGLRenderTarget*>(dst->asRenderTarget());
   3396     // If dst is multisampled (and uses an extension where there is a separate MSAA renderbuffer)
   3397     // then we don't want to copy to the texture but to the MSAA buffer.
   3398     if (dstRT && rt_has_msaa_render_buffer(dstRT, gpu->glCaps())) {
   3399         return false;
   3400     }
   3401     const GrGLRenderTarget* srcRT = static_cast<const GrGLRenderTarget*>(src->asRenderTarget());
   3402     // If the src is multisampled (and uses an extension where there is a separate MSAA
   3403     // renderbuffer) then it is an invalid operation to call CopyTexSubImage
   3404     if (srcRT && rt_has_msaa_render_buffer(srcRT, gpu->glCaps())) {
   3405         return false;
   3406     }
   3408     const GrGLTexture* dstTex = static_cast<const GrGLTexture*>(dst->asTexture());
   3409     // CopyTex(Sub)Image writes to a texture and we have no way of dynamically wrapping a RT in a
   3410     // texture.
   3411     if (!dstTex) {
   3412         return false;
   3413     }
   3415     const GrGLTexture* srcTex = static_cast<const GrGLTexture*>(src->asTexture());
   3417     // Check that we could wrap the source in an FBO, that the dst is TEXTURE_2D, that no mirroring
   3418     // is required.
   3419     if (gpu->glCaps().canConfigBeFBOColorAttachment(src->config()) &&
   3420         (!srcTex || srcTex->target() == GR_GL_TEXTURE_2D) && dstTex->target() == GR_GL_TEXTURE_2D &&
   3421         dstOrigin == srcOrigin) {
   3422         return true;
   3423     } else {
   3424         return false;
   3425     }
   3426 }
   3428 // If a temporary FBO was created, its non-zero ID is returned. The viewport that the copy rect is
   3429 // relative to is output.
   3430 void GrGLGpu::bindSurfaceFBOForPixelOps(GrSurface* surface, GrGLenum fboTarget, GrGLIRect* viewport,
   3431                                         TempFBOTarget tempFBOTarget) {
   3432     GrGLRenderTarget* rt = static_cast<GrGLRenderTarget*>(surface->asRenderTarget());
   3433     if (!rt) {
   3434         SkASSERT(surface->asTexture());
   3435         GrGLTexture* texture = static_cast<GrGLTexture*>(surface->asTexture());
   3436         GrGLuint texID = texture->textureID();
   3437         GrGLenum target = texture->target();
   3438         GrGLuint* tempFBOID;
   3439         tempFBOID = kSrc_TempFBOTarget == tempFBOTarget ? &fTempSrcFBOID : &fTempDstFBOID;
   3441         if (0 == *tempFBOID) {
   3442             GR_GL_CALL(this->glInterface(), GenFramebuffers(1, tempFBOID));
   3443         }
   3445         fStats.incRenderTargetBinds();
   3446         GR_GL_CALL(this->glInterface(), BindFramebuffer(fboTarget, *tempFBOID));
   3447         GR_GL_CALL(this->glInterface(), FramebufferTexture2D(fboTarget,
   3448                                                              GR_GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0,
   3449                                                              target,
   3450                                                              texID,
   3451                                                              0));
   3452         texture->baseLevelWasBoundToFBO();
   3453         viewport->fLeft = 0;
   3454         viewport->fBottom = 0;
   3455         viewport->fWidth = surface->width();
   3456         viewport->fHeight = surface->height();
   3457     } else {
   3458         fStats.incRenderTargetBinds();
   3459         GR_GL_CALL(this->glInterface(), BindFramebuffer(fboTarget, rt->renderFBOID()));
   3460         *viewport = rt->getViewport();
   3461     }
   3462 }
   3464 void GrGLGpu::unbindTextureFBOForPixelOps(GrGLenum fboTarget, GrSurface* surface) {
   3465     // bindSurfaceFBOForPixelOps temporarily binds textures that are not render targets to
   3466     if (!surface->asRenderTarget()) {
   3467         SkASSERT(surface->asTexture());
   3468         GrGLenum textureTarget = static_cast<GrGLTexture*>(surface->asTexture())->target();
   3469         GR_GL_CALL(this->glInterface(), FramebufferTexture2D(fboTarget,
   3470                                                              GR_GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0,
   3471                                                              textureTarget,
   3472                                                              0,
   3473                                                              0));
   3474     }
   3475 }
   3477 bool GrGLGpu::onCopySurface(GrSurface* dst, GrSurfaceOrigin dstOrigin,
   3478                             GrSurface* src, GrSurfaceOrigin srcOrigin,
   3479                             const SkIRect& srcRect, const SkIPoint& dstPoint,
   3480                             bool canDiscardOutsideDstRect) {
   3481     // None of our copy methods can handle a swizzle. TODO: Make copySurfaceAsDraw handle the
   3482     // swizzle.
   3483     if (this->caps()->shaderCaps()->configOutputSwizzle(src->config()) !=
   3484         this->caps()->shaderCaps()->configOutputSwizzle(dst->config())) {
   3485         return false;
   3486     }
   3487     // Don't prefer copying as a draw if the dst doesn't already have a FBO object.
   3488     bool preferCopy = SkToBool(dst->asRenderTarget());
   3489     if (preferCopy && src->asTexture()) {
   3490         if (this->copySurfaceAsDraw(dst, dstOrigin, src, srcOrigin, srcRect, dstPoint)) {
   3491             return true;
   3492         }
   3493     }
   3495     if (can_copy_texsubimage(dst, dstOrigin, src, srcOrigin, this)) {
   3496         this->copySurfaceAsCopyTexSubImage(dst, dstOrigin, src, srcOrigin, srcRect, dstPoint);
   3497         return true;
   3498     }
   3500     if (can_blit_framebuffer_for_copy_surface(dst, dstOrigin, src, srcOrigin,
   3501                                               srcRect, dstPoint, this)) {
   3502         return this->copySurfaceAsBlitFramebuffer(dst, dstOrigin, src, srcOrigin,
   3503                                                   srcRect, dstPoint);
   3504     }
   3506     if (!preferCopy && src->asTexture()) {
   3507         if (this->copySurfaceAsDraw(dst, dstOrigin, src, srcOrigin, srcRect, dstPoint)) {
   3508             return true;
   3509         }
   3510     }
   3512     return false;
   3513 }
   3515 bool GrGLGpu::createCopyProgram(GrTexture* srcTex) {
   3516     TRACE_EVENT0("skia", TRACE_FUNC);
   3518     int progIdx = TextureToCopyProgramIdx(srcTex);
   3519     const GrShaderCaps* shaderCaps = this->caps()->shaderCaps();
   3520     GrSLType samplerType = srcTex->texturePriv().samplerType();
   3522     if (!fCopyProgramArrayBuffer) {
   3523         static const GrGLfloat vdata[] = {
   3524             0, 0,
   3525             0, 1,
   3526             1, 0,
   3527             1, 1
   3528         };
   3529         fCopyProgramArrayBuffer.reset(GrGLBuffer::Create(this, sizeof(vdata), kVertex_GrBufferType,
   3530                                                          kStatic_GrAccessPattern, vdata));
   3531     }
   3532     if (!fCopyProgramArrayBuffer) {
   3533         return false;
   3534     }
   3536     SkASSERT(!fCopyPrograms[progIdx].fProgram);
   3537     GL_CALL_RET(fCopyPrograms[progIdx].fProgram, CreateProgram());
   3538     if (!fCopyPrograms[progIdx].fProgram) {
   3539         return false;
   3540     }
   3542     const char* version = shaderCaps->versionDeclString();
   3543     GrShaderVar aVertex("a_vertex", kHalf2_GrSLType, GrShaderVar::kIn_TypeModifier);
   3544     GrShaderVar uTexCoordXform("u_texCoordXform", kHalf4_GrSLType,
   3545                                GrShaderVar::kUniform_TypeModifier);
   3546     GrShaderVar uPosXform("u_posXform", kHalf4_GrSLType, GrShaderVar::kUniform_TypeModifier);
   3547     GrShaderVar uTexture("u_texture", samplerType, GrShaderVar::kUniform_TypeModifier);
   3548     GrShaderVar vTexCoord("v_texCoord", kHalf2_GrSLType, GrShaderVar::kOut_TypeModifier);
   3549     GrShaderVar oFragColor("o_FragColor", kHalf4_GrSLType, GrShaderVar::kOut_TypeModifier);
   3551     SkString vshaderTxt(version);
   3552     if (shaderCaps->noperspectiveInterpolationSupport()) {
   3553         if (const char* extension = shaderCaps->noperspectiveInterpolationExtensionString()) {
   3554             vshaderTxt.appendf("#extension %s : require\n", extension);
   3555         }
   3556         vTexCoord.addModifier("noperspective");
   3557     }
   3559     aVertex.appendDecl(shaderCaps, &vshaderTxt);
   3560     vshaderTxt.append(";");
   3561     uTexCoordXform.appendDecl(shaderCaps, &vshaderTxt);
   3562     vshaderTxt.append(";");
   3563     uPosXform.appendDecl(shaderCaps, &vshaderTxt);
   3564     vshaderTxt.append(";");
   3565     vTexCoord.appendDecl(shaderCaps, &vshaderTxt);
   3566     vshaderTxt.append(";");
   3568     vshaderTxt.append(
   3569         "// Copy Program VS\n"
   3570         "void main() {"
   3571         "  v_texCoord = a_vertex.xy * u_texCoordXform.xy + u_texCoordXform.zw;"
   3572         "  sk_Position.xy = a_vertex * u_posXform.xy + u_posXform.zw;"
   3573         "  sk_Position.zw = half2(0, 1);"
   3574         "}"
   3575     );
   3577     SkString fshaderTxt(version);
   3578     if (shaderCaps->noperspectiveInterpolationSupport()) {
   3579         if (const char* extension = shaderCaps->noperspectiveInterpolationExtensionString()) {
   3580             fshaderTxt.appendf("#extension %s : require\n", extension);
   3581         }
   3582     }
   3583     if (samplerType == kTextureExternalSampler_GrSLType) {
   3584         fshaderTxt.appendf("#extension %s : require\n",
   3585                            shaderCaps->externalTextureExtensionString());
   3586     }
   3587     vTexCoord.setTypeModifier(GrShaderVar::kIn_TypeModifier);
   3588     vTexCoord.appendDecl(shaderCaps, &fshaderTxt);
   3589     fshaderTxt.append(";");
   3590     uTexture.appendDecl(shaderCaps, &fshaderTxt);
   3591     fshaderTxt.append(";");
   3592     fshaderTxt.appendf(
   3593         "// Copy Program FS\n"
   3594         "void main() {"
   3595         "  sk_FragColor = texture(u_texture, v_texCoord);"
   3596         "}"
   3597     );
   3599     const char* str;
   3600     GrGLint length;
   3602     str = vshaderTxt.c_str();
   3603     length = SkToInt(vshaderTxt.size());
   3604     SkSL::Program::Settings settings;
   3605     settings.fCaps = shaderCaps;
   3606     SkSL::String glsl;
   3607     std::unique_ptr<SkSL::Program> program = GrSkSLtoGLSL(*fGLContext, GR_GL_VERTEX_SHADER,
   3608                                                           &str, &length, 1, settings, &glsl);
   3609     GrGLuint vshader = GrGLCompileAndAttachShader(*fGLContext, fCopyPrograms[progIdx].fProgram,
   3610                                                   GR_GL_VERTEX_SHADER, glsl.c_str(), glsl.size(),
   3611                                                   &fStats, settings);
   3612     SkASSERT(program->fInputs.isEmpty());
   3614     str = fshaderTxt.c_str();
   3615     length = SkToInt(fshaderTxt.size());
   3616     program = GrSkSLtoGLSL(*fGLContext, GR_GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, &str, &length, 1, settings, &glsl);
   3617     GrGLuint fshader = GrGLCompileAndAttachShader(*fGLContext, fCopyPrograms[progIdx].fProgram,
   3618                                                   GR_GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, glsl.c_str(), glsl.size(),
   3619                                                   &fStats, settings);
   3620     SkASSERT(program->fInputs.isEmpty());
   3622     GL_CALL(LinkProgram(fCopyPrograms[progIdx].fProgram));
   3624     GL_CALL_RET(fCopyPrograms[progIdx].fTextureUniform,
   3625                 GetUniformLocation(fCopyPrograms[progIdx].fProgram, "u_texture"));
   3626     GL_CALL_RET(fCopyPrograms[progIdx].fPosXformUniform,
   3627                 GetUniformLocation(fCopyPrograms[progIdx].fProgram, "u_posXform"));
   3628     GL_CALL_RET(fCopyPrograms[progIdx].fTexCoordXformUniform,
   3629                 GetUniformLocation(fCopyPrograms[progIdx].fProgram, "u_texCoordXform"));
   3631     GL_CALL(BindAttribLocation(fCopyPrograms[progIdx].fProgram, 0, "a_vertex"));
   3633     GL_CALL(DeleteShader(vshader));
   3634     GL_CALL(DeleteShader(fshader));
   3636     return true;
   3637 }
   3639 bool GrGLGpu::createMipmapProgram(int progIdx) {
   3640     const bool oddWidth = SkToBool(progIdx & 0x2);
   3641     const bool oddHeight = SkToBool(progIdx & 0x1);
   3642     const int numTaps = (oddWidth ? 2 : 1) * (oddHeight ? 2 : 1);
   3644     const GrShaderCaps* shaderCaps = this->caps()->shaderCaps();
   3646     SkASSERT(!fMipmapPrograms[progIdx].fProgram);
   3647     GL_CALL_RET(fMipmapPrograms[progIdx].fProgram, CreateProgram());
   3648     if (!fMipmapPrograms[progIdx].fProgram) {
   3649         return false;
   3650     }
   3652     const char* version = shaderCaps->versionDeclString();
   3653     GrShaderVar aVertex("a_vertex", kHalf2_GrSLType, GrShaderVar::kIn_TypeModifier);
   3654     GrShaderVar uTexCoordXform("u_texCoordXform", kHalf4_GrSLType,
   3655                                GrShaderVar::kUniform_TypeModifier);
   3656     GrShaderVar uTexture("u_texture", kTexture2DSampler_GrSLType,
   3657                          GrShaderVar::kUniform_TypeModifier);
   3658     // We need 1, 2, or 4 texture coordinates (depending on parity of each dimension):
   3659     GrShaderVar vTexCoords[] = {
   3660         GrShaderVar("v_texCoord0", kHalf2_GrSLType, GrShaderVar::kOut_TypeModifier),
   3661         GrShaderVar("v_texCoord1", kHalf2_GrSLType, GrShaderVar::kOut_TypeModifier),
   3662         GrShaderVar("v_texCoord2", kHalf2_GrSLType, GrShaderVar::kOut_TypeModifier),
   3663         GrShaderVar("v_texCoord3", kHalf2_GrSLType, GrShaderVar::kOut_TypeModifier),
   3664     };
   3665     GrShaderVar oFragColor("o_FragColor", kHalf4_GrSLType,GrShaderVar::kOut_TypeModifier);
   3667     SkString vshaderTxt(version);
   3668     if (shaderCaps->noperspectiveInterpolationSupport()) {
   3669         if (const char* extension = shaderCaps->noperspectiveInterpolationExtensionString()) {
   3670             vshaderTxt.appendf("#extension %s : require\n", extension);
   3671         }
   3672         vTexCoords[0].addModifier("noperspective");
   3673         vTexCoords[1].addModifier("noperspective");
   3674         vTexCoords[2].addModifier("noperspective");
   3675         vTexCoords[3].addModifier("noperspective");
   3676     }
   3678     aVertex.appendDecl(shaderCaps, &vshaderTxt);
   3679     vshaderTxt.append(";");
   3680     uTexCoordXform.appendDecl(shaderCaps, &vshaderTxt);
   3681     vshaderTxt.append(";");
   3682     for (int i = 0; i < numTaps; ++i) {
   3683         vTexCoords[i].appendDecl(shaderCaps, &vshaderTxt);
   3684         vshaderTxt.append(";");
   3685     }
   3687     vshaderTxt.append(
   3688         "// Mipmap Program VS\n"
   3689         "void main() {"
   3690         "  sk_Position.xy = a_vertex * half2(2, 2) - half2(1, 1);"
   3691         "  sk_Position.zw = half2(0, 1);"
   3692     );
   3694     // Insert texture coordinate computation:
   3695     if (oddWidth && oddHeight) {
   3696         vshaderTxt.append(
   3697             "  v_texCoord0 = a_vertex.xy * u_texCoordXform.yw;"
   3698             "  v_texCoord1 = a_vertex.xy * u_texCoordXform.yw + half2(u_texCoordXform.x, 0);"
   3699             "  v_texCoord2 = a_vertex.xy * u_texCoordXform.yw + half2(0, u_texCoordXform.z);"
   3700             "  v_texCoord3 = a_vertex.xy * u_texCoordXform.yw + u_texCoordXform.xz;"
   3701         );
   3702     } else if (oddWidth) {
   3703         vshaderTxt.append(
   3704             "  v_texCoord0 = a_vertex.xy * half2(u_texCoordXform.y, 1);"
   3705             "  v_texCoord1 = a_vertex.xy * half2(u_texCoordXform.y, 1) + half2(u_texCoordXform.x, 0);"
   3706         );
   3707     } else if (oddHeight) {
   3708         vshaderTxt.append(
   3709             "  v_texCoord0 = a_vertex.xy * half2(1, u_texCoordXform.w);"
   3710             "  v_texCoord1 = a_vertex.xy * half2(1, u_texCoordXform.w) + half2(0, u_texCoordXform.z);"
   3711         );
   3712     } else {
   3713         vshaderTxt.append(
   3714             "  v_texCoord0 = a_vertex.xy;"
   3715         );
   3716     }
   3718     vshaderTxt.append("}");
   3720     SkString fshaderTxt(version);
   3721     if (shaderCaps->noperspectiveInterpolationSupport()) {
   3722         if (const char* extension = shaderCaps->noperspectiveInterpolationExtensionString()) {
   3723             fshaderTxt.appendf("#extension %s : require\n", extension);
   3724         }
   3725     }
   3726     for (int i = 0; i < numTaps; ++i) {
   3727         vTexCoords[i].setTypeModifier(GrShaderVar::kIn_TypeModifier);
   3728         vTexCoords[i].appendDecl(shaderCaps, &fshaderTxt);
   3729         fshaderTxt.append(";");
   3730     }
   3731     uTexture.appendDecl(shaderCaps, &fshaderTxt);
   3732     fshaderTxt.append(";");
   3733     fshaderTxt.append(
   3734         "// Mipmap Program FS\n"
   3735         "void main() {"
   3736     );
   3738     if (oddWidth && oddHeight) {
   3739         fshaderTxt.append(
   3740             "  sk_FragColor = (texture(u_texture, v_texCoord0) + "
   3741             "                  texture(u_texture, v_texCoord1) + "
   3742             "                  texture(u_texture, v_texCoord2) + "
   3743             "                  texture(u_texture, v_texCoord3)) * 0.25;"
   3744         );
   3745     } else if (oddWidth || oddHeight) {
   3746         fshaderTxt.append(
   3747             "  sk_FragColor = (texture(u_texture, v_texCoord0) + "
   3748             "                  texture(u_texture, v_texCoord1)) * 0.5;"
   3749         );
   3750     } else {
   3751         fshaderTxt.append(
   3752             "  sk_FragColor = texture(u_texture, v_texCoord0);"
   3753         );
   3754     }
   3756     fshaderTxt.append("}");
   3758     const char* str;
   3759     GrGLint length;
   3761     str = vshaderTxt.c_str();
   3762     length = SkToInt(vshaderTxt.size());
   3763     SkSL::Program::Settings settings;
   3764     settings.fCaps = shaderCaps;
   3765     SkSL::String glsl;
   3766     std::unique_ptr<SkSL::Program> program = GrSkSLtoGLSL(*fGLContext, GR_GL_VERTEX_SHADER,
   3767                                                           &str, &length, 1, settings, &glsl);
   3768     GrGLuint vshader = GrGLCompileAndAttachShader(*fGLContext, fMipmapPrograms[progIdx].fProgram,
   3769                                                   GR_GL_VERTEX_SHADER, glsl.c_str(), glsl.size(),
   3770                                                   &fStats, settings);
   3771     SkASSERT(program->fInputs.isEmpty());
   3773     str = fshaderTxt.c_str();
   3774     length = SkToInt(fshaderTxt.size());
   3775     program = GrSkSLtoGLSL(*fGLContext, GR_GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, &str, &length, 1, settings, &glsl);
   3776     GrGLuint fshader = GrGLCompileAndAttachShader(*fGLContext, fMipmapPrograms[progIdx].fProgram,
   3777                                                   GR_GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, glsl.c_str(), glsl.size(),
   3778                                                   &fStats, settings);
   3779     SkASSERT(program->fInputs.isEmpty());
   3781     GL_CALL(LinkProgram(fMipmapPrograms[progIdx].fProgram));
   3783     GL_CALL_RET(fMipmapPrograms[progIdx].fTextureUniform,
   3784                 GetUniformLocation(fMipmapPrograms[progIdx].fProgram, "u_texture"));
   3785     GL_CALL_RET(fMipmapPrograms[progIdx].fTexCoordXformUniform,
   3786                 GetUniformLocation(fMipmapPrograms[progIdx].fProgram, "u_texCoordXform"));
   3788     GL_CALL(BindAttribLocation(fMipmapPrograms[progIdx].fProgram, 0, "a_vertex"));
   3790     GL_CALL(DeleteShader(vshader));
   3791     GL_CALL(DeleteShader(fshader));
   3793     return true;
   3794 }
   3796 bool GrGLGpu::createStencilClipClearProgram() {
   3797     TRACE_EVENT0("skia", TRACE_FUNC);
   3799     if (!fStencilClipClearArrayBuffer) {
   3800         static const GrGLfloat vdata[] = {-1, -1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1};
   3801         fStencilClipClearArrayBuffer.reset(GrGLBuffer::Create(
   3802                 this, sizeof(vdata), kVertex_GrBufferType, kStatic_GrAccessPattern, vdata));
   3803         if (!fStencilClipClearArrayBuffer) {
   3804             return false;
   3805         }
   3806     }
   3808     SkASSERT(!fStencilClipClearProgram);
   3809     GL_CALL_RET(fStencilClipClearProgram, CreateProgram());
   3810     if (!fStencilClipClearProgram) {
   3811         return false;
   3812     }
   3814     GrShaderVar aVertex("a_vertex", kHalf2_GrSLType, GrShaderVar::kIn_TypeModifier);
   3815     const char* version = this->caps()->shaderCaps()->versionDeclString();
   3817     SkString vshaderTxt(version);
   3818     aVertex.appendDecl(this->caps()->shaderCaps(), &vshaderTxt);
   3819     vshaderTxt.append(";");
   3820     vshaderTxt.append(
   3821             "// Stencil Clip Clear Program VS\n"
   3822             "void main() {"
   3823             "  sk_Position = float4(a_vertex.x, a_vertex.y, 0, 1);"
   3824             "}");
   3826     SkString fshaderTxt(version);
   3827     fshaderTxt.appendf(
   3828             "// Stencil Clip Clear Program FS\n"
   3829             "void main() {"
   3830             "  sk_FragColor = half4(0);"
   3831             "}");
   3833     const char* str;
   3834     GrGLint length;
   3836     str = vshaderTxt.c_str();
   3837     length = SkToInt(vshaderTxt.size());
   3838     SkSL::Program::Settings settings;
   3839     settings.fCaps = this->caps()->shaderCaps();
   3840     SkSL::String glsl;
   3841     std::unique_ptr<SkSL::Program> program = GrSkSLtoGLSL(*fGLContext, GR_GL_VERTEX_SHADER,
   3842                                                           &str, &length, 1, settings, &glsl);
   3843     GrGLuint vshader = GrGLCompileAndAttachShader(*fGLContext, fStencilClipClearProgram,
   3844                                                   GR_GL_VERTEX_SHADER, glsl.c_str(), glsl.size(),
   3845                                                   &fStats, settings);
   3846     SkASSERT(program->fInputs.isEmpty());
   3848     str = fshaderTxt.c_str();
   3849     length = SkToInt(fshaderTxt.size());
   3850     program = GrSkSLtoGLSL(*fGLContext, GR_GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, &str, &length, 1, settings, &glsl);
   3851     GrGLuint fshader = GrGLCompileAndAttachShader(*fGLContext, fStencilClipClearProgram,
   3852                                                   GR_GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, glsl.c_str(), glsl.size(),
   3853                                                   &fStats, settings);
   3854     SkASSERT(program->fInputs.isEmpty());
   3856     GL_CALL(LinkProgram(fStencilClipClearProgram));
   3858     GL_CALL(BindAttribLocation(fStencilClipClearProgram, 0, "a_vertex"));
   3860     GL_CALL(DeleteShader(vshader));
   3861     GL_CALL(DeleteShader(fshader));
   3863     return true;
   3864 }
   3866 void GrGLGpu::clearStencilClipAsDraw(const GrFixedClip& clip, bool insideStencilMask,
   3867                                      GrRenderTarget* rt, GrSurfaceOrigin origin) {
   3868     // TODO: This should swizzle the output to match dst's config, though it is a debugging
   3869     // visualization.
   3871     this->handleDirtyContext();
   3872     if (!fStencilClipClearProgram) {
   3873         if (!this->createStencilClipClearProgram()) {
   3874             SkDebugf("Failed to create stencil clip clear program.\n");
   3875             return;
   3876         }
   3877     }
   3879     GrGLRenderTarget* glRT = static_cast<GrGLRenderTarget*>(rt->asRenderTarget());
   3880     this->flushRenderTarget(glRT, nullptr);
   3882     GL_CALL(UseProgram(fStencilClipClearProgram));
   3883     fHWProgramID = fStencilClipClearProgram;
   3885     fHWVertexArrayState.setVertexArrayID(this, 0);
   3887     GrGLAttribArrayState* attribs = fHWVertexArrayState.bindInternalVertexArray(this);
   3888     attribs->enableVertexArrays(this, 1);
   3889     attribs->set(this, 0, fStencilClipClearArrayBuffer.get(), kHalf2_GrVertexAttribType,
   3890                  2 * sizeof(GrGLfloat), 0);
   3892     GrXferProcessor::BlendInfo blendInfo;
   3893     blendInfo.reset();
   3894     this->flushBlend(blendInfo, GrSwizzle::RGBA());
   3895     this->flushColorWrite(false);
   3896     this->flushHWAAState(glRT, false, false);
   3897     this->flushScissor(clip.scissorState(), glRT->getViewport(), origin);
   3898     this->flushWindowRectangles(clip.windowRectsState(), glRT, origin);
   3899     GrStencilAttachment* sb = rt->renderTargetPriv().getStencilAttachment();
   3900     // This should only be called internally when we know we have a stencil buffer.
   3901     SkASSERT(sb);
   3902     GrStencilSettings settings = GrStencilSettings(
   3903             *GrStencilSettings::SetClipBitSettings(insideStencilMask), false, sb->bits());
   3904     this->flushStencil(settings);
   3905     GL_CALL(DrawArrays(GR_GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4));
   3906 }
   3908 bool GrGLGpu::createClearColorProgram() {
   3909     TRACE_EVENT0("skia", TRACE_FUNC);
   3911     if (!fClearProgramArrayBuffer) {
   3912         static const GrGLfloat vdata[] = {-1, -1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1};
   3913         fClearProgramArrayBuffer.reset(GrGLBuffer::Create(this, sizeof(vdata), kVertex_GrBufferType,
   3914                                                           kStatic_GrAccessPattern, vdata));
   3915         if (!fClearProgramArrayBuffer) {
   3916             return false;
   3917         }
   3918     }
   3920     SkASSERT(!fClearColorProgram.fProgram);
   3921     GL_CALL_RET(fClearColorProgram.fProgram, CreateProgram());
   3922     if (!fClearColorProgram.fProgram) {
   3923         return false;
   3924     }
   3926     GrShaderVar aVertex("a_vertex", kHalf2_GrSLType, GrShaderVar::kIn_TypeModifier);
   3927     const char* version = this->caps()->shaderCaps()->versionDeclString();
   3929     SkString vshaderTxt(version);
   3930     aVertex.appendDecl(this->caps()->shaderCaps(), &vshaderTxt);
   3931     vshaderTxt.append(";");
   3932     vshaderTxt.append(R"(
   3933             // Clear Color Program VS
   3934             void main() {
   3935                 sk_Position = float4(a_vertex.x, a_vertex.y, 0, 1);
   3936             })");
   3938     GrShaderVar uColor("u_color", kHalf4_GrSLType, GrShaderVar::kUniform_TypeModifier);
   3939     SkString fshaderTxt(version);
   3940     uColor.appendDecl(this->caps()->shaderCaps(), &fshaderTxt);
   3941     fshaderTxt.append(";");
   3942     fshaderTxt.appendf(R"(
   3943             // Clear Color Program FS
   3944             void main() {
   3945               sk_FragColor = u_color;
   3946             })");
   3948     const char* str;
   3949     GrGLint length;
   3951     str = vshaderTxt.c_str();
   3952     length = SkToInt(vshaderTxt.size());
   3953     SkSL::Program::Settings settings;
   3954     settings.fCaps = this->caps()->shaderCaps();
   3955     SkSL::String glsl;
   3956     GrSkSLtoGLSL(*fGLContext, GR_GL_VERTEX_SHADER, &str, &length, 1, settings, &glsl);
   3957     GrGLuint vshader = GrGLCompileAndAttachShader(*fGLContext, fClearColorProgram.fProgram,
   3958                                                   GR_GL_VERTEX_SHADER, glsl.c_str(), glsl.size(),
   3959                                                   &fStats, settings);
   3961     str = fshaderTxt.c_str();
   3962     length = SkToInt(fshaderTxt.size());
   3963     GrSkSLtoGLSL(*fGLContext, GR_GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, &str, &length, 1, settings, &glsl);
   3964     GrGLuint fshader = GrGLCompileAndAttachShader(*fGLContext, fClearColorProgram.fProgram,
   3965                                                   GR_GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, glsl.c_str(), glsl.size(),
   3966                                                   &fStats, settings);
   3968     GL_CALL(LinkProgram(fClearColorProgram.fProgram));
   3970     GL_CALL(BindAttribLocation(fClearColorProgram.fProgram, 0, "a_vertex"));
   3972     GL_CALL_RET(fClearColorProgram.fColorUniform,
   3973                 GetUniformLocation(fClearColorProgram.fProgram, "u_color"));
   3975     GL_CALL(DeleteShader(vshader));
   3976     GL_CALL(DeleteShader(fshader));
   3978     return true;
   3979 }
   3981 void GrGLGpu::clearColorAsDraw(const GrFixedClip& clip, GrGLfloat r, GrGLfloat g, GrGLfloat b,
   3982                                GrGLfloat a, GrRenderTarget* dst, GrSurfaceOrigin origin) {
   3983     if (!fClearColorProgram.fProgram) {
   3984         if (!this->createClearColorProgram()) {
   3985             SkDebugf("Failed to create clear color program.\n");
   3986             return;
   3987         }
   3988     }
   3990     GrGLIRect dstVP;
   3991     this->bindSurfaceFBOForPixelOps(dst, GR_GL_FRAMEBUFFER, &dstVP, kDst_TempFBOTarget);
   3992     this->flushViewport(dstVP);
   3993     fHWBoundRenderTargetUniqueID.makeInvalid();
   3995     GL_CALL(UseProgram(fClearColorProgram.fProgram));
   3996     fHWProgramID = fClearColorProgram.fProgram;
   3998     fHWVertexArrayState.setVertexArrayID(this, 0);
   4000     GrGLAttribArrayState* attribs = fHWVertexArrayState.bindInternalVertexArray(this);
   4001     attribs->enableVertexArrays(this, 1);
   4002     attribs->set(this, 0, fClearProgramArrayBuffer.get(), kHalf2_GrVertexAttribType,
   4003                  2 * sizeof(GrGLfloat), 0);
   4005     GrGLRenderTarget* glrt = static_cast<GrGLRenderTarget*>(dst);
   4006     this->flushScissor(clip.scissorState(), glrt->getViewport(), origin);
   4007     this->flushWindowRectangles(clip.windowRectsState(), glrt, origin);
   4009     GL_CALL(Uniform4f(fClearColorProgram.fColorUniform, r, g, b, a));
   4011     GrXferProcessor::BlendInfo blendInfo;
   4012     blendInfo.reset();
   4013     this->flushBlend(blendInfo, GrSwizzle::RGBA());
   4014     this->flushColorWrite(true);
   4015     this->flushHWAAState(nullptr, false, false);
   4016     this->disableStencil();
   4017     if (this->glCaps().srgbWriteControl()) {
   4018         this->flushFramebufferSRGB(true);
   4019     }
   4021     GL_CALL(DrawArrays(GR_GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4));
   4022     this->unbindTextureFBOForPixelOps(GR_GL_FRAMEBUFFER, dst);
   4023     this->didWriteToSurface(dst, clip.scissorEnabled() ? &clip.scissorRect() : nullptr);
   4024 }
   4026 bool GrGLGpu::copySurfaceAsDraw(GrSurface* dst, GrSurfaceOrigin dstOrigin,
   4027                                 GrSurface* src, GrSurfaceOrigin srcOrigin,
   4028                                 const SkIRect& srcRect,
   4029                                 const SkIPoint& dstPoint) {
   4030     GrGLTexture* srcTex = static_cast<GrGLTexture*>(src->asTexture());
   4031     int progIdx = TextureToCopyProgramIdx(srcTex);
   4033     if (!fCopyPrograms[progIdx].fProgram) {
   4034         if (!this->createCopyProgram(srcTex)) {
   4035             SkDebugf("Failed to create copy program.\n");
   4036             return false;
   4037         }
   4038     }
   4040     int w = srcRect.width();
   4041     int h = srcRect.height();
   4043     this->bindTexture(0, GrSamplerState::ClampNearest(), true, srcTex, srcOrigin);
   4045     GrGLIRect dstVP;
   4046     this->bindSurfaceFBOForPixelOps(dst, GR_GL_FRAMEBUFFER, &dstVP, kDst_TempFBOTarget);
   4047     this->flushViewport(dstVP);
   4048     fHWBoundRenderTargetUniqueID.makeInvalid();
   4050     SkIRect dstRect = SkIRect::MakeXYWH(dstPoint.fX, dstPoint.fY, w, h);
   4052     GL_CALL(UseProgram(fCopyPrograms[progIdx].fProgram));
   4053     fHWProgramID = fCopyPrograms[progIdx].fProgram;
   4055     fHWVertexArrayState.setVertexArrayID(this, 0);
   4057     GrGLAttribArrayState* attribs = fHWVertexArrayState.bindInternalVertexArray(this);
   4058     attribs->enableVertexArrays(this, 1);
   4059     attribs->set(this, 0, fCopyProgramArrayBuffer.get(), kHalf2_GrVertexAttribType,
   4060                  2 * sizeof(GrGLfloat), 0);
   4062     // dst rect edges in NDC (-1 to 1)
   4063     int dw = dst->width();
   4064     int dh = dst->height();
   4065     GrGLfloat dx0 = 2.f * dstPoint.fX / dw - 1.f;
   4066     GrGLfloat dx1 = 2.f * (dstPoint.fX + w) / dw - 1.f;
   4067     GrGLfloat dy0 = 2.f * dstPoint.fY / dh - 1.f;
   4068     GrGLfloat dy1 = 2.f * (dstPoint.fY + h) / dh - 1.f;
   4069     if (kBottomLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin == dstOrigin) {
   4070         dy0 = -dy0;
   4071         dy1 = -dy1;
   4072     }
   4074     GrGLfloat sx0 = (GrGLfloat)srcRect.fLeft;
   4075     GrGLfloat sx1 = (GrGLfloat)(srcRect.fLeft + w);
   4076     GrGLfloat sy0 = (GrGLfloat)srcRect.fTop;
   4077     GrGLfloat sy1 = (GrGLfloat)(srcRect.fTop + h);
   4078     int sw = src->width();
   4079     int sh = src->height();
   4080     if (kBottomLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin == srcOrigin) {
   4081         sy0 = sh - sy0;
   4082         sy1 = sh - sy1;
   4083     }
   4084     // src rect edges in normalized texture space (0 to 1)
   4085     sx0 /= sw;
   4086     sx1 /= sw;
   4087     sy0 /= sh;
   4088     sy1 /= sh;
   4090     GL_CALL(Uniform4f(fCopyPrograms[progIdx].fPosXformUniform, dx1 - dx0, dy1 - dy0, dx0, dy0));
   4091     GL_CALL(Uniform4f(fCopyPrograms[progIdx].fTexCoordXformUniform,
   4092                       sx1 - sx0, sy1 - sy0, sx0, sy0));
   4093     GL_CALL(Uniform1i(fCopyPrograms[progIdx].fTextureUniform, 0));
   4095     GrXferProcessor::BlendInfo blendInfo;
   4096     blendInfo.reset();
   4097     this->flushBlend(blendInfo, GrSwizzle::RGBA());
   4098     this->flushColorWrite(true);
   4099     this->flushHWAAState(nullptr, false, false);
   4100     this->disableScissor();
   4101     this->disableWindowRectangles();
   4102     this->disableStencil();
   4103     if (this->glCaps().srgbWriteControl()) {
   4104         this->flushFramebufferSRGB(true);
   4105     }
   4107     GL_CALL(DrawArrays(GR_GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4));
   4108     this->unbindTextureFBOForPixelOps(GR_GL_FRAMEBUFFER, dst);
   4109     this->didWriteToSurface(dst, &dstRect);
   4111     return true;
   4112 }
   4114 void GrGLGpu::copySurfaceAsCopyTexSubImage(GrSurface* dst, GrSurfaceOrigin dstOrigin,
   4115                                            GrSurface* src, GrSurfaceOrigin srcOrigin,
   4116                                            const SkIRect& srcRect,
   4117                                            const SkIPoint& dstPoint) {
   4118     SkASSERT(can_copy_texsubimage(dst, dstOrigin, src, srcOrigin, this));
   4119     GrGLIRect srcVP;
   4120     this->bindSurfaceFBOForPixelOps(src, GR_GL_FRAMEBUFFER, &srcVP, kSrc_TempFBOTarget);
   4121     GrGLTexture* dstTex = static_cast<GrGLTexture *>(dst->asTexture());
   4122     SkASSERT(dstTex);
   4123     // We modified the bound FBO
   4124     fHWBoundRenderTargetUniqueID.makeInvalid();
   4125     GrGLIRect srcGLRect;
   4126     srcGLRect.setRelativeTo(srcVP, srcRect, srcOrigin);
   4128     this->setScratchTextureUnit();
   4129     GL_CALL(BindTexture(dstTex->target(), dstTex->textureID()));
   4130     GrGLint dstY;
   4131     if (kBottomLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin == dstOrigin) {
   4132         dstY = dst->height() - (dstPoint.fY + srcGLRect.fHeight);
   4133     } else {
   4134         dstY = dstPoint.fY;
   4135     }
   4136     GL_CALL(CopyTexSubImage2D(dstTex->target(), 0,
   4137                               dstPoint.fX, dstY,
   4138                               srcGLRect.fLeft, srcGLRect.fBottom,
   4139                               srcGLRect.fWidth, srcGLRect.fHeight));
   4140     this->unbindTextureFBOForPixelOps(GR_GL_FRAMEBUFFER, src);
   4141     SkIRect dstRect = SkIRect::MakeXYWH(dstPoint.fX, dstPoint.fY,
   4142                                         srcRect.width(), srcRect.height());
   4143     this->didWriteToSurface(dst, &dstRect);
   4144 }
   4146 bool GrGLGpu::copySurfaceAsBlitFramebuffer(GrSurface* dst, GrSurfaceOrigin dstOrigin,
   4147                                            GrSurface* src, GrSurfaceOrigin srcOrigin,
   4148                                            const SkIRect& srcRect,
   4149                                            const SkIPoint& dstPoint) {
   4150     SkASSERT(can_blit_framebuffer_for_copy_surface(dst, dstOrigin, src, srcOrigin,
   4151                                                    srcRect, dstPoint, this));
   4152     SkIRect dstRect = SkIRect::MakeXYWH(dstPoint.fX, dstPoint.fY,
   4153                                         srcRect.width(), srcRect.height());
   4154     if (dst == src) {
   4155         if (SkIRect::IntersectsNoEmptyCheck(dstRect, srcRect)) {
   4156             return false;
   4157         }
   4158     }
   4160     GrGLIRect dstVP;
   4161     GrGLIRect srcVP;
   4162     this->bindSurfaceFBOForPixelOps(dst, GR_GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, &dstVP, kDst_TempFBOTarget);
   4163     this->bindSurfaceFBOForPixelOps(src, GR_GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER, &srcVP, kSrc_TempFBOTarget);
   4164     // We modified the bound FBO
   4165     fHWBoundRenderTargetUniqueID.makeInvalid();
   4166     GrGLIRect srcGLRect;
   4167     GrGLIRect dstGLRect;
   4168     srcGLRect.setRelativeTo(srcVP, srcRect, srcOrigin);
   4169     dstGLRect.setRelativeTo(dstVP, dstRect, dstOrigin);
   4171     // BlitFrameBuffer respects the scissor, so disable it.
   4172     this->disableScissor();
   4173     this->disableWindowRectangles();
   4175     GrGLint srcY0;
   4176     GrGLint srcY1;
   4177     // Does the blit need to y-mirror or not?
   4178     if (srcOrigin == dstOrigin) {
   4179         srcY0 = srcGLRect.fBottom;
   4180         srcY1 = srcGLRect.fBottom + srcGLRect.fHeight;
   4181     } else {
   4182         srcY0 = srcGLRect.fBottom + srcGLRect.fHeight;
   4183         srcY1 = srcGLRect.fBottom;
   4184     }
   4185     GL_CALL(BlitFramebuffer(srcGLRect.fLeft,
   4186                             srcY0,
   4187                             srcGLRect.fLeft + srcGLRect.fWidth,
   4188                             srcY1,
   4189                             dstGLRect.fLeft,
   4190                             dstGLRect.fBottom,
   4191                             dstGLRect.fLeft + dstGLRect.fWidth,
   4192                             dstGLRect.fBottom + dstGLRect.fHeight,
   4193                             GR_GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, GR_GL_NEAREST));
   4194     this->unbindTextureFBOForPixelOps(GR_GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, dst);
   4195     this->unbindTextureFBOForPixelOps(GR_GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER, src);
   4196     this->didWriteToSurface(dst, &dstRect);
   4197     return true;
   4198 }
   4200 // Manual implementation of mipmap generation, to work around driver bugs w/sRGB.
   4201 // Uses draw calls to do a series of downsample operations to successive mips.
   4202 // If this returns false, then the calling code falls back to using glGenerateMipmap.
   4203 bool GrGLGpu::generateMipmap(GrGLTexture* texture, GrSurfaceOrigin textureOrigin,
   4204                              bool gammaCorrect) {
   4205     SkASSERT(!GrPixelConfigIsSint(texture->config()));
   4206     // Our iterative downsample requires the ability to limit which level we're sampling:
   4207     if (!this->glCaps().doManualMipmapping()) {
   4208         return false;
   4209     }
   4211     // Mipmaps are only supported on 2D textures:
   4212     if (GR_GL_TEXTURE_2D != texture->target()) {
   4213         return false;
   4214     }
   4216     // We need to be able to render to the texture for this to work:
   4217     if (!this->glCaps().canConfigBeFBOColorAttachment(texture->config())) {
   4218         return false;
   4219     }
   4221     // If we're mipping an sRGB texture, we need to ensure FB sRGB is correct:
   4222     if (GrPixelConfigIsSRGB(texture->config())) {
   4223         // If we have write-control, just set the state that we want:
   4224         if (this->glCaps().srgbWriteControl()) {
   4225             this->flushFramebufferSRGB(gammaCorrect);
   4226         } else if (!gammaCorrect) {
   4227             // If we don't have write-control we can't do non-gamma-correct mipmapping:
   4228             return false;
   4229         }
   4230     }
   4232     int width = texture->width();
   4233     int height = texture->height();
   4234     int levelCount = SkMipMap::ComputeLevelCount(width, height) + 1;
   4236     // Define all mips, if we haven't previously done so:
   4237     if (0 == texture->texturePriv().maxMipMapLevel()) {
   4238         GrGLenum internalFormat;
   4239         GrGLenum externalFormat;
   4240         GrGLenum externalType;
   4241         if (!this->glCaps().getTexImageFormats(texture->config(), texture->config(),
   4242                                                &internalFormat, &externalFormat, &externalType)) {
   4243             return false;
   4244         }
   4246         this->unbindCpuToGpuXferBuffer();
   4248         for (GrGLint level = 1; level < levelCount; ++level) {
   4249             // Define the next mip:
   4250             width = SkTMax(1, width / 2);
   4251             height = SkTMax(1, height / 2);
   4252             GL_ALLOC_CALL(this->glInterface(), TexImage2D(GR_GL_TEXTURE_2D, level, internalFormat,
   4253                                                           width, height, 0,
   4254                                                           externalFormat, externalType, nullptr));
   4255         }
   4256     }
   4258     // Create (if necessary), then bind temporary FBO:
   4259     if (0 == fTempDstFBOID) {
   4260         GL_CALL(GenFramebuffers(1, &fTempDstFBOID));
   4261     }
   4262     GL_CALL(BindFramebuffer(GR_GL_FRAMEBUFFER, fTempDstFBOID));
   4263     fHWBoundRenderTargetUniqueID.makeInvalid();
   4265     // Bind the texture, to get things configured for filtering.
   4266     // We'll be changing our base level further below:
   4267     this->setTextureUnit(0);
   4268     this->bindTexture(0, GrSamplerState::ClampBilerp(), gammaCorrect, texture, textureOrigin);
   4270     // Vertex data:
   4271     if (!fMipmapProgramArrayBuffer) {
   4272         static const GrGLfloat vdata[] = {
   4273             0, 0,
   4274             0, 1,
   4275             1, 0,
   4276             1, 1
   4277         };
   4278         fMipmapProgramArrayBuffer.reset(GrGLBuffer::Create(this, sizeof(vdata),
   4279                                                            kVertex_GrBufferType,
   4280                                                            kStatic_GrAccessPattern, vdata));
   4281     }
   4282     if (!fMipmapProgramArrayBuffer) {
   4283         return false;
   4284     }
   4286     fHWVertexArrayState.setVertexArrayID(this, 0);
   4288     GrGLAttribArrayState* attribs = fHWVertexArrayState.bindInternalVertexArray(this);
   4289     attribs->enableVertexArrays(this, 1);
   4290     attribs->set(this, 0, fMipmapProgramArrayBuffer.get(), kHalf2_GrVertexAttribType,
   4291                  2 * sizeof(GrGLfloat), 0);
   4293     // Set "simple" state once:
   4294     GrXferProcessor::BlendInfo blendInfo;
   4295     blendInfo.reset();
   4296     this->flushBlend(blendInfo, GrSwizzle::RGBA());
   4297     this->flushColorWrite(true);
   4298     this->flushHWAAState(nullptr, false, false);
   4299     this->disableScissor();
   4300     this->disableWindowRectangles();
   4301     this->disableStencil();
   4303     // Do all the blits:
   4304     width = texture->width();
   4305     height = texture->height();
   4306     GrGLIRect viewport;
   4307     viewport.fLeft = 0;
   4308     viewport.fBottom = 0;
   4309     for (GrGLint level = 1; level < levelCount; ++level) {
   4310         // Get and bind the program for this particular downsample (filter shape can vary):
   4311         int progIdx = TextureSizeToMipmapProgramIdx(width, height);
   4312         if (!fMipmapPrograms[progIdx].fProgram) {
   4313             if (!this->createMipmapProgram(progIdx)) {
   4314                 SkDebugf("Failed to create mipmap program.\n");
   4315                 return false;
   4316             }
   4317         }
   4318         GL_CALL(UseProgram(fMipmapPrograms[progIdx].fProgram));
   4319         fHWProgramID = fMipmapPrograms[progIdx].fProgram;
   4321         // Texcoord uniform is expected to contain (1/w, (w-1)/w, 1/h, (h-1)/h)
   4322         const float invWidth = 1.0f / width;
   4323         const float invHeight = 1.0f / height;
   4324         GL_CALL(Uniform4f(fMipmapPrograms[progIdx].fTexCoordXformUniform,
   4325                           invWidth, (width - 1) * invWidth, invHeight, (height - 1) * invHeight));
   4326         GL_CALL(Uniform1i(fMipmapPrograms[progIdx].fTextureUniform, 0));
   4328         // Only sample from previous mip
   4329         GL_CALL(TexParameteri(GR_GL_TEXTURE_2D, GR_GL_TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL, level - 1));
   4331         GL_CALL(FramebufferTexture2D(GR_GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GR_GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0,
   4332                                      GR_GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture->textureID(), level));
   4334         width = SkTMax(1, width / 2);
   4335         height = SkTMax(1, height / 2);
   4336         viewport.fWidth = width;
   4337         viewport.fHeight = height;
   4338         this->flushViewport(viewport);
   4340         GL_CALL(DrawArrays(GR_GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4));
   4341     }
   4343     // Unbind:
   4345                                  GR_GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0));
   4347     return true;
   4348 }
   4350 void GrGLGpu::onQueryMultisampleSpecs(GrRenderTarget* rt, GrSurfaceOrigin rtOrigin,
   4351                                       const GrStencilSettings& stencil,
   4352                                       int* effectiveSampleCnt, SamplePattern* samplePattern) {
   4353     SkASSERT(GrFSAAType::kMixedSamples != rt->fsaaType() ||
   4354              rt->renderTargetPriv().getStencilAttachment() || stencil.isDisabled());
   4356     this->flushStencil(stencil);
   4357     this->flushHWAAState(rt, true, !stencil.isDisabled());
   4358     this->flushRenderTarget(static_cast<GrGLRenderTarget*>(rt), &SkIRect::EmptyIRect());
   4360     if (0 != this->caps()->maxRasterSamples()) {
   4361         GR_GL_GetIntegerv(this->glInterface(), GR_GL_EFFECTIVE_RASTER_SAMPLES, effectiveSampleCnt);
   4362     } else {
   4363         GR_GL_GetIntegerv(this->glInterface(), GR_GL_SAMPLES, effectiveSampleCnt);
   4364     }
   4366     SkASSERT(*effectiveSampleCnt >= rt->numStencilSamples());
   4368     if (this->caps()->sampleLocationsSupport()) {
   4369         samplePattern->reset(*effectiveSampleCnt);
   4370         for (int i = 0; i < *effectiveSampleCnt; ++i) {
   4371             GrGLfloat pos[2];
   4372             GL_CALL(GetMultisamplefv(GR_GL_SAMPLE_POSITION, i, pos));
   4373             if (kTopLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin == rtOrigin) {
   4374                 (*samplePattern)[i].set(pos[0], pos[1]);
   4375             } else {
   4376                 (*samplePattern)[i].set(pos[0], 1 - pos[1]);
   4377             }
   4378         }
   4379     }
   4380 }
   4382 void GrGLGpu::xferBarrier(GrRenderTarget* rt, GrXferBarrierType type) {
   4383     SkASSERT(type);
   4384     switch (type) {
   4385         case kTexture_GrXferBarrierType: {
   4386             GrGLRenderTarget* glrt = static_cast<GrGLRenderTarget*>(rt);
   4387             SkASSERT(glrt->textureFBOID() != 0 && glrt->renderFBOID() != 0);
   4388             if (glrt->textureFBOID() != glrt->renderFBOID()) {
   4389                 // The render target uses separate storage so no need for glTextureBarrier.
   4390                 // FIXME: The render target will resolve automatically when its texture is bound,
   4391                 // but we could resolve only the bounds that will be read if we do it here instead.
   4392                 return;
   4393             }
   4394             SkASSERT(this->caps()->textureBarrierSupport());
   4395             GL_CALL(TextureBarrier());
   4396             return;
   4397         }
   4398         case kBlend_GrXferBarrierType:
   4399             SkASSERT(GrCaps::kAdvanced_BlendEquationSupport ==
   4400                      this->caps()->blendEquationSupport());
   4401             GL_CALL(BlendBarrier());
   4402             return;
   4403         default: break; // placate compiler warnings that kNone not handled
   4404     }
   4405 }
   4407 GrBackendTexture GrGLGpu::createTestingOnlyBackendTexture(void* pixels, int w, int h,
   4408                                                           GrPixelConfig config, bool /*isRT*/,
   4409                                                           GrMipMapped mipMapped) {
   4410     if (!this->caps()->isConfigTexturable(config)) {
   4411         return GrBackendTexture();  // invalid
   4412     }
   4414     // Currently we don't support uploading pixel data when mipped.
   4415     if (pixels && GrMipMapped::kYes == mipMapped) {
   4416         return GrBackendTexture();  // invalid
   4417     }
   4419     GrGLTextureInfo info;
   4420     info.fTarget = GR_GL_TEXTURE_2D;
   4421     info.fID = 0;
   4422     GL_CALL(GenTextures(1, &info.fID));
   4423     GL_CALL(ActiveTexture(GR_GL_TEXTURE0));
   4424     GL_CALL(PixelStorei(GR_GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1));
   4425     GL_CALL(BindTexture(info.fTarget, info.fID));
   4426     fHWBoundTextureUniqueIDs[0].makeInvalid();
   4427     GL_CALL(TexParameteri(info.fTarget, GR_GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GR_GL_NEAREST));
   4428     GL_CALL(TexParameteri(info.fTarget, GR_GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GR_GL_NEAREST));
   4429     GL_CALL(TexParameteri(info.fTarget, GR_GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GR_GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE));
   4430     GL_CALL(TexParameteri(info.fTarget, GR_GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GR_GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE));
   4432     GrGLenum internalFormat;
   4433     GrGLenum externalFormat;
   4434     GrGLenum externalType;
   4436     if (!this->glCaps().getTexImageFormats(config, config, &internalFormat, &externalFormat,
   4437                                            &externalType)) {
   4438         return GrBackendTexture();  // invalid
   4439     }
   4441     info.fFormat = this->glCaps().configSizedInternalFormat(config);
   4443     this->unbindCpuToGpuXferBuffer();
   4445     // Figure out the number of mip levels.
   4446     int mipLevels = 1;
   4447     if (GrMipMapped::kYes == mipMapped) {
   4448         mipLevels = SkMipMap::ComputeLevelCount(w, h) + 1;
   4449     }
   4451     size_t bpp = GrBytesPerPixel(config);
   4452     size_t baseLayerSize = bpp * w * h;
   4453     SkAutoMalloc defaultStorage(baseLayerSize);
   4454     if (!pixels) {
   4455         // Fill in the texture with all zeros so we don't have random garbage
   4456         pixels = defaultStorage.get();
   4457         memset(pixels, 0, baseLayerSize);
   4458     }
   4460     int width = w;
   4461     int height = h;
   4462     for (int i = 0; i < mipLevels; ++i) {
   4463         GL_CALL(TexImage2D(info.fTarget, i, internalFormat, width, height, 0, externalFormat,
   4464                            externalType, pixels));
   4465         width = SkTMax(1, width / 2);
   4466         height = SkTMax(1, height / 2);
   4467     }
   4469     return GrBackendTexture(w, h, mipMapped, info);
   4470 }
   4472 bool GrGLGpu::isTestingOnlyBackendTexture(const GrBackendTexture& tex) const {
   4473     SkASSERT(kOpenGL_GrBackend == tex.backend());
   4475     const GrGLTextureInfo* info = tex.getGLTextureInfo();
   4476     if (!info) {
   4477         return false;
   4478     }
   4480     GrGLboolean result;
   4481     GL_CALL_RET(result, IsTexture(info->fID));
   4483     return (GR_GL_TRUE == result);
   4484 }
   4486 void GrGLGpu::deleteTestingOnlyBackendTexture(GrBackendTexture* tex, bool abandonTexture) {
   4487     SkASSERT(kOpenGL_GrBackend == tex->backend());
   4489     const GrGLTextureInfo* info = tex->getGLTextureInfo();
   4490     if (info && !abandonTexture) {
   4491         GrGLuint texID = info->fID;
   4493         GL_CALL(DeleteTextures(1, &texID));
   4494     }
   4495 }
   4497 void GrGLGpu::resetShaderCacheForTesting() const {
   4498     fProgramCache->abandon();
   4499 }
   4501 void GrGLGpu::testingOnly_flushGpuAndSync() {
   4502     GL_CALL(Finish());
   4503 }
   4505 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   4507 GrGLAttribArrayState* GrGLGpu::HWVertexArrayState::bindInternalVertexArray(GrGLGpu* gpu,
   4508                                                                            const GrBuffer* ibuf) {
   4509     GrGLAttribArrayState* attribState;
   4511     if (gpu->glCaps().isCoreProfile()) {
   4512         if (!fCoreProfileVertexArray) {
   4513             GrGLuint arrayID;
   4514             GR_GL_CALL(gpu->glInterface(), GenVertexArrays(1, &arrayID));
   4515             int attrCount = gpu->glCaps().maxVertexAttributes();
   4516             fCoreProfileVertexArray = new GrGLVertexArray(arrayID, attrCount);
   4517         }
   4518         if (ibuf) {
   4519             attribState = fCoreProfileVertexArray->bindWithIndexBuffer(gpu, ibuf);
   4520         } else {
   4521             attribState = fCoreProfileVertexArray->bind(gpu);
   4522         }
   4523     } else {
   4524         if (ibuf) {
   4525             // bindBuffer implicitly binds VAO 0 when binding an index buffer.
   4526             gpu->bindBuffer(kIndex_GrBufferType, ibuf);
   4527         } else {
   4528             this->setVertexArrayID(gpu, 0);
   4529         }
   4530         int attrCount = gpu->glCaps().maxVertexAttributes();
   4531         if (fDefaultVertexArrayAttribState.count() != attrCount) {
   4532             fDefaultVertexArrayAttribState.resize(attrCount);
   4533         }
   4534         attribState = &fDefaultVertexArrayAttribState;
   4535     }
   4536     return attribState;
   4537 }
   4539 bool GrGLGpu::onIsACopyNeededForTextureParams(GrTextureProxy* proxy,
   4540                                               const GrSamplerState& textureParams,
   4541                                               GrTextureProducer::CopyParams* copyParams,
   4542                                               SkScalar scaleAdjust[2]) const {
   4543     const GrTexture* texture = proxy->priv().peekTexture();
   4544     if (!texture) {
   4545         // The only way to get and EXTERNAL or RECTANGLE texture in Ganesh is to wrap them.
   4546         // In that case the proxy should already be instantiated.
   4547         return false;
   4548     }
   4550     if (textureParams.isRepeated() || GrSamplerState::Filter::kMipMap == textureParams.filter()) {
   4551         const GrGLTexture* glTexture = static_cast<const GrGLTexture*>(texture);
   4552         if (GR_GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL == glTexture->target() ||
   4553             GR_GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE == glTexture->target()) {
   4554             copyParams->fFilter = GrSamplerState::Filter::kNearest;
   4555             copyParams->fWidth = texture->width();
   4556             copyParams->fHeight = texture->height();
   4557             return true;
   4558         }
   4559     }
   4560     return false;
   4561 }
   4563 void GrGLGpu::onFinishFlush(bool insertedSemaphore) {
   4564     // If we inserted semaphores during the flush, we need to call GLFlush.
   4565     if (insertedSemaphore) {
   4566         GL_CALL(Flush());
   4567     }
   4568 }
   4570 GrFence SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT GrGLGpu::insertFence() {
   4571     SkASSERT(this->caps()->fenceSyncSupport());
   4572     GrGLsync sync;
   4573     GL_CALL_RET(sync, FenceSync(GR_GL_SYNC_GPU_COMMANDS_COMPLETE, 0));
   4574     GR_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(GrFence) >= sizeof(GrGLsync));
   4575     return (GrFence)sync;
   4576 }
   4578 bool GrGLGpu::waitFence(GrFence fence, uint64_t timeout) {
   4579     GrGLenum result;
   4580     GL_CALL_RET(result, ClientWaitSync((GrGLsync)fence, GR_GL_SYNC_FLUSH_COMMANDS_BIT, timeout));
   4581     return (GR_GL_CONDITION_SATISFIED == result);
   4582 }
   4584 void GrGLGpu::deleteFence(GrFence fence) const {
   4585     this->deleteSync((GrGLsync)fence);
   4586 }
   4588 sk_sp<GrSemaphore> SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT GrGLGpu::makeSemaphore(bool isOwned) {
   4589     SkASSERT(this->caps()->fenceSyncSupport());
   4590     return GrGLSemaphore::Make(this, isOwned);
   4591 }
   4593 sk_sp<GrSemaphore> GrGLGpu::wrapBackendSemaphore(const GrBackendSemaphore& semaphore,
   4594                                                  GrResourceProvider::SemaphoreWrapType wrapType,
   4595                                                  GrWrapOwnership ownership) {
   4596     SkASSERT(this->caps()->fenceSyncSupport());
   4597     return GrGLSemaphore::MakeWrapped(this, semaphore.glSync(), ownership);
   4598 }
   4600 void GrGLGpu::insertSemaphore(sk_sp<GrSemaphore> semaphore, bool flush) {
   4601     GrGLSemaphore* glSem = static_cast<GrGLSemaphore*>(semaphore.get());
   4603     GrGLsync sync;
   4604     GL_CALL_RET(sync, FenceSync(GR_GL_SYNC_GPU_COMMANDS_COMPLETE, 0));
   4605     glSem->setSync(sync);
   4607     if (flush) {
   4608         GL_CALL(Flush());
   4609     }
   4610 }
   4612 void GrGLGpu::waitSemaphore(sk_sp<GrSemaphore> semaphore) {
   4613     GrGLSemaphore* glSem = static_cast<GrGLSemaphore*>(semaphore.get());
   4615     GL_CALL(WaitSync(glSem->sync(), 0, GR_GL_TIMEOUT_IGNORED));
   4616 }
   4618 void GrGLGpu::deleteSync(GrGLsync sync) const {
   4619     GL_CALL(DeleteSync(sync));
   4620 }
   4622 void GrGLGpu::insertEventMarker(const char* msg) {
   4623     GL_CALL(InsertEventMarker(strlen(msg), msg));
   4624 }
   4626 sk_sp<GrSemaphore> GrGLGpu::prepareTextureForCrossContextUsage(GrTexture* texture) {
   4627     // Set up a semaphore to be signaled once the data is ready, and flush GL
   4628     sk_sp<GrSemaphore> semaphore = this->makeSemaphore(true);
   4629     this->insertSemaphore(semaphore, true);
   4631     return semaphore;
   4632 }
   4634 int GrGLGpu::TextureToCopyProgramIdx(GrTexture* texture) {
   4635     switch (texture->texturePriv().samplerType()) {
   4636         case kTexture2DSampler_GrSLType:
   4637             return 0;
   4638         case kITexture2DSampler_GrSLType:
   4639             return 1;
   4640         case kTexture2DRectSampler_GrSLType:
   4641             return 2;
   4642         case kTextureExternalSampler_GrSLType:
   4643             return 3;
   4644         default:
   4645             SK_ABORT("Unexpected samper type");
   4646             return 0;
   4647     }
   4648 }
   4650 void GrGLGpu::onDumpJSON(SkJSONWriter* writer) const {
   4651     // We are called by the base class, which has already called beginObject(). We choose to nest
   4652     // all of our caps information in a named sub-object.
   4653     writer->beginObject("GL GPU");
   4655     const GrGLubyte* str;
   4656     GL_CALL_RET(str, GetString(GR_GL_VERSION));
   4657     writer->appendString("GL_VERSION", (const char*)(str));
   4658     GL_CALL_RET(str, GetString(GR_GL_RENDERER));
   4659     writer->appendString("GL_RENDERER", (const char*)(str));
   4660     GL_CALL_RET(str, GetString(GR_GL_VENDOR));
   4661     writer->appendString("GL_VENDOR", (const char*)(str));
   4663     writer->appendString("GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION", (const char*)(str));
   4665     writer->appendName("extensions");
   4666     glInterface()->fExtensions.dumpJSON(writer);
   4668     writer->endObject();
   4669 }